Conference Paper (unpublished)
Griffiths A (2018) Ancient Enterprise. UK & Ireland Higher Education Institutional Research Annual Conference (HEIR) 2018, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, 20.09.2018-21.09.2018.
Showing 9101 to 9200 of 36472
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Griffiths A (2018) Ancient Enterprise. UK & Ireland Higher Education Institutional Research Annual Conference (HEIR) 2018, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, 20.09.2018-21.09.2018.
Dietary behavior: An interdisciplinary conceptual analysis and taxonomy
Stok FM, Renner B, Allan J, Boeing H, Ensenauer R, Issanchou S, Kiesswetter E, Lien N, Mazzocchi M, Monsivais P, Stelmach-Mardas M, Volkert D & Hoffmann S (2018) Dietary behavior: An interdisciplinary conceptual analysis and taxonomy. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, Art. No.: 1689.
No level of alcohol consumption improves health
Burton R & Sheron N (2018) No level of alcohol consumption improves health. The Lancet, 392 (10152), pp. 987-988.
Book Chapter
Perchard A (2018) Workplace Cultures. In: Thompson VE (ed.) A Cultural History of Work in the Modern Age, Volume 5. The Cultural Histories Series, 6. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Public Health England's capture by the alcohol industry
Gilmore I, Bauld L & Britton J (2018) Public Health England's capture by the alcohol industry. BMJ, 362, p. k3928.
Vargas R, Mackenzie S & Rey S (2018) 'Love at first sight': The effect of personality and colouration patterns in the reproductive success of zebrafish (Danio rerio). PLOS ONE, 13 (9), Art. No.: e0203320.
Newspaper / Magazine
Scotland just bucked the print-is-dying trend with two new Sunday newspapers
Collins T (2018) Scotland just bucked the print-is-dying trend with two new Sunday newspapers. The Conversation. 19.09.2018.
Newspaper / Magazine
Zipp S, M?rk R?stvik C & Purcell C (2018) Ending period poverty: Scotland’s plan for free menstrual products shatters taboos and leads a global movement. The Conversation. 18.09.2018.
Perceived Body Discrimination and Intentional Self-Harm and Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence
Sutin AR, Robinson E, Daly M & Terracciano A (2018) Perceived Body Discrimination and Intentional Self-Harm and Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence. Childhood Obesity, 14 (8), pp. 528-536.
Dobbie F, Angus K, Uny I, Duncan E, MacInnes L, Hasseld L & Clegg G (2018) Protocol for a systematic review to identify the barriers and facilitators to deliver bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in disadvantaged communities. Systematic Reviews, 7 (1), Art. No.: 143.
English Worldwide Freezing Orders in Europe
Okoli PN (2018) English Worldwide Freezing Orders in Europe. European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, 5 (3), pp. 250-274.
Digital Dust and Visual Narratives of Feminicidios
Bernardi C (2018) Digital Dust and Visual Narratives of Feminicidios. Visual Culture and Gender, 13, pp. 6-16.
Newspaper / Magazine
Nike, Colin Kaepernick and the pitfalls of ‘woke’ corporate branding
Chadwick S & Zipp S (2018) Nike, Colin Kaepernick and the pitfalls of ‘woke’ corporate branding. The Conversation. 14.09.2018.
A Framework for Assessing Instream Supporting Ecosystem Services Based on Hydroecological Modelling
Ncube S, Visser A & Beevers L (2018) A Framework for Assessing Instream Supporting Ecosystem Services Based on Hydroecological Modelling. Water, 10 (9), Art. No.: 1247.
Conference Paper (published)
Statistical T+2d Subband Modelling for Crowd Counting
Bhowmik D & Wallace A (2018) Statistical T+2d Subband Modelling for Crowd Counting. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 15.04.2018-20.04.2018. Calgary, Canada: IEEE, pp. 1533-1537.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Holding Corporations Accountable for the Impacts of Climate Change: The Role of Human Rights Law
Savaresi A & Hartmann J (2018) Holding Corporations Accountable for the Impacts of Climate Change: The Role of Human Rights Law. 6th European Environmental Law Forum, 12.09.2018-14.09.2018.
Website Content
BLOG: The UK Immigration Act and the Right to Rent: a landlord survey
Leahy S, Tokarczyk T & McKee K (2018) BLOG: The UK Immigration Act and the Right to Rent: a landlord survey. [Housing Studies Association] 11.09.2018.
Park JL, Dudchenko PA & Donaldson DI (2018) Navigation in Real-World Environments: New Opportunities Afforded by Advances in Mobile Brain Imaging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, Art. No.: 361.
Book Chapter
Webb A & McQuaid R (2018) Utilising Skills Demands Opportunities to Overcome the Low Professional Status and Attractiveness of a Sector: The Early Learning and Care Sector in Scotland. In: Larsen C, Rand S, Schmid A & Dean A (eds.) Developing Skills in a Changing World of Work: Concepts, Measurement and Data Applied in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring Across Europe. Munich: Rainer Hampp Verlag, pp. 241-258.
A new normal: reconciling change in appearance and function for men with head and neck cancer
Rennie C, Stoddart K & Hubbard G (2018) A new normal: reconciling change in appearance and function for men with head and neck cancer. Cancer Nursing Practice, 17 (5), Art. No.: e1449.
Neuroethology of spatial cognition
Dudchenko P & Wallace D (2018) Neuroethology of spatial cognition. Current Biology, 28 (17), pp. R988-R992.
Newspaper / Magazine
Bruce Almighty: the man, the myth and the legend of King Robert
Penman MA (2018) Bruce Almighty: the man, the myth and the legend of King Robert. 09.09.2018.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Human Rights Responsibility for the Impacts of Climate Change: Where Are We?
Savaresi A & Hartmann J (2018) Human Rights Responsibility for the Impacts of Climate Change: Where Are We?. Association of Human Rights Institutes Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 07.09.2018-08.09.2018.
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Groeneveld J, Filipsson HL, Austin WEN, Darling K, McCarthy D, Krupinski NBQ, Bird C & Schweizer M (2018) Assessing proxy signatures of temperature, salinity, and hypoxia in the Baltic Sea through foraminifera-based geochemistry and faunal assemblages. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 37 (2), pp. 403-429.
The professional learning of Scotland’s Adult Educators
Galloway S (2018) The professional learning of Scotland’s Adult Educators. Scotland's Strategic Forum for Adult Learning (Professional Learning Working Group) Strategic Forum for Adult Learning (Professional Learning Working Group). Learning Link Scotland.
A coding and non-coding transcriptomic perspective on the genomics of human metabolic disease
Timmons JA, Atherton PJ, Larsson O, Sood S, Blokhin IO, Brogan RJ, Volmar C, Josse AR, Slentz C, Wahlestedt C, Phillips SM, Phillips BE, Gallagher IJ & Kraus WE (2018) A coding and non-coding transcriptomic perspective on the genomics of human metabolic disease. Nucleic Acids Research, 46 (15), pp. 7772-7792.
Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Moodie C, Bauld L & Hastings G (2018) Marketing controls and the decline of youth smoking in the UK from 2002-2016: findings from the Youth Tobacco Policy Survey. SRNT Europe, Munich, 06.09.2018-08.09.2018.
Website Content
The Imperial Crisis, 1764-1776
Nicolson C (2018) The Imperial Crisis, 1764-1776. Colonial America [online resource] 05.09.2018.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Exploration of healthcare professionals' beliefs for long-term conditions supported self-management
Anderson N & Ozakinci G (2018) Exploration of healthcare professionals' beliefs for long-term conditions supported self-management. British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology annual conference, Newcastle, 05.09.2018-07.09.2018.
Research Report
Review of the Aberdeen Problem Solving Approach
Eunson J, Murray L, Graham H, Malloch M & McIvor G (2018) Review of the Aberdeen Problem Solving Approach. Scottish Government. Social Research series. Edinburgh.
Policy Document
Review of the Aberdeen Problem Solving Approach - Summary Briefing
Eunson J, Murray L, Malloch M, McIvor G & Graham H (2018) Review of the Aberdeen Problem Solving Approach - Summary Briefing. Scottish Government. Crime and Justice Research Findings, 69/2018. Edinburgh.
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Problem of Punishment: Renewing Critique
Carvalho H, Chamberlen A & Duff A (2018) Introduction to the Special Issue on the Problem of Punishment: Renewing Critique. Social and Legal Studies.
Presentation / Talk
Review of the Aberdeen Problem-Solving Approach
Murray L, Graham H, Eunson J, McIvor G & Malloch M (2018) Review of the Aberdeen Problem-Solving Approach. Problem Solving Approaches, Edinburgh, 05.09.2018-05.09.2018.
Presentation / Talk
Using technology in Probation: Reflections on the evidence and questions for Probation work
Graham H (2018) Using technology in Probation: Reflections on the evidence and questions for Probation work. Technology in Probation Expert Group, Helsinki, 03.09.2018-04.09.2018.
Pharmacist services for non-hospitalised patients
de Barra M, Scott C, Scott NW, Johnston M, de Bruin M, Nkansah N, Bond C, Matheson CI, Rackow P, Williams AJ & Watson MC (2018) Pharmacist services for non-hospitalised patients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018 (9), Art. No.: CD013102.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Exploring teacher mediation in curriculum making: Scotland and Wales
Hizli Alkan S & Priestley M (2018) Exploring teacher mediation in curriculum making: Scotland and Wales. European Conference for Educational Research, Bolzano, Italy, 04.09.2018-07.09.2018.
Newspaper / Magazine
Convicted UBS trader Kweku Adoboli faces deportation – here’s why it’s a huge mistake
Tabner I (2018) Convicted UBS trader Kweku Adoboli faces deportation – here’s why it’s a huge mistake. The Conversation. 03.09.2018.
The Consumption, Politics and Transformation of Community
Moufahim M, Wells V & Canniford R (2018) The Consumption, Politics and Transformation of Community. Journal of Marketing Management, 34 (7-8), pp. 557-568.
Presentation / Talk
Mackie L (2018) Mentoring Primary Education Student Teachers: Perceptions of the Use of Formative Assessment within the Mentoring Process. European Conference on Educational Research, Free University, Bolzano, Italy, 03.09.2018-07.09.2018.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Evidence of What? The Bernard Papers and the Origins of the American Revolution
Nicolson C (2018) Evidence of What? The Bernard Papers and the Origins of the American Revolution. Editing Eighteenth-Century and Early Modern Texts, 03.09.2018-03.09.2018.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Justice, Equity and Community Energy: Lessons for the Energy Transition
Savaresi A (2018) Justice, Equity and Community Energy: Lessons for the Energy Transition. Fourth Energy and Society Conference: Energy transitions in a divided world, 03.09.2018-05.09.2018.
McKeganey N, Miler JA & Haseen F (2018) The Value of Providing Smokers with Free E-Cigarettes: Smoking Reduction and Cessation Associated with the Three-Month Provision to Smokers of a Refillable Tank-Style E-Cigarette. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (9), Art. No.: 1914.
Edited Proceedings
Mobile support for adults with mild learning disabilities during clinical consultations
(2018) Mobile support for adults with mild learning disabilities during clinical consultations. MobileHCI '18: 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Barcelona Spain, 03.09.2018-06.09.2018. ACM.
Conference Paper (published)
DNN Driven Speaker Independent Audio-Visual Mask Estimation for Speech Separation
Gogate M, Adeel A, Marxer R, Barker J & Hussain A (2018) DNN Driven Speaker Independent Audio-Visual Mask Estimation for Speech Separation. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. Interspeech 2018, 02.09.2018-06.09.2018. Baixas, France: ISCA, pp. 2723-2727.
A Pre-Landing Assessment of Regolith Properties at the InSight Landing Site
Morgan P, Grott M, Knapmeyer-Endrun B, Golombek M, Delage P, Lognonné P, Piqueux S, Daubar I, Murdoch N, Charalambous C, Pike WT, Müller N, Hagermann A, Siegler M & Lichtenheldt R (2018) A Pre-Landing Assessment of Regolith Properties at the InSight Landing Site. Space Science Reviews, 214 (6), Art. No.: 104.
Hansen S, Faye O, Sanabani SS, Faye M, B?hlken-Fascher S, Faye O, Sall AA, Bekaert M, Weidmann M, Czerny C & Abd El Wahed A (2018) Combination Random Isothermal Amplification and Nanopore Sequencing For Rapid Identification of the Causative Agent of an Outbreak. Journal of Clinical Virology, 106, pp. 23-27.
Constraining the parameter space of comet simulation experiments
Kaufmann E & Hagermann A (2018) Constraining the parameter space of comet simulation experiments. Icarus, 311, pp. 105-112.
Climate justice and human rights
Schapper A (2018) Climate justice and human rights. International Relations, 32 (3), pp. 275-295.
Markova I & Jesuino JC (2018) Social psychology as a developmental discipline in the dynamics of practical life: Gustav Jahoda's pioneering studies on children's social thinking. Culture and Psychology, 24 (3), pp. 343-357.
Immersion and Defamiliarization: Experiencing Literature and World
Anderson M & Iversen S (2018) Immersion and Defamiliarization: Experiencing Literature and World. Poetics Today: International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication, 39 (3), pp. 569-595.
MacNeil K (2018) Gaelic poems. Northwords Now [print and online]. Gaidhealtachd.
Policy Document
Learner Participation in Educational Settings (3-18)
Mannion G & Sowerby M (2018) Learner Participation in Educational Settings (3-18). Scottish Government / Education Scotland. Livingstone.
Shakespeare, Reciprocity and Exchange
Drakakis J (2018) Shakespeare, Reciprocity and Exchange. Critical Survey, 30 (3), pp. 1-19.
Towards a framework to support coastal change governance in small islands
Glaser M, Breckwoldt A, Carruthers T, Forbes DL, Costanzo S, Kelsey H, Ramachandran R & Stead SM (2018) Towards a framework to support coastal change governance in small islands. Environmental Conservation, 45 (3), pp. 227-237.
Sustainable financing of a national Marine Protected Area network in Fiji
Ison S, Hills J, Morris C & Stead SM (2018) Sustainable financing of a national Marine Protected Area network in Fiji. Ocean and Coastal Management, 163, pp. 352-363.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Morgan J (2018) Containing profusion? Creative potential in crossing borders between homes and museums for sustainable heritage practice. Association of Critical Heritage Studies, 4th Biannual Conference, Hangzhou, China, 01.09.2018-07.09.2018.
Okada T, Fukuhara T, Tanaka S, Taguchi M, Arai T, Senshu H, Demura H, Ogawa Y, Kouyama T, Sakatani N, Takita J, Sekiguchi T, Helbert J, Mueller TG & Hagermann A (2018) Earth and moon observations by thermal infrared imager on Hayabusa2 and the application to detectability of asteroid 162173 Ryugu. Planetary and Space Science, 158, pp. 46-52.
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Rosenberg G, Bauld L, Hooper L, Buykx P, Holmes J & Vohra J (2018) New national alcohol guidelines in the UK: public awareness, understanding and behavioural intentions. Journal of Public Health, 40 (3), pp. 549-556.
Properties of Probiotics Kocuria SM1 and Rhodococcus SM2 Isolated from Fish Guts
Sharifuzzaman SM, Rahman H, Austin DA & Austin B (2018) Properties of Probiotics Kocuria SM1 and Rhodococcus SM2 Isolated from Fish Guts. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 10 (3), pp. 534-542.
A developmental arrest? Interruption and identity in adolescent chronic pain
Jordan A, Noel M, Caes L, Connell H & Gauntlett-Gilbert J (2018) A developmental arrest? Interruption and identity in adolescent chronic pain. PAIN Reports, 3, Art. No.: e678.
Newspaper / Magazine
Study Says Housing Stress is Harming Generation Rent
McKee K (2018) Study Says Housing Stress is Harming Generation Rent. The Herald. 31.08.2018.
Newspaper / Magazine
How renting 'can hit mental health'
Walker S (2018) How renting 'can hit mental health'. McKee K (Researcher) Scottish Daily Mail. 31.08.2018.
Newspaper / Magazine
Life renting puts young under stress
Bugler T (2018) Life renting puts young under stress. McKee K (Researcher) & Soaita AM (Researcher) The Times. 31.08.2018.
Grant M & Rushton A (2018) Further analysis of the British Chinese Adoption Study (BCAS): Adult life events and experiences after international adoption. Children and Youth Services Review, 91, pp. 355-363.
Ruthven I, Buchanan S & Jardine C (2018) Relationships, environment, health and development: The information needs expressed online by young first-time mothers. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69 (8), pp. 985-995.
Newspaper / Magazine
Should Grindr users worry about what China will do with their data?
Noto La Diega G (2018) Should Grindr users worry about what China will do with their data?. The Conversation. 31.08.2018.
Yu H (2018) Three may not be a crowd - who is in the driver's seat under Section 9 of the Contract (Third Party Rights) Act 2017. Journal of Business Law, 2018 (7), pp. 539-558.
The process toward commitment to running - The role of different motives, involvement, and coaching
Rocha CM & Gratao O (2018) The process toward commitment to running - The role of different motives, involvement, and coaching. Sport Management Review, 21 (4), pp. 459-472.
Relation Extraction of Medical Concepts Using Categorization and Sentiment Analysis
Mondal A, Cambria E, Das D, Hussain A & Bandyopadhyay S (2018) Relation Extraction of Medical Concepts Using Categorization and Sentiment Analysis. Cognitive Computation, 10 (4), pp. 670-685.
Chaiyasong S, Huckle T, Mackintosh AM, Meier P, Parry C, Callinan S, Pham C, Kazantseva E, Gray-Phillip G, Parker K & Casswell S (2018) Drinking patterns vary by gender, age and country-level income: Cross-country analysis of the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37 (S2), pp. S53-S62.
Wartenberg R, Limbu K, Feng L, Wu JJ, Chan LL, Telfer TC & Lam PKS (2018) The Feasibility of Integrating the Noble Scallop Mimachlamys nobilis with Existing Fish Monoculture Farms in the South China Sea: A Bioeconomic Assessment from Hong Kong. Journal of Shellfish Research, 37 (3), pp. 635-650.
Interoceptive impairments do not lie at the heart of autism or alexithymia
Nicholson TM, Williams DM, Grainger C, Christensen JF, Calvo-Merino B & Gaigg SB (2018) Interoceptive impairments do not lie at the heart of autism or alexithymia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127 (6), pp. 612-622.
Alhusein N, Macaden L, Smith A, Stoddart KM, Taylor AJ, Killick K, Kroll T & Watson MC (2018) 'Has she seen me?': a multiple methods study of the pharmaceutical care needs of older people with sensory impairment in Scotland. BMJ Open, 8 (8), Art. No.: e023198.
Huisman J, Codd GA, Paerl HW, Ibelings BW, Verspagen JMH & Visser PM (2018) Cyanobacterial blooms. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 16 (8), pp. 471-483.
Weak isolation by distance and geographic diversity gradients persist in Scottish relict pine forest
González-Diaz P, Cavers S, Iason GR, Booth A, Russell J & Jump AS (2018) Weak isolation by distance and geographic diversity gradients persist in Scottish relict pine forest. Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 11, pp. 449-458.
Social work, poverty, and child welfare interventions
Morris K, Mason W, Bywaters P, Featherstone B, Daniel B, Brady G, Bunting L, Hooper J, Mirza N, Scourfield J & Webb C (2018) Social work, poverty, and child welfare interventions. Child and Family Social Work, 23 (3), pp. 364-372.
Selective decline in the prevalence of slowly adapting type I mechanoreceptors during development
Cahusac P & Senok S (2018) Selective decline in the prevalence of slowly adapting type I mechanoreceptors during development. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 68, pp. 35-38.
Can you spot a liar? Deception, mindreading, and the case of autism spectrum disorder
Williams D, Nicholson T, Grainger C, Lind S & Carruthers P (2018) Can you spot a liar? Deception, mindreading, and the case of autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 11 (8), pp. 1129-1137.
Putting Towns on the Policy Map: Understanding Scottish Places (USP)
Findlay A, Jackson M, McInroy N, Prentice P, Robertson E & Sparks L (2018) Putting Towns on the Policy Map: Understanding Scottish Places (USP). Scottish Affairs, 27 (3), pp. 294-318.
Sentic LSTM: a Hybrid Network for Targeted Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
Ma Y, Peng H, Khan T, Cambria E & Hussain A (2018) Sentic LSTM: a Hybrid Network for Targeted Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. Cognitive Computation, 10 (4), pp. 639-650.
Ordering adjectives in referential communication
Fukumura K (2018) Ordering adjectives in referential communication. Journal of Memory and Language, 101, pp. 37-50.
Conference Abstract
Lapp L, Young D, Kavanagh K, Bouamrane M & Schraag S (2018) P06-3 - Using machine learning for predicting severe postoperative complications after cardiac surgery. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 32 (Supplement 1), pp. S84-S85.
Book Review
Todd JD (2018) Book review: Reflexivity: The Essential Guide, Tim May and Beth Perry, Sage Publications, London (2017), ix and 234 pp., ?26.99 paperback, ISBN: 978-14462-9517-5. Emotion, Space and Society, 28, pp. 75-76.
Ruiz Daniels R, Taylor RS, Serra‐Varela MJ, Vendramin GG, González‐Martínez SC & Grivet D (2018) Inferring selection in instances of long‐range colonization: The Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) in the Mediterranean Basin. Molecular Ecology, 27 (16), pp. 3331-3345.
Book Chapter
Liminal identities, an evolving field of work
MacRury I (2018) Liminal identities, an evolving field of work. In: Canter A (ed.) Fifteen Years, A Branded Content Story. Branded Content Marketing Association, pp. 96-102.
Research Report
Webb A & McQuaid R (2018) Identifying approaches for attracting and training new entrants and the existing workforce in the Early Learning and Childcare sector. Replay-VET ERASMUS+. European Strategy Report [Scotland]. Frankfurt, Germany.
Threats to Health and Well-being Perceived by Older people in Poland and Portugal
Brand?o MP, Martins L, Szewczyczak M, Talarska D, Philp I & Cardoso MF (2018) Threats to Health and Well-being Perceived by Older people in Poland and Portugal. Acta Médica Portuguesa, 31 (7-8), pp. 409-415.
Huckle T, Romeo JS, Wall M, Callinan S, Holmes J, Meier P, MacKintosh AM, Piazza M, Chaiyasong S, Cuong PV & Casswell S (2018) Socio-economic disadvantage is associated with heavier drinking in high but not middle-income countries participating in the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37 (S2), pp. S63-S71.
Cameron P, Castro JFN, Lanardonne T & Wood G (2018) Across the universe of shale resources-a comparative assessment of the emerging legal foundations for unconventional energy. Journal of World Energy Law and Business, 11 (4), pp. 283-321.
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Gray-Phillip G, Huckle T, Callinan S, Parry CDH, Chaiyasong S, Cuong PV, MacKintosh AM, Meier P, Kazantseva E, Piazza M, Parker K & Casswell S (2018) Availability of alcohol: Location, time and ease of purchase in high- and middle-income countries: Data from the International Alcohol Control study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37 (S2), pp. S36-S44.
Alterities of global citizenship: education, human rights, and everyday bordering
Gamal M & Swanson DM (2018) Alterities of global citizenship: education, human rights, and everyday bordering. Justice, Power and Resistance, 2 (2), pp. 357-388.
The International Alcohol Control Study: Methodology and implementation
Huckle T, Casswell S, MacKintosh AM, Chaiyasong S, Cuong PV, Morojele N, Parry CDH, Meier P, Holmes J, Callinan S, Piazza M, Kazantseva E, Bayandorj T, Gray-Phillip G & Haliday S (2018) The International Alcohol Control Study: Methodology and implementation. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37 (S2), pp. S10-S17.
The Alcohol Environment Protocol: A new tool for alcohol policy
Casswell S, Morojele N, Williams PP, Chaiyasong S, Gordon R, Gray-Phillip G, Cuong PV, MacKintosh AM, Halliday S, Railton R, Randerson S & Parry CDH (2018) The Alcohol Environment Protocol: A new tool for alcohol policy. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37 (S2), pp. S18-S26.
The BACE1 product sAPPβ induces ER stress and inflammation and impairs insulin signaling
Botteri G, Salvado L, Guma A, Hamilton DL, Meakin PJ, Montagut G, Ashford MLJ, Ceperuelo-Mallafre V, Fernandez-Veledo S, Vendrell J, Calderon-Dominguez M, Serra D, Herrero L, Pizarro J & Barroso E (2018) The BACE1 product sAPPβ induces ER stress and inflammation and impairs insulin signaling. Metabolism, 85, pp. 59-75.
Smith A, Shepherd A, Macaden L & Macleod K (2018) Raising awareness of sensory impairment among community nurses: a brief intervention in a remote island setting. Rural and Remote Health, 18 (3), Art. No.: 4548.
Ecosystem carbon dynamics differ between tundra shrub types in the western Canadian Arctic
Street LE, Subke J, Baxter R, Dinsmore KJ, Knoblauch C & Wookey PA (2018) Ecosystem carbon dynamics differ between tundra shrub types in the western Canadian Arctic. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (8), Art. No.: 084014.
Long-term correlation tracking using multi-layer hybrid features in sparse and dense environments
Baisa NL, Bhowmik D & Wallace A (2018) Long-term correlation tracking using multi-layer hybrid features in sparse and dense environments. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 55, pp. 464-476.