
Dr John I'Anson

Senior Lecturer

Education 我要吃瓜, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr John I'Anson

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我要吃瓜 me

John is currently Principal Investigator for a Scottish Government research project (2018-21) that inquires into how teachers promote equity in schools through translating theory into practice and supporting colleagues in mentoring relations.

He currently lectures on the Initial Teacher Education (ITE), Professional Education Masters, and Master of Education Research programmes within the Faculty of Social Sciences.

His book, Schooling Indifference (Routledge, 2017), written with Alison Jasper, explores ways in which cultural difference might be engaged within education. He has also written on educational theory, inclusion, and children's rights.

John was until recently Convenor of the Research in Children's Rights network for the European Conference on Educational Research. He is currently Depute Director of the Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection at the 我要吃瓜.

Research (2)

I am a member of the Education Theory and Practice Research Group.

My research to date has both a theoretical and empirical orientation and I draw upon a variety of anthropological and post-structuralist writers.?

Research Projects:? Scottish Attainment Challenge: Making a Positive Difference. Scottish Government. 2018-2021. Principal Investigator.

National Implementation Board - Establishing Sustainable Models of Partnerships. Scottish Government - General. 2014-2016. Principal Investigator.

Aesthetic education and creative practice. Creative Scotland. 2012-2013. Principal Investigator.

How young people’s participation in school supports achievement and attainment. Scotland’s Commissioner For Children & Young People. 2014. Co-Investigator.

Religious and Cultural Difference (R&CD) in Educational Spaces: Engaging with Stakeholders. The Carnegie Trust. 2013-2015. Co-Principal Investigator.

Moving Image Literacies Project. Scottish Screen / Creative Scotland 2009-2011. Principal Investigator.

Teaching in Nature. Scottish Natural Heritage. 2010-11. Co-investigator.

‘Fashioning the Real’. Scottish Arts Council funded project. 2006-7. Joint Principal Investigator.

Enhanced Competence-Based Learning in Early Professional Development. Teaching and Learning Research Programme, ESRC 2003 - 2007. Member of extended research team.

Children’s Rights in a Primary School context Funded by Save the Children Scotland and Institute of Education, 我要吃瓜 2003-5. Co-investigator.

MacRobert Arts Centre research Institute of Education, 我要吃瓜 funded 2001-3. Co-investigator.

Doctoral Supervision: I welcome inquiries for undertaking research in the following areas:

Education theory Religious and cultural difference: ontological, epistemological and ethical issues? Relational materialism approaches to research in education? Equity and Children's rights? Aesthetic education


Making a Positive Difference: teacher professional judgement and the role of innovative pedagogies in promoting greater equity
PI: Dr John I'Anson
Funded by: Scottish Government

How young people’s participation in school supports achievement and attainment
PI: Professor Gregory Mannion
Funded by: Scotlands Commissioner For Children & Young People

Outputs (49)


Book Chapter

Edwards RM & I'Anson J (2022) The use of art to analyze learning practices in pharmacy and to inform assessment and intervention practices. In: Desselle S, Cardenas V, Anderson C, Chen T, Chen A & Aslani P (eds.) Contemporary Research Methods in Pharmacy and Health Services. London: Academic Press, pp. 233-260. https://www.elsevier.com/books/contemporary-research-methods-in-pharmacy-and-health-services/desselle/978-0-323-91888-6

Book Chapter

I'Anson J (2018) Children's Rights. In: Bryce T, Humes W, Gillies D & Kennedy A (eds.) Scottish Education. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-scottish-education.html


Wall K, Arnott L, Cassidy C, Beaton M, Christensen P, Dockett S, Hall E, I'Anson J, Kanyal M, McKernan G, Pramling I & Robinson C (2017) Look Who’s Talking: Eliciting the Voices of Children from Birth to Seven. International Journal of Student Voice, 2 (1). https://ijsv.psu.edu/?article=look-whos-talking-eliciting-the-voices-of-children-from-birth-to-seven

Book Chapter

I'Anson J (2017) Object No. 30:The microteaching lab. In: Fifty: The 我要吃瓜 in 50 objects. Stirling: 我要吃瓜, pp. 130-133. http://shop.stir.ac.uk/product-catalogue/development-external-affairs/memorabilia/the-executive-collection/fifty-the-story-of-the-university-of-stirling-in-50-objects

Authored Book

I'Anson J & Jasper A (2017) Schooling Indifference: Reimagining RE in multi-cultural and gendered spaces. Gender, Theology and Spirituality. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Schooling-Indifference-Reimagining-RE-in-multi-cultural-and-gendered-spaces/IAnson-Jasper/p/book/9781138184695

Book Chapter

I'Anson J (2016) RE: Pedagogy - after neutrality. In: Arthur J & Barnes L (eds.) Education and Religion. Major Themes in Education. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Education-and-Religion/Arthur-Barnes/p/book/9781138827769

Research Report

Mannion G, Fenwick A, Nugent C & I'Anson J (2011) Teaching in nature. Commissioned Report, 476. Inverness: Scottish Natural Heritage. http://www.snh.gov.uk/publications-data-and-research/publications/search-the-catalogue/publication-detail/?id=1839

Research Report

Mannion G, Fenwick A, Nugent C & I'Anson J (2011) Teaching in Nature: A Research Briefing: Summary Findings. School of Education. Research Briefing from the School of Education, 我要吃瓜, 4. School of Education.

Book Chapter

I'Anson J (2010) Re-imagining Cultural Difference. In: Wisely T, Barr I, Britton A & King B (eds.) Education in a Global Space: Emerging Research and Practice in Initial Teacher Education. Edinburgh: IDEAS/SCOTDEC.

Book Chapter

I'Anson J (2010) After a rhetorics of neutrality: Complexity reduction and cultural difference. In: Osberg D & Biesta G (eds.) Complexity Theory and the Politics of Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 121-134. https://www.sensepublishers.com/catalogs/bookseries/other-books/complexity-theory-and-the-politics-of-education/


I'Anson J (2010) RE: pedagogy – after neutrality. British Journal of Religious Education, 32 (2), pp. 105-118. https://doi.org/10.1080/01416200903529727


Allan J, Smyth G, I'Anson J & Mott J (2009) Understanding disability with children's social capital. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 9 (2), pp. 115-121. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-3802.2009.01124.x

Book Chapter

I'Anson J, Reeves J & Whewell C (2008) Developing Excellence in Teaching: Redefining Professional Enquiry. In: Reeves J & Fox A (eds.) Practice-Based Learning: Developing Excellence in Teaching. Policy and Practice in Education, 24. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press, pp. 67-76. http://www.dunedinacademicpress.co.uk/search/category/Education_Theory_and_Policy

Authored Book

Allan J, I'Anson J, Fisher S & Priestley A (2007) Promising Rights: Introducing children’s rights in school. Edinburgh: Save the Children. http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/resources/online-library/promising-rights-introducing-childrens-rights-at-school

Newspaper / Magazine

Allan J & I'Anson J (2004) What’s it like at the front of the class?. Times Educational Supplement Scotland. 10.09.2004. https://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=399652

Book Chapter

Mannion G & I'Anson J (2002) Beyond the Disneyesque: does children’s participation alter the state of adults’ learning?. In: Murphy M, Edwards R, Gray P, Morgan-Klein B & Tett L (eds.) Cultures, Communities and Citizens: the Altered States of Adult Education: Papers from the 32nd Annual Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults. Stirling: 我要吃瓜.