
Applied Social Science

Outputs related to Applied Social Science

Showing 201 to 300 of 398

Book Chapter

Gelsthorpe L & McIvor G (2007) Difference and diversity in probation. In: Gelsthorpe L & Morgan R (eds.) Handbook of Probation. Cullompton UK and Portland OR: Willan Publishing, pp. 322-351. http://www.willanpublishing.co.uk/cgi-bin/indexer?product=1843921898

Book Chapter

McIvor G & McNeill F (2007) Probation in Scotland: past, present and future. In: Gelsthorpe L & Morgan R (eds.) Handbook of Probation. Portland, Oregon: Willan Publishing, pp. 131-154. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Handbook-Probation-Loraine-Gelsthorpe/dp/1843921898/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1335518489&sr=1-1

Book Chapter

Goodwin K & McIvor G (2006) Women and Community Service Orders: The Experience in Scotland. In: Immarigeon R (ed.) Women and Girls in the Criminal Justice System: Policy Issues and Practice Strategies, Volume 1. Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute. pp. 46:1-10. http://www.civicresearchinstitute.com/wgc_book.html

Research Report

Trotter C, Sheehan R & McIvor G (2006) Women After Prison. Monash University School of Social Work. http://www.justice.vic.gov.au/resources/722b1f76-4fb1-41b3-bc4d-3e23f6e36b81/sheehan_1445_wed.pdf

Book Chapter

Robertson D (2006) Scotland's new towns: a corporatism experiment. In: Beech J, Hand O, Mulhern M & Weston J (eds.) Scottish Life and Society Volume 9: The Individual and Community Life - A Compendium of Scottish Ethnology. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, pp. 372-402. http://www.birlinn.co.uk/search.php?mode=search&page=1

Research Report

McIvor G, Barnsdale L, MacRae R, Brown A, Eley Morris S, Malloch M, Murray C, Piacentini L, Walters R & Stewart D (2006) Evaluation of the Airdrie and Hamilton Youth Court Pilots. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice, Social Research. Scottish Executive. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/06/13155406/0

Research Report

Barnsdale L, MacRae R, McIvor G, Brown A, Eley S, Malloch M, Murray C, Piacentini L, Popham F & Walters R (2006) Evaluation of the Airdrie Sheriff Youth Court Pilot. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice, Social Research. Scottish Executive, Social Research. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/06/09142825/0

Research Report

Birch A, Dobbie F, Chalmers T, Barnsdale L, McIvor G & Yates R (2006) Evaluation of the Arrest Referral Pilot Schemes - Research Findings. Crime and Criminal Justice Research Findings, 87/2006. Scottish Executive. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/07/14102246/2

Research Report

Birch A, Dobbie F, Chalmers T, Barnsdale L, McIvor G & Yates R (2006) Evaluation of the Arrest Referral Pilot Schemes. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice, Social Research. Scottish Executive, Social Research. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/07/14102215/0

Research Report

Barnsdale L, MacRae R, McIvor G, Brown A, Eley S, Malloch M, Murray C, Piacentini L, Popham F & Walters R (2006) Evaluation of the Airdrie Sheriff Youth Court Pilot - Research Findings. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice Research Findings, 84. Scottish Executive Social Research. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/129257/0030788.pdf

Research Report

McIvor G, Barnsdale L, MacRae R, Dunlop S, Brown A, Eley S, Malloch M, Murray C, Murray L, Piacentini L, Popham F & Walters R (2006) Evaluation of the Airdrie and Hamilton Youth Court Pilots - Research findings. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice Research Findings, 85. Scottish Executive Social Research. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/06/13155439/1

Research Report

Loucks N, Malloch M, McIvor G & Gelsthorpe L (2006) Evaluation of the 218 Centre. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice, Social Research. Scottish Executive Justice Department. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/04/24161157/0

Research Report

McIvor G, Barnsdale L, Eley S, Malloch M, Yates R & Brown A (2006) The Operation and Effectiveness of the Scottish Drug Court Pilots. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice, Social Research. Scottish Executive. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/03/28112035/0

Book Chapter

McIvor G (2005) Community service and restitution programs. In: Miller J & Wright R (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Criminology. New York: Routledge. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9781579583873/

Book Chapter

McIvor G (2005) Addressing Youth Crime: Prevention, Diversion and Effective Intervention. In: Mellon M, McGee J & Whyte B (eds.) Meeting Needs, Addressing Deeds: Working with Young People who Offend. Glasgow: NCH Scotland. http://www.socialwork.ed.ac.uk/publications/books/meeting_needs_addressing_deeds

Book Chapter

Yates R, McIvor G, Eley S, Malloch M & Barnsdale L (2005) Coercion in drug treatment: The Impact on motivation, aspiration and outcome. In: Pedersen M, Segraeus V & Hellman M (eds.) Evidence Based Practice? Challenges in Substance Abuse Treatment. Helsinki: Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research, pp. 159-169.

Book Chapter

Robertson D (2005) From hovels to houses, but why not homes?. In: MacAskill K (ed.) Agenda for a New Scotland: Visions of Scotland 2020. Edinburgh: Luath Press. http://www.luath.co.uk/agenda-for-a-new-scotland.html

Book Chapter

Robertson D, McIntosh I & Sim D (2005) The English in Scotland: Focusing on an invisible minority. In: Beech J, Hand O, Mulhern M & Weston J (eds.) Scottish Life and Society Volume 9: The Individual and Community Life - A Compendium of Scottish Ethnology. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, pp. 575-603. http://www.birlinn.co.uk/Scottish-Life-and-Society-The-Individual-and-Community-Life-9780859766326.html

Conference Abstract

Tsolaki M, Papaliagkas V, Mehrabian S, Raycheva MR, Pirttila T, Reynish E, Rodriguez G, Barcikowska M, Spirou L, Pavlovic AM, Boada-Rovira M, Tarraga Mestre L, Papassotiropoulos A & Byrne EJ (2005) Current status and future prospects concerning education of professionals on Alzheimer's disease. XVIIIth World Congress of Neurology, Sydney, Australia, 05/11/2005 - 11/11/2005. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 238 (Supplement 1), pp. S480-S481. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022510X05818544; https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-510X%2805%2981854-4


Ramirez Diaz SP, Gil Gregorio P, Ribera Casado JM, Reynish E, Ousset P, Vellas B & Salmon E (2005) The need for a consensus in the use of assessment tools for Alzheimer's disease: The Feasibility Study (assessment tools for dementia in Alzheimer Centres across Europe), a European Alzheimer's Disease Consortium's (EADC) survey. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20 (8), pp. 744-748. https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.1355

Research Report

Popham F, McIvor G, Brown A, Eley Morris S, Malloch M, Murray C, Murray L, Piacentini L & Walters R (2005) Evaluation of the Hamilton Youth Court Pilot 2003-2005. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice, Social Research. Scottish Executive Social Research. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2005/05/26105519/55205

Research Report

Popham F, McIvor G, Brown A, Eley S, Malloch M, Murray C, Murray L, Piacentini L & Walters R (2005) Evaluation of the Hamilton Youth Court Pilot 2003-2005 - Research Findings. Crime and Criminal Justice Findings, 80. Scottish Executive Social Research. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/925/0012201.pdf

Book Review

McIvor G (2005) Sex Offenders in the Community: Managing and Reducing the Risks. Review of: Sex Offenders in the Community: Managing and Reducing the Risks by A. Matravers (ed), London: Willan, 2003, 238 pp., ISBN 9781843920151. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 44 (2), pp. 226-227. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2311.2005.369_1.x

Book Chapter

McIvor G (2004) Service with A Smile? Women and Community 'Punishment'. In: McIvor G (ed.) Women Who Offend: Research Highlights in Social Work. Research Highlights in Social Work, 44. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 126-141. http://www.jkp.com/catalogue/book/9781843101543

Book Chapter

McIvor G (2004) Re-discovering personal effectiveness. In: Personal Effectiveness in Working with Offenders. Cardiff: Cognitive Centre Foundation.

Book Chapter

Kemshall H & McIvor G (2004) Sex Offenders: Policy and Legislative Developments. In: Kemshall H & McIvor G (eds.) Managing Sex Offender Risk. Research Highlights in Social Work, 46. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 7-22. http://www.jkp.com/catalogue/book/9781843101970

Book Chapter

Tester S, Hubbard G, Downs M, MacDonald C & Murphy J (2004) Frailty and institutional life. In: Hennessy C & Walker A (eds.) Growing Older: Extending quality of life. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press, pp. 209-224.

Edited Book

McIvor G (ed.) (2004) Women who Offend. Research Highlights in Social Work, 44. London: Jessica Kingsley. http://www.jkp.com/catalogue/book/9781843101543

Edited Book

Kemshall H & McIvor G (eds.) (2004) Managing Sex Offender Risk. Research Highlights in Social Work, 46. London: Jessica Kingsley. http://www.jkp.com/catalogue/book/9781843101970

Book Chapter

McIvor G (2004) Reparative and restorative approaches. In: Bottoms A, Rex S & Robinson G (eds.) Alternatives to Prison: Options for an insecure society. Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing, pp. 162-194. http://www.willanpublishing.co.uk/cgi-bin/indexer?product=1843921049

Research Report

McIvor G, Brown A, Eley S, Malloch M, Murray C, Piacentini L & Walters R (2004) The Hamilton Sheriff Youth Court Pilot: The First Six Months. Scottish Executive. Scottish Executive Social Research. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2004/07/19573/39768

Research Report

McIvor G, Malloch M, Brown A, Murray C, Eley S, Piacentini L & Walters R (2004) The Hamilton Sheriff Youth Court Pilot: The First Six Months. Scottish Executive. Scottish Executive Social Research. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2004/07/19573/39757

Book Chapter

McIvor G, Murray C & Jamieson J (2004) Desistance from crime: Is it different for women and girls?. In: Maruna S & Immarigeon R (eds.) After Crime and Punishment: Pathways to offender reintegration. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, pp. 181-197. http://www.willanpublishing.co.uk/cgi-bin/indexer?product=1843920573

Book Chapter

McIvor G (2004) Getting personal: Developments in policy and practice in Scotland. In: Mair G (ed.) What Matters in Probation. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 305-326. http://www.willanpublishing.co.uk/cgi-bin/indexer?product=1843920522