
Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport

Outputs related to Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport

Showing 4401 to 4500 of 5403


McIntosh B, Cohen IK & Sheppy B (2012) Heroes or villains: the PIP scandal and whistleblowing. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 18 (7), pp. 352-357. https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/10.12968/bjhc.2012.18.7.352; https://doi.org/10.12968/bjhc.2012.18.7.352


Sheppy B, Zuliani JD & McIntosh B (2012) Science or art: risk and project management in healthcare. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 18 (11). https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/abs/10.12968/bjhc.2012.18.11.586; https://doi.org/10.12968/bjhc.2012.18.11.586


Gupte A, McIntosh B & Sheppy B (2012) When two worlds collide: corporate and clinical governance. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 18 (12), pp. 19-620. https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/10.12968/bjhc.2012.18.12.619; https://doi.org/10.12968/bjhc.2012.18.12.619


Holland A & McIntosh B (2012) Optimising productivity, quality and efficiency in community nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing, 17 (8), pp. 390-392. https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/10.12968/bjcn.2012.17.8.390; https://doi.org/10.12968/bjcn.2012.17.8.390

Conference Paper (published)

Adamson E, Dewar B, Donaldson JH, Gentleman M, Gray M, Horsburgh D, King L, Kalorkoti J, McArthur J, Maclean M, McCrossan G, McIntosh I, Ross J, Pullin S, Sloan S, Smith FC, Smith S, Tocher R & Waugh A (2012) Leadership in compassionate care: Conference Handbook. In: Leadership in compassionate care: Conference Handbook. Third International Conference on Compassionate Care, Edinburgh, 30.06.2012-30.06.2012. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Napier University/NHS Lothian. http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/6206

Website Content

Scelles N (2012) On parle de nous : De l’utilité des blogs en management du sport. Les impatients du sport - Blog marketing sportif, 22.12.2012. http://lesimpatientsdusport.wordpress.com/2012/12/22/on-parle-de-nous-de-lutilite-des-blogs-en-management-du-sport/

Website Content

Browne T (2012) Medical records: please release them, let them go. The Guardian [Blog Post] 07.12.2012. https://www.theguardian.com/science/brain-flapping/2012/dec/07/medical-records-research-data-release

Newspaper / Magazine

Ryde G & Thorp A (2012) Bing! New chair pad sounds alarm after prolonged sitting. The Conversation. 04.12.2012. https://theconversation.com/bing-new-chair-pad-sounds-alarm-after-prolonged-sitting-11146


Gorman Ng M, Semple S, Cherrie J, Christopher Y, Northage C, Tielemans E, Veroughstraete V & Van Tongeren M (2012) The relationship between inadvertent ingestion and dermal exposure pathways: A new integrated conceptual model and a database of dermal and oral transfer efficiencies. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 56 (9), pp. 1000-1012. https://doi.org/10.1093/annhyg/mes041


Taylor J, Parkes T, Haw S, Jepson R & Taylor J (2012) Military veterans with mental health problems: a protocol for a systematic review to identify whether they have an additional risk of contact with criminal justice systems compared with other veterans groups. Systematic Reviews, 1 (1), Art. No.: 53. https://doi.org/10.1186/2046-4053-1-53


Ring NA, Jepson R, Pinnock H, Wilson C, Hoskins G, Wyke S & Sheikh A (2012) Developing novel evidence-based interventions to promote asthma action plan use: a cross-study synthesis of evidence from randomised controlled trials and qualitative studies. Trials, 13, Art. No.: 216. https://doi.org/10.1186/1745-6215-13-216

Technical Report

Cairns G, MacDonald L, Angus K, Walker L, Cairns-Haylor T & Bowdler T (2012) Systematic Literature Review of the Evidence for Effective National Immunisation Schedule Promotional Communications. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Insights into health communication. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). http://ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications/Publications/Literature-review-national-immunisation-schedule-promotional-communications.pdf

Technical Report

MacDonald L, Cairns G, Angus K & Stead M (2012) Evidence Review: Social Marketing for the Prevention and Control of Communicable Disease. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Insights into Health Communication. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). http://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications/Publications/Social-marketing-prevention-control-of-communicable-disease.pdf


Atkin AJ, Gorely T, Clemes SA, Yates T, Edwardson CL, Brage S, Salmon J, Marshall SJ & Biddle SJH (2012) Methods of Measurement in epidemiology: Sedentary Behaviour. International Journal of Epidemiology, 41 (5), pp. 1460-1471. https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dys118


Burke LM, Hawley JA, Ross ML, Moore DR, Phillips SM, Slater GR, Stellingwerff T, Tipton K, Garnham AP & Coffey VG (2012) Preexercise aminoacidemia and muscle protein synthesis after resistance exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44 (10), pp. 1968-1977. https://doi.org/10.1249/MSS.0b013e31825d28fa


Chen Y, Madan J, Welton N, Yahaya I, Aveyard P, Bauld L, Wang D, Fry-Smith A & Munafo M (2012) Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of computer and other electronic aids for smoking cessation: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Health Technology Assessment, 16 (38), pp. 1-205. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?partnerID=yv4JPVwI&eid=2-s2.0-84867597189&md5=4fd965e794d79b3a833180a81aa4a6f4; https://doi.org/10.3310/hta16380

Website Content

Browne T (2012) Science for Girls (aka "Science"). The Guardian [Blog Post] 16.10.2012. https://www.theguardian.com/science/brain-flapping/2012/oct/16/neuroscience-women

Conference Abstract

Fitzgerald N (2012) How do health professionals learn their communication skills? Lessons for SBI implementation. International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and Other Drugs (INEBRIA) Meeting 2011, Boston, MA, USA, 21/09/2011 - 23/09/2011. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 7 (Supplement 1), Art. No.: A1. https://ascpjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1940-0640-7-S1-A1; https://doi.org/10.1186/1940-0640-7-S1-A1

Conference Abstract

Fitzgerald N, Stewart D, Jaffray M, Inch J, Duncan EM, Afolabi E & Ludbrook A (2012) A pilot study of alcohol screening and brief interventions in community pharmacies. International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and Other Drugs (INEBRIA) Meeting 2011, Boston, MA, USA, 21/09/2011 - 23/09/2011. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 7 (Supplement 1), Art. No.: A22. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1940-0640-7-S1-A22; https://doi.org/10.1186/1940-0640-7-S1-A22

Conference Abstract

Fitzgerald N, Molloy H & MacDonald F (2012) Evaluation of a rollout of alcohol brief interventions in health- and social-care teams following multidisciplinary training. International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and Other Drugs (INEBRIA) Meeting 2011, Boston, MA, USA, 21/09/2011 - 23/09/2011. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 7 (Supplement 1), Art. No.: A84. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1940-0640-7-S1-A84; https://doi.org/10.1186/1940-0640-7-S1-A84


Donaldson J, McIntosh B & Jones SA (2012) The Gordian knot: provision in Scotland and England. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 18 (10), pp. 514-515. https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/10.12968/bjhc.2012.18.10.514; https://doi.org/10.12968/bjhc.2012.18.10.514

Book Chapter

Jones J & Leslie S (2012) Reflexology: Science or Belief?. In: Carter K & Murphy G (eds.) Alternative Medicine: Practices, Health Benefits and Controversies. Health Care Issues, Costs and Access. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 27-60. https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=34677&osCsid=84f541d914b151fb28576db03bd332a4


Bauld L (2012) Commentary on Wagener etal. (2012): E-cigarettes: Room for cautious optimism. Commentary on: Wagener T., Siegel L., Borrelli B. Electronic cigarettes: achieving a balanced perspective. Addiction 2012. 107:1545-1548. DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2012.03826.x.. Addiction, 107 (9), pp. 1549-1550. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1360-0443.2012.03904.x

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Cowie J, Maguire R, McCann LA, Connaghan J, Hughes J, Di Domenico D & Kearney N (2012) Evaluation of Impact of ASyMS. Health Informatics Scotland 2012, Glasgow, 20.09.2012-21.09.2012. http://www.knowledge.scot.nhs.uk/media/CLT/ResourceUploads/4017417/Delegate%20booklet%20Final-web.pdf


Watt S & McIntosh B (2012) The motherhood career slide. Nursing Standard, 27 (4), pp. 62-63. https://doi.org/10.7748/ns2012.