
Book Chapter

Small GTP Binding Proteins and the Control of Phagocytic Uptake



Wiedemann A, Lim J & Caron E (2005) Small GTP Binding Proteins and the Control of Phagocytic Uptake. In: Rosales C (ed.) Molecular Mechanisms of Phagocytosis. Medical Intelligence Unit. New York: Landes Bioscience/Springer Science, pp. 72-84. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-0-387-28669-3_6#

Phagocytosis is a conserved cellular process in Eukaryotes. A multi-step process, it involves the recognition of paniculate material, e.g., microbes and apoptotic cells, their F-actin-driven engulfment and the subsequent destruction of the phagocytized material in phagolysosomes. Distinct sets of small GTP-binding proteins (Rap1, Arf6, Rho and Rab proteins) control and coordinate the successive steps of the phagocytic process. Moreover, these proteins are often targeted by microbial virulence factors. This review summarizes and discusses the evidence implicating Ras, Rho, Arf and Rab-family GTPases in the signalling pathways driving particle recognition and uptake.

Title of seriesMedical Intelligence Unit
Publication date31/12/2005
PublisherLandes Bioscience/Springer Science
Publisher URL
Place of publicationNew York

People (1)

Dr Jenson Lim

Dr Jenson Lim

Lecturer, Biological and Environmental Sciences