

Outputs related to History

Showing 1 to 100 of 1450

Book Chapter

Douthwaite J (2024) 'What Colour Was The Cold War'. In: Douthwaite J, Nehring H & Alberti SJMM (eds.) Cold War Museology. Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/oa-edit/10.4324/9781032690414-18/colour-cold-war-jessica-douthwaite?context=ubx&refId=90079917-ad6b-4e11-a166-844ec74a7d7b

Edited Book

Douthwaite J, Nehring H & Alberti SJMM (eds.) (2024) Cold War Museology. London. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781032690414

Scholarly Edition

Fitzpatrick M, Macleod E & Page A (eds.) (2024) The Wodrow-Kenrick Correspondence 1750–1810: Volume II: 1784–1790, 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-wodrow-kenrick-correspondence-1750-1810-9780198809029?lang=en&cc=gb

Website Content

Nicolson C (2024) Stiff in Opinions, Always in the Wrong: Essay on “A Letter to G.G.”. The Pamphlet Debate on the American Question in Great Britain, 1764-1776 [Web Page] 28.10.2024. https://www.libertyfund.org/pamphlet/stiff-in-opinions-always-in-the-wrong-essay-on-a-letter-to-g-g/?#stiff-in-opinions-always-in-the-wrong-essay-on-a-letter-to-g-g

Book Chapter

Toth G (2024) Richard Erdoes, Red Power's Ally. In: Familiar Strangers: Re-encountering Native America from the Habsburg Lands.. Budapest/Vienna: Central European University Press.


Penman M (2024) Robert the Bruce: Born to be King?. History Today, 74 (7), pp. 44-55. https://www.historytoday.com/archive/feature/robert-bruce-born-be-king


Penman M, Kennedy C, Watkinson D, Emmerson N, Thickett D, Bosché F, Forster AM, Grau-Bové 6 J & Cassar M (2024) Beyond Heritage Science: A Review [Beyond Heritage Science: A Review]. Heritage, 7 (3), pp. 1510-1538. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/heritage; https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage7030073

Book Review

Morgan J (2024) Book Review: Museums and societal collapse: the museum as lifeboat. Review of: Museums and societal collapse: the museum as lifeboat by R. R. Janes, Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge, 2024, 180 pp., ISBN: 9781032382241. Museums & Social Issues. https://doi.org/10.1080/15596893.2024.2318915

Project Report

Penman M & Utsi E (2024) Ecclesiastical Heritage - In Search of Scotland's Lost Medieval Royal Mausoleum at Dunfermline Abbey, c.1250-c.1560, and other projects... [Dunfermline Abbey Choir GPR project report, 2nd edition]. Dunfermline Abbey Church and Kirk Session; Historic Environment Scotland; Fife Council; Dunfermline Heritage Partnership; GWS BArrow Award; Strathmartine Trust; Royal Society of Edinburgh; Hunter Archaeological Trust; Faculty of Arts & Humanities, 我要吃瓜. Stirling. https://dunfgpr.stir.ac.uk/

Book Chapter

Arora V (2023) The Politics of Post-Disaster Reconstruction of Heritage [Reconstruction as recovery:The politics behind why heritage is funded internationally, nationally, and locally]. In: Jigyasu R & Chmutina K (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Management. 1 ed. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge.


Foster S (2023) Stone of Destiny Study. Westminster Abbey Review, 14 (Summer), pp. 17-21.

Book Chapter

Papadogiannis N (2023) Die "Sexotisierung“ der griechischen Bev?lkerung und die Verbreitung alternativer Reiseführer in Westdeutschland in den langen 1970er-Jahren. In: Global Europe Underground. Transnationale Netzwerke und globale Perspektiven europ?ischer Alternativmilieus ca. 1965-1985. Schriften des Historischen Kollegs. De Gruyter.

Book Chapter

Oram R (2023) Introduction: Alasdair Ross and the Environmental History of Medieval and Early Modern Scotland. In: Oram R (ed.) 'With Our Backs to the Ocean': Land, Lordship, Climate and Environmental Change in the North-West European Past. Essays in Memory of Alasdair Ross. 1st ed. Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, 5. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 1-14. https://www.brepols.net/products/IS-9782503596990-1

Book Chapter

Oram R (2023) ‘Away was sons of alle and brede’: the decline of the medieval climate anomaly and the myth of the Alexandrian Golden Age in Scotland. In: Oram R (ed.) 'With Our Backs to the Ocean': Land, Lordship, Climate and Environmental Change in the North-West European Past. Essays in Memory of Alasdair Ross. 1st ed. Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, 5. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 83-107. https://www.brepols.net/products/IS-9782503596990-1

Book Chapter

Peden G (2023) The Growth of Cabinet Government. In: Strachan H (ed.) The British Home Front and the First World War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 63-77. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009025874

Book Review

Smith J (2023) Review: James Epstein and David Karr, British Jacobin Politics, Desires, and Aftermaths: Seditious Hearts (London: Routledge, 2021) in Romance, Revolution & Reform 5 (Jan 2023).. Review of: James Epstein and David Karr, British Jacobin Politics, Desires, and Aftermaths: Seditious Hearts (London: Routledge, 2021).. Romance, Revolution and Reform, (5), pp. 132-136. https://www.rrrjournal.com/issue-5/r.3.-review%3A-james-epstein-and-david-karr%2C-british-jacobin-politics%2C-desires%2C-and-aftermaths%3A-seditious-hearts

Manual / Guide

Turpie T (2023) Your Guide to Dunfermline. Your Guide to Dunfermline [file:///D:/Dunfermline%20Heritage%20Trust/Digital%20Version%20A5%2032pp%20DHTP%20Your%20Guide%20Booklet%20AW_SP.pdf]. Dunfermline: Dunfermline Heritage Trust, p. 30.


Turpie T (2023) Review of R. Anthony Lodge, Pittemweem Priory. Scottish Historical Review [https://www.euppublishing.com/loi/shr]. Edinburgh: Scottish Historical Review, pp. 166-168.


Turpie T (2023) ‘St Ninian; Scotland’s Forgotten Patron Saint’,. History Scotland Magazine [https://www.historyscotland.com/store/back-issues/history-scotland/history-scotland-vol23issue1-janfeb23-issue-129-1/] History Scotland Magazine.

Book Chapter

Foster S (2022) Smashing casts: replication of early medieval sculpture as a case study in the fragility of cultural value. In: Alexandridis A & Winkler-Horacek L (eds.) Destroy the Copy – Plaster Cast Collections in the 19th–20th c.: Demolition, Defacement, Disposal in Europe and Beyond. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 375-400. https://www.degruyter.com/document/isbn/9783110757965/html

Book Chapter

Bonacchi C & Krzyzanska M (2022) R for Digital Heritage: Web Scraping, Text Mining and Data Analysis in Digital Engagement Studies and Education of Future Heritage Practitioners. In: Watrell E & Goldstein L (eds.) Digital Heritage and Archaeology in Practice: Data, Ethics, and Professionalism. Florida: University Press of Florida. https://upf.com/book.asp?id=9780813069302

Book Chapter

Bonacchi C (2022) Digital Public Archaeology. In: Noiret S, Tebeau M & Zaagsma G (eds.) Handbook of Digital Public History. Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, pp. 77-86. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110430295-006

Book Chapter

Cathcart A (2022) Island Empire: James VI and I and the Isle of Man in an archipelagic context. In: Cathcart A & McIntyre N (eds.) Scotland and the Wider World: essays in honour of Allan I. Macinnes. Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer. https://boydellandbrewer.com/9781783276837/scotland-and-the-wider-world/

Book Chapter

Steyn P (2022) African environmental movements [Africans saving Africa themselves]. In: Grasso M & Giugni M (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Movements. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 109-122. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780367855680-9

Book Chapter

Cawood I & Crook T (2022) Epilogue: the British way in corruption. In: Cawood I & Crook T (eds.) The many lives of corruption: The reform of public life in modern Britain, c. 1750-1950. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 279-297. https://manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9781526150035/

Book Chapter

Macleod E (2022) 'The 1790s: establishing the mind of government in 1820'. In: Carruthers G, Gallagher KT, Lamont C & Smith G (eds.) 1820: Scottish Rebellion: Essays on a Nineteenth-Century Scottish Insurrection. Edinburgh: Birlinn, p. 18–35. https://birlinn.co.uk/product/1820-scottish-rebellion/

Book Chapter

Arora V (2022) Reconstructing Memory and Desire in Bhaktapur, Nepal. In: "Invisible Cities" and the Urban Imagination. Literary Urban Studies. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 209-224. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-13048-9_16

Website Content

Papadogiannis N & Love R (2022) HIV/AIDS since the 1980s Conference. [Online platform] 21.11.2022. https://thepolyphony.org/2022/11/21/hiv-since-1980s-conference/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hiv-since-1980s-conference

Project Report

Carrick Utsi E, Birtwisle A & Penman M (2022) Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Four areas of Dunfermline Abbey The South Aisle, Memorial Chapel, North Transept and North East Dais For Dr Michael Penman. 我要吃瓜; Dunfermline Heritage Partnership; Abbey Church of Dunfermline; Historic Environment Scotland; Fife Council. Ely, Cambridgeshire. http://dunfgpr.stir.ac.uk/

Book Chapter

Kerry M (2022) The Last Echo of 1917? The Asturian October between Revolution and Antifascism. In: Berger S & Weinhauer K (eds.) Rethinking Revolutions from 1905 to 1934: Democracy, Social Justice and National Liberation around the World. Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. https://link.springer.com/book/9783031044649