Project Report
Critically Envisioning Biometric Artificial Intelligence In Law Enforcement
Urquhart L, Miranda D, Connon I & Laffer A (2023) Critically Envisioning Biometric Artificial Intelligence In Law Enforcement. EPSRC TAS Hub.
Project Report
Critically Envisioning Biometric Artificial Intelligence In Law Enforcement
Urquhart L, Miranda D, Connon I & Laffer A (2023) Critically Envisioning Biometric Artificial Intelligence In Law Enforcement. EPSRC TAS Hub.
Research Report
Review of emerging technologies in policing: findings and recommendations
Connon I, Egan M, Hamilton-Smith N, MacKay N, Miranda D & Webster W (2023) Review of emerging technologies in policing: findings and recommendations. Scottish Institute for Policing Research. Edinburgh.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Governing police-public encounters mediated by the use of Body-Worn Cameras
Webster CW, Miranda D & Leleux C (2022) Governing police-public encounters mediated by the use of Body-Worn Cameras. European Group of Public Administration (EGPA), Lisbon, Portugal, 06.09.2022-09.09.2022.
Evidence Review into Public Experience and Confidence of Body Worn Video in a Policing Context
PI: Professor William Webster
Funded by: Scottish Institute for Policing Research