Can We Protect Competition without Protecting Consumers?
Andriychuk O (2009) Can We Protect Competition without Protecting Consumers?. Competition Law Review, 6 (1), pp. 77-87.
Can We Protect Competition without Protecting Consumers?
Andriychuk O (2009) Can We Protect Competition without Protecting Consumers?. Competition Law Review, 6 (1), pp. 77-87.
How the Theory of Dialectical Antitrust Perceives the Role of Competition Authorities
Andriychuk O (2009) How the Theory of Dialectical Antitrust Perceives the Role of Competition Authorities. Global Antitrust Review, 2 (1), pp. 92-100.
Andriychuk O (2009) Does Competition Matter? An Attempt of Analytical 'Unbundling' of Competition from Consumer Welfare: A Response to Miasik. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2 (2), pp. 11-26.
Book Chapter
Andriychuk O (2009) Whether the European Model of Essential Facilities Doctrine Might be Applied to the Contemporary Telecasting of Premium Sports Content?. In: Blackshaw I (ed.) TV Rights and Sport: Legal Aspects. Asser International Sports Law Series. The Hague, The Netherlands: TMC Asser Press, p. 105–114.
Book Chapter
Some Reflections on Age Discrimination, Referees’ Retirement Ages and European Sports (Law)
McArdle D (2009) Some Reflections on Age Discrimination, Referees’ Retirement Ages and European Sports (Law). In: Gardiner S, Parrish R & Siekmann R (eds.) EU, Sport, Law and Policy: Regulation, Re-regulation and Representation. Den Haag: T.M.C. Asser Press, pp. 151-166.
Edited Book
Cleland A & Sutherland EE (eds.) (2009) Children's Rights in Scotland, 3rd ed. Edinburgh: W. Green.
Research Report
The EU Lisbon Treaty: What implications for anti-racism?
Zahn R (2009) The EU Lisbon Treaty: What implications for anti-racism?. European Network Against Racism. European Network Against Racism.
Child Law in Scotland: 1989-2009
Sutherland EE (2009) Child Law in Scotland: 1989-2009. Greens Family Law Bulletin, pp. 14-17.
Book Chapter
What has a Decade of Devolution done for Scots Family Law?
Sutherland EE (2009) What has a Decade of Devolution done for Scots Family Law?. In: Aitken B (ed.) The International Survey of Family Law 2009. 2009 Edition ed. The International Survey of Family Law, 16. Bristol: Jordan Publishing, Family Law.
Beaumont P (2009) International Family Law in Europe – the Maintenance Project, the Hague Conference and the EC: A Triumph of Reverse Subsidiarity. Rabels Zeitschrift für ausl?ndisches und internationales Privatrecht, 73 (3), pp. 509-546.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P (2009) The Art. 8 Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction in relation to Delays in Enforcing the Return of a Child. In: New Instruments of Private International Law. First ed. Milan: Giuffre Editore, pp. 75-94.
Authored Book
La cultura en la cooperación e integración iberoamericana
Fernandez Liesa C, Olmos Giupponi MB & Barreiro B (2009) La cultura en la cooperación e integración iberoamericana [Cooperation, integration and culture in Ibero-America]. Cuadernos Iberoamericanos de Integración, 6. Madrid, Spain: Plaza y Valdes.
Goodall K (2009) Challenging Hate Speech: Incitement to Hatred on Grounds of Sexual Orientation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. International Journal of Human Rights, 13 (2-3), pp. 211-232.
Book Chapter
Andriychuk O (2009) Sports Broadcasting Rights in the Digital Epoch: Balancing between Traditional (TV) and Alternative (3G) Subjects of the Market from the Perspective of the European Competition Law. In: Blackshaw I, Cornelius S & Siekmann R (eds.) TV Rights and Sport: Legal Aspects. Asser International Sports Law Series. The Hague, The Netherlands: TMC Asser Press, p. 81–103.
Beaumont P (2009) Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention 2005: Background, negotiations, analysis and current status. Journal of Private International Law, 5 (1), pp. 125-159.
The alleged case of the spuilzied helicopter
Stewart W (2009) The alleged case of the spuilzied helicopter. Scots Law Times, 3, pp. 13-15.
A Veiled Threat to Children's Rights? Religious Dress in Schools and the Rights of Young People
Sutherland EE (2008) A Veiled Threat to Children's Rights? Religious Dress in Schools and the Rights of Young People. Juridical Review, 53 (3), pp. 143-170.
Book Chapter
Social Policy: Case 43/75 Defrenne v Societe Anonyme Belge de Navigation Aerienne (SABENA)
Busby N (2008) Social Policy: Case 43/75 Defrenne v Societe Anonyme Belge de Navigation Aerienne (SABENA). In: Smith R, Murrell L & Rook D (eds.) Pearson Education, pp. 151-155.
Evidence of Bad Character in Scots Criminal Law
Davidson F (2008) Evidence of Bad Character in Scots Criminal Law. Juridical Review, 2, pp. 95-129.
Hoey D & McArdle D (2008) Pouring oil on troubled waters? Employment tribunals, "jurisdiction" and the territorial scope of unfair dismissal. Juridical Review, 2008 (4), pp. 291-314.
The Legal Nature of Premium Sports Events: 'IP or Not IP – That is the Question'
Andriychuk O (2008) The Legal Nature of Premium Sports Events: 'IP or Not IP – That is the Question'. International Sports Law Journal, 7 (3-4), pp. 52-71.
Authored Book
Sutherland EE (2008) Child and Family Law. 2 ed. Edinburgh: W. Green.
Authored Book
Sutherland EE (2008) Family Law. 2nd ed. LawBasics Series. Edinburgh: W. Green.
Sutherland EE (2008) Strengthening for the Future: Consultation document on reform of the Children's Hearings System (Scottish Government, 2008) - Response. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.
Book Chapter
Fortalecimiento de los Aspectos Político-Institucionales del MERCOSUR: Parlamento y Ciudadanía
Olmos Giupponi MB (2008) Fortalecimiento de los Aspectos Político-Institucionales del MERCOSUR: Parlamento y Ciudadanía. In: Vidal-Beneyto J & Diaz Barrado C (eds.) América Latina hacia su unidad. Modelos de integración y procesos integradores. 1st ed. Fundación del ?rea Mediterránea Latinoamericana (AMELA). Valencia, Spain: Editorial Pre-textos.
Book Chapter
Yu H (2008) Dispute Resolution. In: Black G (ed.) Business Law in Scotland. Edinburgh: W Green.
A Theoretical Overview of the Foundations of International Commercial Arbitration
Yu H (2008) A Theoretical Overview of the Foundations of International Commercial Arbitration. Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal, 1 (2), pp. 255-286.
Some Thoughts on the Scottish Arbitration Code 2007
Davidson F (2008) Some Thoughts on the Scottish Arbitration Code 2007. Arbitration: the Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, 74 (4), pp. 348-359.
Research Report
Craig S, Fletcher M & Goodall K (2008) Challenging Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Decisions in Scotland: An Evaluation of Onward Appeals and Reconsiderations. The Nuffield Foundation. University of Glasgow and 我要吃瓜.
Public Interest Immunity: Al Megrahi v HM Advocate
Davidson F (2008) Public Interest Immunity: Al Megrahi v HM Advocate. Edinburgh Law Review, 12 (3), pp. 472-476.;
Stewart W (2008) Scotland: Annual Survey. Restitution Law Review, 16, pp. 216-219.
McArdle D (2008) "Just One of the Challenges of 21st-Century Life": Oscar Pistorius in the Court of Arbitration for Sport. SCRIPTed: A Journal of Law, Technology and Society, 5 (2), pp. 404-413.
Book Chapter
Cultura y comercio en el Cono Sur
Olmos Giupponi MB (2008) Cultura y comercio en el Cono Sur [Culture and trade in the Southern Cone]. In: Fernandez LC & Prieto dPJ (eds.) Cultura y Comercio en la Comunidad Internacional. Escuela Diplomática, 13. Madrid, Spain: Escuela Diplomática Espa?a.
The Viking and Laval Cases in the Context of European Enlargement
Zahn R (2008) The Viking and Laval Cases in the Context of European Enlargement. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, [2008] (3).
Choice of the Proper Law vs. Public Policy
Yu H (2008) Choice of the Proper Law vs. Public Policy. Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal, 1 (1), pp. 107-148.
Swallows and Amazons, or the Sporting Exception To the Gender Recognition Act
McArdle D (2008) Swallows and Amazons, or the Sporting Exception To the Gender Recognition Act. Social and Legal Studies, 17 (1), pp. 39-57.
Pleading the Occupiers’ Liability (Scotland) Act and the Common Law: A solution to a logical problem
Stewart W (2007) Pleading the Occupiers’ Liability (Scotland) Act and the Common Law: A solution to a logical problem. Juridical Review, 2007 (1), pp. 53-63.
Book Chapter
Goodall K (2007) Equality. In: Veitch S, Christodoulis E & Farmer L (eds.) Jurisprudence: Themes and Concepts. Oxford: Blackwell.
Book Chapter
Principles, sources and institutions of environmental law in Scotland
Little G (2007) Principles, sources and institutions of environmental law in Scotland. In: McManus F (ed.) Environmental Law in Scotland. Edinburgh: Thomsons/W Green, pp. 2/1-2/38.
Book Chapter
Olmos Giupponi MB (2007) La participación en el seno de la Comunidad Iberoamericana de naciones: la cuestión de la membresía y la posibilidad de acoger otras figuras asimilables. In: Aldecoa LF & Sobrino HJ (eds.) Migraciones y desarrollo: II Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Estudios Internacionales Montevideo, 25, 26 y 27 de octubre de 2006. Madrid, Spain: Marcial Pons, pp. 263-272.
Authored Book
La nueva configuración del principio democrático en el continente americano
Olmos Giupponi MB (2007) La nueva configuración del principio democrático en el continente americano [New implications of the democratic principle in the Americas]. Córdoba, Argentina: Advocatus.
Book Chapter
The Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms as an Environmental Risk
Little G (2007) The Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms as an Environmental Risk. In: McManus F (ed.) Environmental Law in Scotland. Scottish Universities Law Institute (SULI). Edinburgh: W Green, pp. 7/1-7/40.
Problems and possibilities of civil mediation
Yu H (2007) Problems and possibilities of civil mediation. Scolag, (361), pp. 26-28.
Teaching statutory interpretation: citings of NESSSI in Scotland
Goodall K (2007) Teaching statutory interpretation: citings of NESSSI in Scotland. Justice of the Peace, 171 (34), pp. 604-607.
Book Chapter
Religious Liberty in the United Kingdom
Beaumont P (2007) Religious Liberty in the United Kingdom. In: A Religiao no Estado Democratico. 1st ed. Lisbon: Universidade Catolica Editora, pp. 35-66.
Incitement to religious hatred: all talk and no substance?
Goodall K (2007) Incitement to religious hatred: all talk and no substance?. Modern Law Review, 70 (1), pp. 89-113.
La protección de los derechos de los afrodescendientes en el espacio euro-latinoamericano
Olmos Giupponi MB (2007) La protección de los derechos de los afrodescendientes en el espacio euro-latinoamericano [The protection of Afro-descendant communities in the EU-LAC partnership framework]. REIB: Revista Electronica Iberoamericana, 1 (1), pp. 75-88.
Olmos Giupponi MB (2007) Educación para el desarrollo. El canje de deuda externa por educación: hacia un nuevo modelo de cooperación en el ámbito iberoamericano [Education and development: Condonation of External Debt and education, a new model of cooperation in Ibero-America]. Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion, 41 (3).
Authored Book
Derechos Humanos e Integración en América Latina y el Caribe
Olmos Giupponi MB (2006) Derechos Humanos e Integración en América Latina y el Caribe [Human rights and economic integration in Latin America and the Caribbean]. Derechos Humanos, 6. Valencia, Spain: Tirant Lo Blanch.
Book Chapter
Little T (2006) Contract. In: McFadzean D (ed.) Introduction to Law and Legal Obligations. First ed. University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN: Dundee University Press, pp. 87-116.
Book Chapter
Is there a Right Not to Procreate?
Sutherland EE (2006) Is there a Right Not to Procreate?. In: McLean S (ed.) First Do No Harm: Law, Ethics, and Healthcare. Applied Legal Phiosophy Series. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 319-336.
Authored Book
The Modern Trends in Arbitrator’s Choice of Law
Yu H (2006) The Modern Trends in Arbitrator’s Choice of Law. Taiwan: Jencheng Publishing.
Undue Deference to Experts Syndrome?
Sutherland EE (2006) Undue Deference to Experts Syndrome?. Indiana International and Comparative Law Review, 16 (2), pp. 375-421.
Family Law in Europe: from Mutual Recognition and Enforcement to Harmonisation of Substantive Law?
Sutherland EE (2006) Family Law in Europe: from Mutual Recognition and Enforcement to Harmonisation of Substantive Law?. International Family Law, 2006, pp. 167-169.
Campbell K, Goodacre A & Little G (2006) Ranking of United Kingdom law journals: An analysis of the Research Assessment Exercise 2001 submissions and results. Journal of Law and Society, 33 (3), pp. 335-363.
A new skill? Law-text analysis
Bennion F & Goodall K (2006) A new skill? Law-text analysis. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 3, pp. 1-20.
The Contribution of Alexander (Sandy) Anton to the Development of Private International Law
Beaumont PR (2006) The Contribution of Alexander (Sandy) Anton to the Development of Private International Law. Juridical Review, 2006 (1), pp. 2-28.
Book Chapter
Scotland: Offending and Offensive Young People: Why Mandatory Parenting Education is Not the Answer
Sutherland EE (2005) Scotland: Offending and Offensive Young People: Why Mandatory Parenting Education is Not the Answer. In: Bainham A (ed.) International Survey of Family Law: 2005 Edition. The International Survey of Family Law series, 12. Bristol: Family Law, pp. 463-548.
Literature and Legal History: analysing methodology
Little G (2005) Literature and Legal History: analysing methodology. Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, 3 (2).
Explore the void - an evaluation of arbitration theories: Part 2
Yu H (2005) Explore the void - an evaluation of arbitration theories: Part 2. International Arbitration Law Review, 8 (1), pp. 14-22.
Olmos Giupponi MB (2005) Comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos de 12 de mayo de 2005: Asunto ?calan c. Turquía [An analysis of the ECHR's ruling in the case ?calan v Yurkey]. Revista Europea de Derechos Fundamentales, 2005 (5), pp. 145-176.
Book Chapter
Olmos Giupponi MB & Díaz Barrado CM (2005) Características y dimensiones de la integración hemisférica en el continente americano: el ?rea de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA). In: Salinas A (ed.) Soberanía del Estado y derecho internacional: homenaje al profesor Juan Antonio Carrillo Salcedo. Liber Amicorum. Co?rdoba, Seville, y Ma?laga, Spain: Servicio de Publicaciones de las Universidad de Co?rdoba, Universidad de Sevilla, y Universidad de Ma?laga, pp. 465-494.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Sutherland EE (2005) What a difference a Convention makes: The United Kingdom experience of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. 23rd Conference of the National Association of Counsel for Children, Washington, D.C., 11.11.2000-12.11.2000.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P (2005) Private International Law of the European Union: Competence Questions Arising From the Proposed Rome II Regulation on Choice of Law in Non-Contractual Obligations. In: Brand R (ed.) Private Law, Private International Law, & Judicial Cooperation in the EU-US Relationship. First ed. CILE Studies, Volume 2. Pittsburgh: Thomson West, pp. 15-26.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Undue Deference to Experts Syndrome?
Sutherland EE (2005) Undue Deference to Experts Syndrome?. 12th International Conference of the International Society of Family Law, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 19.07.2005-23.07.2005.
Sentencia de 1 de marzo de 2005, asunto C-281/02 Owusu c N.B. Jackson
Beaumont P (2005) Sentencia de 1 de marzo de 2005, asunto C-281/02 Owusu c N.B. Jackson. Revista Juridica de Catalunya, 104, pp. 274-283.
Beaumont P & Harris J (2005) Editorial. Journal of Private International Law, 1 (1), pp. 1-3, Art. No.: 1.
Conference Paper (published)
Lessons from Orkney: Child Protection in Scotland
Sutherland EE (2004) Lessons from Orkney: Child Protection in Scotland. In: D'Abate D & Rowe W (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Child, Montreal (Quebec), Canada, October 13-14-15, 1999, Children and Violence: Our Individual, Family and Collective Responsibilities. 4th International Conference on the Child, Organization for the Protection of Children’s Rights, Children and Violence: Our Individual, Family and Collective Responsibilities, Montreal, Canada, 13.10.1999-15.10.1999. Montreal: Theo Done and Associates Ltd. pp. 257-271.
Scotland and Parliamentary Sovereignty
Little G (2004) Scotland and Parliamentary Sovereignty. Legal Studies, 24 (4), pp. 540-567.
Sutherland EE (2004) Written Consultation: Family Matters: Improving Family Law in Scotland (Scottish Executive, 2004) - Response. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.
The Civil Partnership Bill - Marriage by any other name?
Sutherland EE (2004) The Civil Partnership Bill - Marriage by any other name?. Greens Family Law Bulletin, 69, pp. 5-6.
Parenting Orders: A Culturally Alien Response of Questionable Efficacy
Sutherland EE (2004) Parenting Orders: A Culturally Alien Response of Questionable Efficacy. Juridical Review, 49 (2), pp. 105-132.
Research Report
The Policing of Racist Incidents in Strathclyde
Goodall K (2004) The Policing of Racist Incidents in Strathclyde. Strathclyde Police. University of Glasgow.
Yu H (2004) Division of Jurisdiction between Courts and Arbitral Tribunals: role of courts in the presence of an arbitration clause. CAA Arbitration Journal, 3, pp. 1-40.
Explore the void - an evaluation of arbitration theories: Part 1
Yu H (2004) Explore the void - an evaluation of arbitration theories: Part 1. International Arbitration Law Review, 7 (6), pp. 180-190.
Book Chapter
'Child Law' in Kenneth McK Norrie, Elaine E Sutherland and Alison Cleland, Child and Family Law
Sutherland EE (2004) 'Child Law' in Kenneth McK Norrie, Elaine E Sutherland and Alison Cleland, Child and Family Law. In: Whitty N (ed.) The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: The Law Society of Scotland/LexisNexis UK, pp. 6-39, 63-253.
Book Chapter
El marco jurídico-constitucional del espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia
Olmos Giupponi MB & Díaz Barrado CM (2004) El marco jurídico-constitucional del espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia. In: Garrido MV & Alvarez CE (eds.) Comentarios a la Constitución Europea, Vol. 3: Políticas comunitarias, las finanzas de la Unión. Valencia, Spain: Tirant Lo Blanch, pp. 1031-1062.
Olmos Giupponi MB (2003) La Convención Interamericana contra el Terrorismo adoptada por la Organización de Estados Americanos en 2002 [The OAS Inter-American Convention against Terrorism 2002]. Revista Espanola de Derecho Internacional, 55 (2), pp. 1102-1108.
La Carta Andina para la promoción y protección de derechos humanos para la integración andina
Olmos Giupponi MB (2003) La Carta Andina para la promoción y protección de derechos humanos para la integración andina [The Andean Charter of human rights]. Revista Espanola de Derecho Internacional, 55 (1), pp. 516-522.
Olmos Giupponi MB & Díaz Barrado CM (2003) Algunas consideraciones sobre el contenido del derecho a la vida en el sistema del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos y Libertades fundamentales [The right to life in the case law of the ECHR]. Revista Europea de Derechos Fundamentales, 2, pp. 35-60.
Book Chapter
Can International Conventions Drive Domestic Law Reform? The Case of Physical Punishment of Children
Sutherland EE (2003) Can International Conventions Drive Domestic Law Reform? The Case of Physical Punishment of Children. In: Dewar J J & Parker S (eds.) Family Law: Processes, Practices and Pressures. Portland, OR, USA: Hart Publishing, pp. 475-489.
Book Chapter
Some Dreams Realised, Some Disappointments
Sutherland EE (2003) Some Dreams Realised, Some Disappointments. In: Bainham A (ed.) International Survey of Family Law: 2003 Edition. The International Survey of Family Law series, 10. Bristol: Family Law, pp. 378-402.
Can online arbitration exist within the traditional arbitration framework?
Yu H & Nasir M (2003) Can online arbitration exist within the traditional arbitration framework?. Journal of International Arbitration, 20 (5), pp. 455-473.
Sutherland EE (2003) Civil Partnership Registration: A Legal Status for Committed Same-Sex Couples in Scotland (Scottish Executive, 2003) - Response. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.
Independence, impartiality and immunity of arbitrators - US and English Perspectives
Yu H & Shore L (2003) Independence, impartiality and immunity of arbitrators - US and English Perspectives. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 52 (4), pp. 935-967.
Sutherland EE (2003) Procreative Freedom and Convicted Criminals in the United States and the United Kingdom: Is Child Welfare Becoming the New Eugenics?. Oregon Law Review, 82 (3), pp. 1033-1065.
'Man Not Included' - single women, female couples and procreative freedom in the UK
Sutherland EE (2003) 'Man Not Included' - single women, female couples and procreative freedom in the UK. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 15 (2), pp. 155-171.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Procreative Freedom: Is Child Welfare Becoming the 'New Eugenics'?
Sutherland EE (2003) Procreative Freedom: Is Child Welfare Becoming the 'New Eugenics'?. North American Regional Conference of the International Society of Family Law, Eugene, Oregon, 26.06.2003-28.06.2003.
The Age of Reason or the Reasons for an Age? The Age of Criminal Responsibility
Sutherland EE (2002) The Age of Reason or the Reasons for an Age? The Age of Criminal Responsibility. Scots Law Times, (1), pp. 1-5.
Yu H (2002) Examination of English Arbitration Act 1996 against the modern trends of international commercial arbitration. CAA Arbitration Journal, 1, pp. 147-186.
Five years On: A Review of the English Arbitration Act 1996
Yu H (2002) Five years On: A Review of the English Arbitration Act 1996. Journal of International Arbitration, 19 (3), pp. 209-225.
Yu H (2002) Is the territorial link between arbitration and the country of origin established by Articles I and V(1)(e) being distorted by the application of Article VII of the New York Convention?. International Arbitration Law Review, 5 (6), pp. 196-205.
Book Chapter
Justice for Child Offenders in Scotland?
Sutherland EE (2002) Justice for Child Offenders in Scotland?. In: Bainham A (ed.) International Survey of Family Law: 2002 Edition. The International Survey of Family Law series, 9. Bristol: Family Law, pp. 357-378.
Olmos Giupponi MB (2002) La XII Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno. República Dominicana, noviembre de 2002. Revista Espanola de Derecho Internacional, 54 (2), pp. 1037-1042.
Book Chapter
El reconocimiento y la protección de los derechos humanos en el seno de la comunidad andina
Olmos Giupponi MB & Díaz Barrado CM (2002) El reconocimiento y la protección de los derechos humanos en el seno de la comunidad andina. In: Mari?o MF (ed.) El derecho internacional en los albores del siglo XXI: homenaje al profesor Juan Manuel Castro-Rial Canosa. Liber Amicorum. Madrid, Spain: Trotta, pp. 175-198.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P (2002) The Brussels Convention Becomes a Regulation: Implications for Legal Basis, External Competence, and Contract Jurisdiction. In: Fawcett J (ed.) Reform and Development of Private International Law - Festschrift for Sir Peter North. First ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 9-30.
Book Chapter
The Legitimacy of the Judge in the United Kingdom
Goodall K (2002) The Legitimacy of the Judge in the United Kingdom. In: Bell J (ed.) Studies in UK Law 2002. United Kingdom Comparative Law Series, 21. London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, pp. 31-62.
Newspaper / Magazine
Why are we still smacking children?
Sutherland EE (2002) Why are we still smacking children?. The Times. 02.07.2002.
Edited Book
Christian Perspectives on the Limits of the Law
Beaumont P (ed.) (2002) Christian Perspectives on the Limits of the Law, First ed. Carlisle: Paternoster Press.