

Exploring the heart of ethical nursing practice: Implications for ethics education



Doane G, Pauly B, Brown H & McPherson G (2004) Exploring the heart of ethical nursing practice: Implications for ethics education. Nursing Ethics, 11 (3), pp. 240-253. https://doi.org/10.1191/0969733004ne692oa

The limitations of rational models of ethical decision making and the importance of nurses' human involvement as moral agents is increasingly being emphasized in the nursing literature. However, little is known about how nurses involve themselves in ethical decision making and action or about educational processes that support such practice. A recent study that examined the meaning and enactment of ethical nursing practice for three groups of nurses (nurses in direct care positions, student nurses, and nurses in advanced practice positions) highlighted that humanly involved ethical nursing practice is also simultaneously a personal process and a socially mediated one. Of particular significance was the way in which differing role expectations and contexts shaped the nurses' ethical practice. The study findings pointed to types of educative experiences that may help nurses to develop the knowledge and ability to live in and navigate their way through the complex, ambiguous and shifting terrain of ethical nursing practice.

education; ethics; moral agency; nursing

Nursing Ethics: Volume 11, Issue 3

Publication date31/05/2004
PublisherSAGE Publications Ltd

People (1)

Professor Bernadette Pauly

Professor Bernadette Pauly

Honorary Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences