
Management, Work and Organisation

Outputs related to Management, Work and Organisation

Showing 501 to 600 of 1502

Book Chapter

Leleux C & Webster CWR (2018) Resilience, surveillance and big data in crisis management: case studies from Europe, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. In: Boersma K & Fonio C (eds.) Big Data, Surveillance and Crisis Management. Routledge Studies in Surveillance, 1. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 121-142. https://www.routledge.com/Big-Data-Surveillance-and-Crisis-Management/Boersma-Fonio/p/book/9781138195431

Book Chapter

Perchard A (2017) A Little Local Difficulty? Deindustrialization and Glocalization in a Scottish Town. In: High S, Mackinnon L & Perchard A (eds.) The Deindustrialized World: Confronting Ruination in Postindustrial Places. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, pp. 284-312. https://www.ubcpress.ca/the-deindustrialized-world

Book Review

Perchard A (2017) Aluminum Upcycled: Sustainable Design in Historical Perspective. Review of: Aluminum Upcycled: Sustainable Design in Historical Perspective by Carl A. Zimring. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2017. xii + 198 pages ISBN: 978-1-4214-2186-5. Business History Review, 91 (3), pp. 603-606. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007680517001131

Book Chapter

Habiyaremye P, Ayebale D & Wanyama SB (2017) Job-Rotation, Utilization of Workshops, and Performance of SMEs: An Empirical Study from the Gasabo District in Rwanda. In: Achtenhagen L & Brundin E (eds.) Management Challenges in Different Types of African Firms: Processes, Practices and Performance. Frontiers in African Business Research. Singapore: Springer-Verlag Singapore Pte Ltd, pp. 187-204. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-4536-3_11

Book Chapter

McQuaid R (2017) The provision of skills information in Scotland and its governance – Skills Investment Plans and Regional Skills Assessments. In: Larsen C, Rand S, Schmid A, Nagel T & Hoess H (eds.) The Importance of Governance in Regional Labour Market Monitoring for Evidence-based Policy-making. Munich, Germany: Rainer Hampp Verlag, pp. 263-276. http://www.hampp-verlag.de/


Burnes B & Bargal D (2017) Kurt Lewin: 70 Years On. Journal of Change Management, 17 (2), pp. 91-100. https://doi.org/10.1080/14697017.2017.1299371

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Mackay D, Perchard A, Mackenzie N & Burt G (2017) Going against the grain: examining negative capability as an antecedent of dynamic capability in the Scotch Whisky Industry, 1960-85. British Academy of Management 31st Annual Conference, Warwick Business School, 05.09.2017-07.09.2017. https://www.bam.ac.uk/sites/bam.ac.uk/files/BAM2017__Digital_pdf.pdf


Seaman C, McQuaid R & Pearson M (2017) Social Networking in Family Businesses in a Local Economy. Local Economy, 32 (5), pp. 451-466. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0269094217722505; https://doi.org/10.1177/0269094217722505

Book Chapter

Egan M, Daly M & Delaney L (2017) Childhood psychological predictors of lifelong economic outcomes. In: Ranyard R (ed.) Economic Psychology. London: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 337-353. http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-111892634X.html


Johnson J & Wood AM (2017) Integrating Positive and Clinical Psychology: Viewing Human Functioning as Continua from Positive to Negative Can Benefit Clinical Assessment, Interventions and Understandings of Resilience. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 41 (3), pp. 335-349. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10608-015-9728-y


Findlay P & Thompson P (2017) Contemporary work: Its meanings and demands. Journal of Industrial Relations, 59 (2), pp. 122-138. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022185616672251

Authored Book

Thompson M, Mawson S & Martin F (2017) Social Entrepreneurs: Can They Change the World?. 2nd ed. London: Palgrave. https://he.palgrave.com/page/detail/Social-Entrepreneurs/?K=9781137520074

Book Chapter

Perriton L & Singh A (2016) Critical voices in management education in the UK. In: Staeyert C, Beyes T & Parker M (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Reinventing Management Education. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting. Abigndon, UK: Routledge, pp. 77-90. https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Companion-to-Reinventing-Management-Education/Steyaert-Beyes-Parker/p/book/9780415727372

Book Chapter

Perchard A (2016) Professionalisation and identity in the twentieth century British coal industry. In: Bertilorenzi M, Passaquai JP & Gar?on AF (eds.) Entre technique et gestion: Une histoire des “ingénieurs civil des mines” (XIXe- XXe siècles). Paris: Presses des Mines, pp. 203-232. https://www.pressesdesmines.com/produit/entre-technique-et-gestion/

Book Chapter

Wood AM (2016) Hope and Gratitude. In: Bormans L (ed.) World Book of Hope: The Source of happiness, success & strength. Tielt, Belgium: Lanoo, pp. 94-96. http://www.lannoo.be/world-book-hope-english-edition


Briguglio M, Delaney L & Wood AM (2016) Voluntary recycling despite disincentives. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 59 (10), pp. 1751-1774. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2015.1086323

Book Chapter

Mould G, Bowers J, Dewar C & McGugan E (2016) Assessing the Impact of Systems Modelling in the Redesign of an Emergency Department. In: Mustafee N (ed.) Operational Research for Emergency Planning in Healthcare: Volume 2. OR Essentials. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 31-47. http://www.palgrave.com/de/book/9781137573261

Book Chapter

Fuertes V & McQuaid R (2016) Personalized activation policies for the long-term unemployed: the role of local governance in the UK. In: Heidenreich M & Rice D (eds.) Integrating Social and Employment Policies in Europe: Active Inclusion and Challenges for Local Welfare Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 93-117. http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/integrating-social-and-employment-policies-in-europe

Authored Book

Arnold J, Randall R, Patterson F, Silvester J, Robertson I, Cooper CL, Burnes B, Harris D & Axtell C (2016) Work Psychology: Understanding Human Behaviour in the Workplace. 6th ed. Harlow: Pearson. http://www.pearsoned.co.uk/bookshop/detail.asp?item=100000000493136

Book Chapter

Randall J & Burnes B (2016) Managers as consultants. In: Burnes B & Randall J (eds.) Perspectives on Change: What Academics, Consultants and Managers Really Think about Change. Routledge Studies in Organizational Change and Development, 13. London: Routledge, pp. 203-206. https://www.routledge.com/Perspectives-on-Change-What-Academics-Consultants-and-Managers-Really/Burnes-Randall/p/book/9781138930124

Book Chapter

Randall J & Burnes B (2016) Consultancy cares. In: Burnes B & Randall J (eds.) Perspectives on Change: What Academics, Consultants and Managers Really Think about Change. Routledge Studies in Organizational Change and Development, 13. London: Routledge, pp. 105-107. https://www.routledge.com/Perspectives-on-Change-What-Academics-Consultants-and-Managers-Really/Burnes-Randall/p/book/9781138930124

Book Chapter

Burnes B & Randall J (2016) Introduction. In: Burnes B & Randall J (eds.) Perspectives on Change: What Academics, Consultants and Managers Really Think about Change. Routledge Studies in Organizational Change and Development, 13. London: Routledge, pp. xi-xv. https://www.routledge.com/Perspectives-on-Change-What-Academics-Consultants-and-Managers-Really/Burnes-Randall/p/book/9781138930124

Book Chapter

Randall J & Burnes B (2016) An academic debate and practice. In: Burnes B & Randall J (eds.) Perspectives on Change: What Academics, Consultants and Managers Really Think about Change. Routledge Studies in Organizational Change and Development, 13. London: Routledge, pp. 1-4. https://www.routledge.com/Perspectives-on-Change-What-Academics-Consultants-and-Managers-Really/Burnes-Randall/p/book/9781138930124

Book Chapter

Burnes B & Randall J (2016) Postscript. In: Burnes B & Randall J (eds.) Perspectives on Change: What Academics, Consultants and Managers Really Think about Change. Routledge Studies in Organizational Change and Development, 13. London: Routledge, pp. 267-269. https://www.routledge.com/Perspectives-on-Change-What-Academics-Consultants-and-Managers-Really/Burnes-Randall/p/book/9781138930124

Book Chapter

Ackroyd S & Thompson P (2016) Unruly Subjects: Misbehaviour in the Workplace. In: Edgell S, Gottfried H & Granter E (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment. London: SAGE, pp. 185-204. https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/the-sage-handbook-of-the-sociology-of-work-and-employment/book241928

Book Chapter

Thompson P & Newsome K (2016) The Dynamics of Dignity at Work. In: Keister L & Roscigno V (eds.) A Gedenkschrift to Randy Hodson: Working with Dignity. Research in the Sociology of Work, 28. Bingley: Emerald Press, pp. 79-100. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/S0277-283320160000028008


Rouder J, Engelhardt C, McCabe S & Morey R (2016) Model comparison in ANOVA. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 23 (6), pp. 1779-1786. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-016-1026-5

Book Chapter

Eikhof DR (2016) Knowledge work and flexible working: Helping or hindering working women?. In: Connerley M & Wu J (eds.) Handbook on Well-Being of Working Women. International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 361-374. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-017-9897-6_21