Navigating transitions into, through, and beyond peer worker roles: insider insights from the Supporting Harm Reduction through Peer Support (SHARPS) study
Dumbrell J, Carver H, Foster R, Pauly B, Steele W, Roy M & Parkes T (2024) Navigating transitions into, through, and beyond peer worker roles: insider insights from the Supporting Harm Reduction through Peer Support (SHARPS) study. Harm Reduction Journal, 21, Art. No.: 191.
A qualitative exploration of the relevance of training provision in planning for implementation of managed alcohol programs within a third sector setting
Masterton W, Carver H, Booth H, McCulloch P, Ball L, Mitchell L, Murdoch H, Pauly B & Parkes T (2024) A qualitative exploration of the relevance of training provision in planning for implementation of managed alcohol programs within a third sector setting. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy.
Assessing the feasibility, acceptability and accessibility of a peer-delivered intervention to reduce harm and improve the well-being of people who experience homelessness with problem substance use: the SHARPS study
Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Foster R, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I, Price T, Schofield J & MacLennan G (2022) Assessing the feasibility, acceptability and accessibility of a peer-delivered intervention to reduce harm and improve the well-being of people who experience homelessness with problem substance use: the SHARPS study. Harm Reduction Journal, 19 (1), Art. No.: 10.
A peer-delivered intervention to reduce harm and improve the well-being of homeless people with problem substance use: the SHARPS feasibility mixed-methods study
Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Foster R, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I & MacLennan G (2022) A peer-delivered intervention to reduce harm and improve the well-being of homeless people with problem substance use: the SHARPS feasibility mixed-methods study. Health Technology Assessment, 26 (14), pp. 1-128.
COVID-19 Social Restrictions: An Opportunity to Re-visit the Concept of Harm Reduction in the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence. A Position Paper
Kouimtsidis C, Pauly B, Parkes T, Stockwell T & Baldacchino AM (2021) COVID-19 Social Restrictions: An Opportunity to Re-visit the Concept of Harm Reduction in the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence. A Position Paper. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, Art. No.: 623649.
"PPI? That sounds like Payment Protection Insurance": Reflections and learning from a substance use and homelessness study Experts by Experience group
Foster R, Carver H, Wallace J, Dunedin A, Burridge S, Foley P, Pauly B & Parkes T (2021) "PPI? That sounds like Payment Protection Insurance": Reflections and learning from a substance use and homelessness study Experts by Experience group. Research Involvement and Engagement, 7 (1), Art. No.: 82.
Exploring the Potential of Implementing Managed Alcohol Programmes to Reduce Risk of COVID-19 Infection and Transmission, and Wider Harms, for People Experiencing Alcohol Dependency and Homelessness in Scotland
Parkes T, Carver H, Masterton W, Booth H, Ball L, Murdoch H, Falzon D, Pauly BM & Matheson C (2021) Exploring the Potential of Implementing Managed Alcohol Programmes to Reduce Risk of COVID-19 Infection and Transmission, and Wider Harms, for People Experiencing Alcohol Dependency and Homelessness in Scotland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (23), Art. No.: 12523.
Peer Support and Overdose Prevention Responses: A Systematic 'State-of-the-Art' Review
Mercer F, Miler JA, Pauly B, Carver H, Hnízdilová K, Foster R & Parkes T (2021) Peer Support and Overdose Prevention Responses: A Systematic 'State-of-the-Art' Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (22), Art. No.: 12073.
Project Report
Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Staff
Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Pauly B, McCulloch P, Browne T, Masterton W & Booth H (2021) Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Staff [COVID-19 MAPs Study Briefing - Staff]. Chief Scientist Office. 我要吃瓜.
Project Report
Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Clients
Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Pauly B, McCulloch P, Browne T, Masterton W & Booth H (2021) Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Clients [COVID-19 MAPs Study Briefing - Clients]. Chief Scientist Office. 我要吃瓜.
'It's like a safety haven': Considerations for the implementation of Managed Alcohol Programs in Scotland
Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Browne T & Pauly B (2021) 'It's like a safety haven': Considerations for the implementation of Managed Alcohol Programs in Scotland. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy.
Investigating the need for alcohol harm reduction and Managed Alcohol Programs for people experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorders in Scotland
Carver H, Parkes T, Browne T, Matheson C & Pauly B (2021) Investigating the need for alcohol harm reduction and Managed Alcohol Programs for people experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorders in Scotland. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40 (2), pp. 220-230.
Policy Document
Feasibility and acceptability of Managed Alcohol Programmes for people who are homeless with severe alcohol problems
Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Pauly B & Browne T (2020) Feasibility and acceptability of Managed Alcohol Programmes for people who are homeless with severe alcohol problems. 我要吃瓜. Stirling: 我要吃瓜. /research/public-policy-hub/policy-briefings/
Supporting Harm Reduction through Peer Support (SHARPS): testing the feasibility and acceptability of a peer-delivered, relational intervention for people with problem substance use who are homeless, to improve health outcomes, quality of life and social functioning and reduce harms: study protocol
Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I, MacLennan G & Foster R (2019) Supporting Harm Reduction through Peer Support (SHARPS): testing the feasibility and acceptability of a peer-delivered, relational intervention for people with problem substance use who are homeless, to improve health outcomes, quality of life and social functioning and reduce harms: study protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5 (1), Art. No.: 64.
Principles, practice, and policy vacuums: Policy actor views on provincial/territorial harm reduction policy in Canada
Hyshka E, Anderson-Baron J, Pugh A, Belle-Isle L, Hathaway A, Pauly B, Strike C, Asbridge M, Dell C, McBride K, Tupper K & Wild TC (2019) Principles, practice, and policy vacuums: Policy actor views on provincial/territorial harm reduction policy in Canada. International Journal of Drug Policy, 71, pp. 142-149.
On the outside looking in: Finding a place for managed alcohol programs in the harm reduction movement
Ivsins A, Pauly B, Brown M, Evans J, Gray E, Schiff R, Krysowaty B, Vallance K & Stockwell T (2019) On the outside looking in: Finding a place for managed alcohol programs in the harm reduction movement. International Journal of Drug Policy, 67, pp. 58-62.
The implementation of overdose prevention sites as a novel and nimble response during an illegal drug overdose public health emergency
Wallace B, Pagan F & Pauly B( (2019) The implementation of overdose prevention sites as a novel and nimble response during an illegal drug overdose public health emergency. International Journal of Drug Policy, 66, pp. 64-72.
Factors associated with public injection and nonfatal overdose among people who inject drugs in street-based settings
Vallance K, Pauly B, Wallace B, Chow C, Perkin K, Martin G, Zhao J & Stockwell T (2018) Factors associated with public injection and nonfatal overdose among people who inject drugs in street-based settings. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 25 (1), pp. 38-46.
Does managing the consumption of people with severe alcohol dependence reduce harm? A comparison of participants in six Canadian managed alcohol programs with locally recruited controls
Stockwell T, Pauly B, Chow C, Erickson RA, Krysowaty B, Roemer A, Vallance K, Wettlaufer A & Zhao J (2018) Does managing the consumption of people with severe alcohol dependence reduce harm? A comparison of participants in six Canadian managed alcohol programs with locally recruited controls. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37 (S1), pp. S159-S166.
Critical considerations for the practical utility of health equity tools: a concept mapping study
Pauly B, Martin W, Perkin K, van Roode T, Kwan A, Patterson T, Tong S, Prescott C, Wallace B, Hancock T & MacDonald M (2018) Critical considerations for the practical utility of health equity tools: a concept mapping study. International Journal for Equity in Health, 17 (1), Art. No.: 48.
Canadian harm reduction policies: A comparative content analysis of provincial and territorial documents, 2000-2015
Wild TC, Pauly B, Belle-Isle L, Cavalieri W, Elliott R, Strike C, Tupper K, Hathaway A, Dell C, MacPherson D, Sinclair C, Karekezi K, Tan B & Hyshka E (2017) Canadian harm reduction policies: A comparative content analysis of provincial and territorial documents, 2000-2015. International Journal of Drug Policy, 45, pp. 9-17.
Harm reduction in name, but not substance: A comparative analysis of current Canadian provincial and territorial policy frameworks
Hyshka E, Anderson-Baron J, Karekezi K, Belle-Isle L, Elliott R, Pauly B, Strike C, Asbridge M, Dell C, McBride K, Hathaway A & Wild TC (2017) Harm reduction in name, but not substance: A comparative analysis of current Canadian provincial and territorial policy frameworks. Harm Reduction Journal, 14, Art. No.: 50.
Finding safety: A pilot study of managed alcohol program participants' perceptions of housing and quality of life
Pauly B, Gray E, Perkin K, Chow C, Vallance K, Krysowaty B & Stockwell T (2016) Finding safety: A pilot study of managed alcohol program participants' perceptions of housing and quality of life. Harm Reduction Journal, 13 (1), Art. No.: 15.
Do managed alcohol programs change patterns of alcohol consumption and reduce related harm? A pilot study
Vallance K, Stockwell T, Pauly B, Chow C, Gray E, Krysowaty B, Perkin K & Zhao J (2016) Do managed alcohol programs change patterns of alcohol consumption and reduce related harm? A pilot study. Harm Reduction Journal, 13 (1), Art. No.: 13.
Assessing emergency shelter patterns to inform community solutions to homelessness
Rabinovitch H, Pauly B & Zhao J (2016) Assessing emergency shelter patterns to inform community solutions to homelessness. Housing Studies, 31 (8), pp. 984-997.
Death is a social justice issue: perspectives on equity-informed palliative care
Reimer-Kirkham S, Stajduhar K, Pauly B, Giesbrecht M, Mollison A, McNeill R & Wallace B (2016) Death is a social justice issue: perspectives on equity-informed palliative care. Advances in Nursing Science, 39 (4), pp. 293-307.
Advancing patient-centered care for structurally vulnerable drug-using populations: A qualitative study of the perspectives of people who use drugs regarding the potential integration of harm reduction interventions into hospitals
McNeil R, Kerr T, Pauly B, Wood E & Small W (2016) Advancing patient-centered care for structurally vulnerable drug-using populations: A qualitative study of the perspectives of people who use drugs regarding the potential integration of harm reduction interventions into hospitals. Addiction, 111 (4), pp. 685-694.
Supporting successful implementation of public health interventions: protocol for a realist synthesis
MacDonald M, Pauly B, Wong G, Schick-Makaroff K, van Roode T, Strosher HW, Kothari A, Valaitis R, Manson H, O'Briain W, Carroll S, Lee V, Tong S, Dickenson Smith K & Ward M (2016) Supporting successful implementation of public health interventions: protocol for a realist synthesis. Systematic Reviews, 5, Art. No.: 54.
Book Chapter
Building a theoretical bridge for transdisciplinary exchange
Sotskova A, Benoit C, Casey L, Pauly B & Thege BK (2015) Building a theoretical bridge for transdisciplinary exchange. In: Greaves L, Poole N & Boyle E (eds.) Transforming Addiction: Gender, Trauma, Transdisciplinarity. London: Routledge, pp. 167-183.
Community dental clinics in British Columbia, Canada: examining the potential as health equity interventions
Wallace B, MacEntee MI & Pauly B (2015) Community dental clinics in British Columbia, Canada: examining the potential as health equity interventions. Health and Social Care in the Community, 23 (4), pp. 371-379.
Toward cultural safety: Nurse and patient perceptions of illicit substance use in a hospitalized setting
Pauly B, McCall J, Browne A, Parker J & Mollison A (2015) Toward cultural safety: Nurse and patient perceptions of illicit substance use in a hospitalized setting. Advances in Nursing Science, 38 (2), pp. 121-135.
Approaches to evaluation of homelessness interventions
Pauly B, Wallace B & Perkin K (2014) Approaches to evaluation of homelessness interventions. Housing, Care and Support, 17 (4), pp. 177-187.
Searching for ethical leadership in nursing
Makaroff KS, Storch JL, Pauly B & Newton LJ (2014) Searching for ethical leadership in nursing. Nursing Ethics, 21 (6), pp. 642-658.
Addressing health inequities through social inclusion: The role of community organizations
Belle-Isle L, Benoit C & Pauly B (2014) Addressing health inequities through social inclusion: The role of community organizations. Action Research, 12 (2), pp. 177-193.
Fading vision: Knowledge translation in the implementation of a public health policy intervention
Tomm-Bonde L, Schreiber R, Allan DE, MacDonald M, Pauly B & Hancock T (2013) Fading vision: Knowledge translation in the implementation of a public health policy intervention. Implementation Science, 8 (1), Art. No.: 59.
Including people who experience homelessness: a scoping review of the literature
Norman T & Pauly B (2013) Including people who experience homelessness: a scoping review of the literature. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 33 (3-4), pp. 136-151.
Moralischer Distress im Gesundheitswesen
Pauly B, Varcoe C & Storch JL (2013) Moralischer Distress im Gesundheitswesen [Moral distress in health care]. Pflegezeitschrift, 66 (10), pp. 611-611.
Housing and harm reduction: What is the role of harm reduction in addressing homelessness?
Pauly B, Reist D, Belle-Isle L & Schactman C (2013) Housing and harm reduction: What is the role of harm reduction in addressing homelessness?. International Journal of Drug Policy, 24 (4), pp. 284-290.
Reducing health inequities: The contribution of core public health services in BC
Pauly B, MacDonald M, Hancock T, Martin W & Perkin K (2013) Reducing health inequities: The contribution of core public health services in BC. BMC Public Health, 13, Art. No.: 550.
Take me to my leader: The importance of ethical leadership among formal nurse leaders
Storch JL, Makaroff KS, Pauly B & Newton LJ (2013) Take me to my leader: The importance of ethical leadership among formal nurse leaders. Nursing Ethics, 20 (2), pp. 150-157.
Working and waiting: Homeless drinkers responses to less affordable alcohol
Stockwell T, Williams N & Pauly B (2012) Working and waiting: Homeless drinkers responses to less affordable alcohol. Drug and Alcohol Review, 31 (6), pp. 823-824.
Nurses' perceptions of and responses to morally distressing situations
Varcoe C, Pauly B, Storch JL, Newton LJ & Makaroff KS (2012) Nurses' perceptions of and responses to morally distressing situations. Nursing Ethics, 19 (4), pp. 488-500.
Equity in public health standards: A qualitative document analysis of policies from two Canadian provinces
Pinto AD, Manson H, Pauly B, Thanos J, Parks A & Cox A (2012) Equity in public health standards: A qualitative document analysis of policies from two Canadian provinces. International Journal for Equity in Health, 11 (1), Art. No.: 28.
Moral distress: Tensions as springboards for action
Varcoe C, Pauly B, Webster G & Storch JL (2012) Moral distress: Tensions as springboards for action. HEC Forum, 24 (1), pp. 51-62.
Framing the issues: Moral distress in health care
Pauly B, Varcoe C & Storch JL (2012) Framing the issues: Moral distress in health care. HEC Forum, 24 (1), pp. 1-11.
"Stop the noise!" From voice to silence
Newton LJ, Storch JL, Makaroff KS & Pauly B (2012) "Stop the noise!" From voice to silence. Nursing Leadership, 25 (1), pp. 90-104.
Homelessness Outcome Reporting Normative Framework: Systems-Level Evaluation of Progress in Ending Homelessness
Austen T & Pauly B (2012) Homelessness Outcome Reporting Normative Framework: Systems-Level Evaluation of Progress in Ending Homelessness. Evaluation Review, 36 (1), pp. 3-23.
Out of harm's way
Goldstone IL & Pauly B (2011) Out of harm's way. Canadian Nurse, 107 (9), pp. 5-5.
Needle exchange as a safe haven in an unsafe world
MacNeil J & Pauly B (2011) Needle exchange as a safe haven in an unsafe world. Drug and Alcohol Review, 30 (1), pp. 26-32.
Impact: A case study examining the closure of a large urban fixed site needle exchange in Canada
MacNeil J & Pauly B (2010) Impact: A case study examining the closure of a large urban fixed site needle exchange in Canada. Harm Reduction Journal, 7, Art. No.: 11.
Navigating towards a moral horizon: A multisite qualitative study of ethical practice in nursing
Rodney P, Varcoe C, Storch JL, McPherson G, Mahoney K, Brown H, Pauly B, Hartrick G & Starzomski R (2009) Navigating towards a moral horizon: A multisite qualitative study of ethical practice in nursing [Vers un horizon déontologique: une étude qualitative multicontextuelle des pratiques déontologiques au sein de la profession infirmière]. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 41 (1), pp. 292-319.
Leadership for ethical policy and practice (LEPP): participatory action project.
Storch JL, Rodney P, Varcoe C, Pauly B, Starzomski R, Stevenson L, Best L, Mass H, Fulton TR, Mildon B, Bees F, Chisholm A, MacDonald-Rencz S, McCutcheon AS, Shamian J, Thompson C, Makaroff KS & Newton LJ (2009) Leadership for ethical policy and practice (LEPP): participatory action project.. Nursing Leadership, 22 (3), pp. 68-80.
Ethical nursing practice: Inquiry-in-action
Doane G, Storch JL & Pauly B (2009) Ethical nursing practice: Inquiry-in-action. Nursing Inquiry, 16 (3), pp. 232-240.
Registered nurses' perceptions of moral distress and ethical climate
Pauly B, Varcoe C, Storch JL & Newton LJ (2009) Registered nurses' perceptions of moral distress and ethical climate. Nursing Ethics, 16 (5), pp. 561-573.
Revisiting "who gets care?": Health equity as an arena for nursing action
Pauly B, MacKinnon K & Varcoe C (2009) Revisiting "who gets care?": Health equity as an arena for nursing action. Advances in Nursing Science, 32 (2), pp. 118-127.
Gaining insite: Harm reduction in nursing practice
Lightfoot B, Panessa C, Hayden S, Thumath M, Goldstone IL & Pauly B (2009) Gaining insite: Harm reduction in nursing practice. Canadian Nurse, 105 (4), pp. 16-22.
Enhancing ethical climates in nursing work environments
Storch JL, Rodney P, Pauly B, Fulton TR, Stevenson L, Newton LJ & Makaroff KS (2009) Enhancing ethical climates in nursing work environments. Canadian Nurse, 105 (3), pp. 20-25.
Race, science and a novel: An interdisciplinary dialogue
Burns L, Lanoix M, Melnychuk RM & Pauly B (2008) Race, science and a novel: An interdisciplinary dialogue. Developing World Bioethics, 8 (3), pp. 226-234.
Shifting moral values to enhance access to health care: Harm reduction as a context for ethical nursing practice
Pauly B (2008) Shifting moral values to enhance access to health care: Harm reduction as a context for ethical nursing practice. International Journal of Drug Policy, 19 (3), pp. 195-204.
Harm reduction in nursing practice: Current status and future directions
Pauly B & Goldstone IL (2008) Harm reduction in nursing practice: Current status and future directions. International Journal of Drug Policy, 19 (3), pp. 179-182.
Harm reduction through a social justice lens
Pauly B (2008) Harm reduction through a social justice lens. International Journal of Drug Policy, 19 (1), pp. 4-10.
The ethical, legal and social context of harm reduction
Pauly B, Goldstone IL, McCall J, Gold F & Payne S (2007) The ethical, legal and social context of harm reduction. Canadian Nurse, 103 (8), pp. 19-23.
Dancing to our own tune: understandings of advanced nursing practice in British Columbia
Pauly B, Schreiber R, MacDonald M, Davidson H, Crickmore J, Moss L, Pinelli J, Regan S & Hammond C (2004) Dancing to our own tune: understandings of advanced nursing practice in British Columbia. Nursing Leadership, 17 (2), pp. 47-57.
Exploring the heart of ethical nursing practice: Implications for ethics education
Doane G, Pauly B, Brown H & McPherson G (2004) Exploring the heart of ethical nursing practice: Implications for ethics education. Nursing Ethics, 11 (3), pp. 240-253.
Ethical practice in nursing: Working the in-betweens
Varcoe C, Doane G, Pauly B, Rodney P, Storch JL, Mahoney K, McPherson G, Brown H & Starzomski R (2004) Ethical practice in nursing: Working the in-betweens. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45 (3), pp. 316-325.
Navigating Towards a Moral Horizon: A Multisite Qualitative Study of Ethical Practice in Nursing
Rodney P, Varcoe C, Storch JL, McPherson G, Mahoney K, Brown H, Pauly B, Hartrick G & Starzomski R (2002) Navigating Towards a Moral Horizon: A Multisite Qualitative Study of Ethical Practice in Nursing [Vers un horizon déontologique: une étude qualitative multicontextuelle des pratiques déontologiques au sein de la profession infirmière]. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 34 (3), pp. 75-102.
Listening to nurses' moral voices: building a quality health care environment
Storch JL, Rodney P, Pauly B, Brown H & Starzomski R (2002) Listening to nurses' moral voices: building a quality health care environment. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 15 (4), pp. 7-16.
Operation Fascination
Pauly B (1995) Operation Fascination. Journal of Post Anesthesia Nursing, 10 (2), pp. 89-93.