

A genetic basis for the phenotypic differentiation between siscowet and lean lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)



Goetz FW, Rosauer D, Sitar S, Goetz G, Simchick C, Roberts S, Johnson R, Murphy C, Bronte CR & MacKenzie S (2010) A genetic basis for the phenotypic differentiation between siscowet and lean lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Molecular Ecology, 19 (Supplement s1), pp. 176-196. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04481.x

The present study is part of a larger effort to understand the biology of lake trout ecotypes in Lake Superior and represents a collaborative effort of a number of investigators in different fields. The analysis of growth, morphometry and the ecological significance of these results was a joint effort of several authors including Dan Rosauer, a fishery biologist at the Great Lakes WATER Institute (GLWI), Shawn Sitar, a fishery biologist with the Michigan DNR with interests in population dynamics and Great Lakes deepwater ecology, and Chuck Bronte a fishery biologist and data analyst at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who has been working for 25years on the biology and restoration of lake trout in the Laurentian Great Lakes. The bioinformatic analysis of the Roche 454 dataset and the supporting qPCR analysis and interpretation was also a joint effort of several authors including Steven Roberts, an assistant professor at the University of Washington, who is a comparative physiologist using transcriptomic approaches to examine how aquatic organisms respond to changes in environmental conditions, Crystal Simchick, a molecular biologist in the Goetz laboratory, and a bioinformaticist, Giles Goetz, working at the GLWI with interests in the analysis of global genome datasets. The lipid analysis and interpretation was accomplished by Ron Johnson, a research chemist at NOAA interested in lipid dynamics and reproduction in fish, and Cheryl Murphy an assistant professor at Michigan State University interested in how changes in the physiology of an individual fish translate to population and/or community level changes. The lead author, Rick Goetz, is a research scientist at the GLWI working in several areas of fish biology including the molecular basis of phenotypic differentiation in fish. The last author, Simon MacKenzie, is a faculty member of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) with interests in using global genome approaches to address basic biological problems in fish biology. He and the lead author designed and implemented the pyrosequencing approach used in this study.

Molecular Ecology: Volume 19, Issue Supplement s1

Publication date31/03/2010

People (1)

Professor Simon MacKenzie

Professor Simon MacKenzie

Professor & Head of Inst of Aquaculture, Institute of Aquaculture