Book Review
Climate Change and the International Forest Regime. A REDD Revolution?
Savaresi A (2013) Climate Change and the International Forest Regime. A REDD Revolution?. Review of: Law, Tropical Forests and Carbon. The Case of REDD+, edited by Rosemary Lyster, Catherine MacKenzie and Constance McDermott Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 289 pp.. Carbon and Climate Law Review, 7 (2), pp. 144-149.
A Conceptual and Legal Perspective on the Green Economy
Morgera E & Savaresi A (2013) A Conceptual and Legal Perspective on the Green Economy. Review of European Comparative and International Environmental Law, 22 (1), pp. 14-28.;
Book Chapter
CAS 2009/A/1912-1913 Pechstein v International Skating Union
McArdle D (2013) CAS 2009/A/1912-1913 Pechstein v International Skating Union. In: Anderson J (ed.) Leading Cases in Sports Law. ASSER International Sports Law Series. The Hague, Netherlands: TMC Asser Press, pp. 209-228.
Book Chapter
MMORPGing, Law, and Lingo
Barker K (2013) MMORPGing, Law, and Lingo. In: Freeman M & Smith F (eds.) Law and Language: Current Legal Issues Volume 15?. Current Legal Issues, 15. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 417-433.
Authorship in Virtual Worlds: Authors Death to Rights Revival?
Roncallo-Dow S, Uribe-Jongbloed E, Barker K & Scholz T (2013) Authorship in Virtual Worlds: Authors Death to Rights Revival?. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 6 (3).;
The Integration of Human Rights in Bilateral and Plurilateral Free Trade Agreements: Arguments for a Coherent Relationship with Reference to the Swiss Context
Cismas I (2013) The Integration of Human Rights in Bilateral and Plurilateral Free Trade Agreements: Arguments for a Coherent Relationship with Reference to the Swiss Context. Currents: International Trade Law Journal, 21 (2), pp. 3-20.
Not for Designers: On the Inadequacies of EU Design Law and How to Fix It
Margoni T (2013) Not for Designers: On the Inadequacies of EU Design Law and How to Fix It. JIPITEC : Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law, 4 (3), pp. 225-248.
Plagio mascherato dell’opera letteraria inedita: la prima linea di difesa del diritto d’autore. Nota a: Cassazione civile, sez. I, sentenza 19/10/2012, n. 18037
Dore G (2013) Plagio mascherato dell’opera letteraria inedita: la prima linea di difesa del diritto d’autore. Nota a: Cassazione civile, sez. I, sentenza 19/10/2012, n. 18037. Danno e Responsabilita, 2013 (7), pp. 723-742.
Book Review
Copyright and Mass Digitization
Dore G (2013) Copyright and Mass Digitization. Review of:
Maurizio Borghi and Stavroula Karapapa, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, 200 pp. ISBN 978-0-19-966455-9. SCRIPTed: A Journal of Law, Technology and Society, 10 (2), pp. 296-300.
Book Chapter
Una visión conjunta del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea y de los tribunales arbitrales de MERCOSUR
Olmos Giupponi MB (2013) Una visión conjunta del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea y de los tribunales arbitrales de MERCOSUR [A comparative overview: ECJ and MERCOSUR Arbitration Tribunals]. In: Ulate CE & Salazar RA (eds.) Tribunales Internacionales, Mecanismos de Solución de Controversias y justicia transnacional. San Jose, El Salvador: editorial ISOLMA.
Book Chapter
El impacto de la judicialización de los conflictos sociales por el agua en América Latina
Olmos Giupponi MB (2013) El impacto de la judicialización de los conflictos sociales por el agua en América Latina [The impact of the judicialization of social conflicts over water in Latin America]. In: Costa RW (ed.) Conflitos e coopera??o pela água na América Latina. Brazil: Anna Blume.
Book Chapter
The MERCOSUR-SACU Preferential Trade Agreement: A step forward in South-South relations?
Nkomo M & Olmos Giupponi MB (2013) The MERCOSUR-SACU Preferential Trade Agreement: A step forward in South-South relations?. In: du Pisani A, Erasmus G & Hartzenberg T (eds.) Monitoring Regional Integration. Monitoring Regional Integration in South Africa Yearbook, 2012. Stellenbosch, South Africa: Trade Law Center and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, pp. 194-211.
Book Chapter
Water Governance in Spain
Olmos Giupponi MB (2013) Water Governance in Spain. In: Gunawansa A & Bhullar L (eds.) Water Governance: An Evaluation of Alternative Architectures. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 139-163.
Book Chapter
EU internal and external social policy in times of global crisis
Zahn R (2013) EU internal and external social policy in times of global crisis. In: Schiek D (ed.) The EU Economic and Social Model in the Global Crisis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Studies in Modern Law and Policy. Ashgate, pp. 165-186.
European Labour Law in Crisis: The Demise of Social Rights?
Busby N & Zahn R (2013) European Labour Law in Crisis: The Demise of Social Rights?. Contemporary Issues in Law, 12 (2), pp. 173-192.
Technical Report
Technical Assistance on Energy Law and Public Administration
Heffron RJ (2013) Technical Assistance on Energy Law and Public Administration. The World Bank. World Bank.
Book Chapter
Martyrs to Circumstance: Longworth v Yelverton
Sutherland EE (2013) Martyrs to Circumstance: Longworth v Yelverton. In: Grant J & Sutherland E (eds.) Pronounced for Doom: Early Scots Law Tales. Edinburgh: Avizandum Publishing.
Edited Book
Pronounced for Doom: Early Scots Law Tales
Grant J & Sutherland EE (eds.) (2013) Pronounced for Doom: Early Scots Law Tales. Edinburgh: Avizandum Publishing.
Research Report
Key Developments in the Lifecycle of Offshore Renewable Energy technologies
Wood G, Santos-Ramos R & Ajah G (2013) Key Developments in the Lifecycle of Offshore Renewable Energy technologies. Offshore Renewables Institute.
Nuclear Energy Policy in the United States 1990-2010: A Federal or State Responsibility?
Heffron RJ (2013) Nuclear Energy Policy in the United States 1990-2010: A Federal or State Responsibility?. Energy Policy, 62, pp. 254-266.
The elective and automatic theories of termination in the common law of the contract of employment: Conundrum resolved?
Cabrelli D & Zahn R (2013) The elective and automatic theories of termination in the common law of the contract of employment: Conundrum resolved?. Modern Law Review, 76 (6), pp. 1106-1119.
Website Content
A Proposal for Reforming an Electricity Market for a Low-Carbon Economy
Heffron RJ (2013) A Proposal for Reforming an Electricity Market for a Low-Carbon Economy. EU Energy Policy Blog, 08.11.2013.
Website Content
Yes or no, 2014′s Scotland referendum carries significant constitutional implications
Tierney S & Boyle K (2013) Yes or no, 2014′s Scotland referendum carries significant constitutional implications. [Blog Post] 08.11.2013.
Policy Delivery for Low Carbon Energy Infrastructure in the UK, April 5th 2013: Conference Overview
Heffron RJ, Johnston A, McCauley DA & Jenkins K (2013) Policy Delivery for Low Carbon Energy Infrastructure in the UK, April 5th 2013: Conference Overview. Energy Policy, 61, pp. 1367-1369.
Multiculturalismo e minoranze nell’era della globalizzazione
Carolei D (2013) Multiculturalismo e minoranze nell’era della globalizzazione. Dike kai nomos, 2 (5), pp. 93-118.
Written Evidence to the Education and Culture Committee of the Scottish Parliament on the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill
Sutherland EE (2013) Written Evidence to the Education and Culture Committee of the Scottish Parliament on the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.
Online Games and IP. Battle of the Forms to Social Norms: Reconceptualising and Relayering?
Barker K (2013) Online Games and IP. Battle of the Forms to Social Norms: Reconceptualising and Relayering?. SCRIPTed: A Journal of Law, Technology and Society, 10 (3), pp. 320-338.
Listening to the Voice of the Child: The Evolution of Participation Rights
Sutherland EE (2013) Listening to the Voice of the Child: The Evolution of Participation Rights. New Zealand Law Review, 2013 (3), pp. 335-355.
A Forgotten Law and Policy Issue as Independence Looms: Nuclear Waste Management in Scotland
Heffron RJ, Allen M & McCauley DA (2013) A Forgotten Law and Policy Issue as Independence Looms: Nuclear Waste Management in Scotland. Edinburgh Law Review, 17 (3), pp. 411-415.;
Bringing order to family law
Sutherland EE (2013) Bringing order to family law. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 58 (9).
Book Chapter
Administrative and Judicial Cooperation in the Hague 2007 Maintenance Convention
Beaumont P & Walker L (2013) Administrative and Judicial Cooperation in the Hague 2007 Maintenance Convention. In: Forner Delaygua J, Gonzalez Beilfuss C & Vinas Farre R (eds.) Entre Bruselas y la Haya. Estudios sobre la unificación internacional y regional del Derecho internacional privado Liber Amicorum Alegría Borrás. First ed. Madrid: Marcial Pons, pp. 185-197.
From 'Bidie-in' to 'Cohabitant' in Scotland:The Perils of Legislative Compromise
Sutherland EE (2013) From 'Bidie-in' to 'Cohabitant' in Scotland:The Perils of Legislative Compromise. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 27 (2), pp. 143-175.
Authored Book
An Explanation of the Legal Arguments for the Inclusion of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Irish Constitution
Boyle K (2013) An Explanation of the Legal Arguments for the Inclusion of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Irish Constitution. Ireland: Constitutional Convention.
Book Chapter
Choice of Forum Clauses and the Brussels I Regulation: the Impact of the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements
Beaumont P (2013) Choice of Forum Clauses and the Brussels I Regulation: the Impact of the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements. In: Tomljenovi? V & Kunda I (eds.) The Brussels I Regulation: Challenges for the Croatian Judiciary. First ed. Rijeka, pp. 113-134.
House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee (HC180). Local Energy: Sixth Report of Session 2013-14. Volume II: Additional Written Evidence Ordered by the House of Commons to be published 9 May and 16 July 2013. Written evidence submitted by Geoffrey Wood, Ev w48-w54
Wood G (2013) House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee (HC180). Local Energy: Sixth Report of Session 2013-14. Volume II: Additional Written Evidence Ordered by the House of Commons to be published 9 May and 16 July 2013. Written evidence submitted by Geoffrey Wood, Ev w48-w54. London: The Stationery Office.
Conceptualising 'racism' in criminal law
Goodall K (2013) Conceptualising 'racism' in criminal law. Legal Studies, 33 (2), pp. 215-238.
Nuclear new build in the United States 1990-2010: A three state analysis
Heffron RJ (2013) Nuclear new build in the United States 1990-2010: A three state analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80 (5), pp. 876-892.
Book Chapter
England's Act, Scotland's Shame and the Limits of the Law
Hamilton-Smith N & McArdle D (2013) England's Act, Scotland's Shame and the Limits of the Law. In: Flint J & Kelly J (eds.) Bigotry, Football and Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 130-144.
Book Chapter
Women, Football and Communities: Gendered Conceptualisations of ‘Sectarianism’
Goodall K & Malloch M (2013) Women, Football and Communities: Gendered Conceptualisations of ‘Sectarianism’. In: Flint J & Kelly J (eds.) Bigotry, Football and Scotland: Perspectives and Debates. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 163-179.
Book Chapter
General Report on Surrogacy
Beaumont P & Trimmings K (2013) General Report on Surrogacy. In: International Surrogacy Arrangements: Legal Regulation at the International Level. 1st ed. Studies in Private International Law, 12. Hart, pp. 439-549.
Book Chapter
Abolition of Exequatur under the Brussels I Regulation as it Affects EU Competition Law
Beaumont P (2013) Abolition of Exequatur under the Brussels I Regulation as it Affects EU Competition Law. In: Cross-Border EU Competition Law Actions. 1st ed. Oxford: Hart, pp. 371-383.
Edited Book
Cross-Border EU Competition Law Actions
Danov M, Becker F & Beaumont P (eds.) (2013) Cross-Border EU Competition Law Actions, First ed. Hart Studies in Competition Law, 4. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Edited Book
International Surrogacy Arrangements: Legal Regulation at the International Level
Trimmings K & Beaumont P (eds.) (2013) International Surrogacy Arrangements: Legal Regulation at the International Level, First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 12. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Giving the state sole jurisdiction over marriage would simplify the law
Sutherland EE (2013) Giving the state sole jurisdiction over marriage would simplify the law. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 58 (4), p. 5.
The application of contrast explanation to energy policy research: UK nuclear energy policy 2002-2012
Heffron RJ (2013) The application of contrast explanation to energy policy research: UK nuclear energy policy 2002-2012. Energy Policy, 55, pp. 602-616.;
Theft, Property Rights and the Human Body: A Scottish Perspective
Brown J (2013) Theft, Property Rights and the Human Body: A Scottish Perspective. Journal of Medical Law and Ethics, 1 (1), pp. 43-59.
Book Chapter
Post Neulinger Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights on the Hague Child Abduction Convention
Beaumont P & Walker L (2013) Post Neulinger Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights on the Hague Child Abduction Convention. In: Bureau P (ed.) A Commitment to Private International Law: Essays in Honour of Hans van Loon. First ed. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 17-30.
The Law – Morality Conundrum: On the Multifaceted Sources of Normativity
Andriychuk O (2013) The Law – Morality Conundrum: On the Multifaceted Sources of Normativity. Rechtstheorie, 44 (1), pp. 1-28.
A Grave Situation: An Examination of the Legal Issues raised by the Life and Death of Charles Byrne, the "Irish Giant"
Muinzer T (2013) A Grave Situation: An Examination of the Legal Issues raised by the Life and Death of Charles Byrne, the "Irish Giant". International Journal of Cultural Property, 20 (1), pp. 23-48.
Preprint / Working Paper
Nuclear Energy Policy in the United States 1990-2010: A Federal or State Responsibility?
Heffron RJ (2013) Nuclear Energy Policy in the United States 1990-2010: A Federal or State Responsibility?. Electricity Policy Research Working Paper Series, EPRG WP 1301.
Authored Book
The Theories and Developments of International Commercial Arbitration
Wu G & Yu H (2013) The Theories and Developments of International Commercial Arbitration. Series of Intellectual Property Law and Economic Law. Taipei: Hanlu Publishing.
The Legislative Origins of the MPs' Expenses Scandal
Little G & Stopforth D (2013) The Legislative Origins of the MPs' Expenses Scandal. Modern Law Review, 76 (1), pp. 83-108.
Duty of Confidentiality: Myth or Reality?
Yu H (2012) Duty of Confidentiality: Myth or Reality?. Civil Justice Quarterly, 31 (1), pp. 68-88.
The Registration of Civil Partnerships Same-Sex Marriage: A Consultation (Scottish Government, 2011) - Consultation Response
Sutherland EE (2012) The Registration of Civil Partnerships Same-Sex Marriage: A Consultation (Scottish Government, 2011) - Consultation Response. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.
The Rights of Children and Young People (Scottish Government, 2011) - Consultation Response
Sutherland EE (2012) The Rights of Children and Young People (Scottish Government, 2011) - Consultation Response. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.
The New French Arbitration Law: An Analysis
Yu H & Ahmed M (2012) The New French Arbitration Law: An Analysis. International Arbitration Law Review, 15 (1), pp. 20-29.
Lessons from the United States: For Legal Change and Delay in Energy Law in the United Kingdom
Heffron RJ (2012) Lessons from the United States: For Legal Change and Delay in Energy Law in the United Kingdom. International Energy Law Review, 31 (2), pp. 69-75.
A Justification for Redefining Competition Policy in the 21st Century in the UK
Heffron RJ (2012) A Justification for Redefining Competition Policy in the 21st Century in the UK. Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law, 1 (3), pp. 74-117.
Arbitrating in a world of communicative reason
Esposito P & Martire J (2012) Arbitrating in a world of communicative reason. Arbitration International, 28 (2), pp. 325-341.;
Book Chapter
Social and Legal Transitions and Criminalisation
Goodall K, Malloch M & Munro W (2012) Social and Legal Transitions and Criminalisation. In: Goodall K, Malloch M & Munro B (eds.) Building Justice in Post-transition Europe? Processess of Criminalisation within Central and East European Societies.. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice, 2. London: Routledge, pp. 3-21.
Edited Book
The Future of Child and Family Law: International Predictions
Sutherland EE (ed.) (2012) The Future of Child and Family Law: International Predictions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Book Chapter
Scotland: the marriage of principle and pragmatism
Sutherland EE (2012) Scotland: the marriage of principle and pragmatism. In: Sutherland E (ed.) The Future of Child and Family Law: International Predictions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 363-397.
Book Chapter
Imperatives and challenges in child and family law: commonalities and disparities
Sutherland EE (2012) Imperatives and challenges in child and family law: commonalities and disparities. In: Sutherland E (ed.) The Future of Child and Family Law: International Predictions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-46.
Edited Book
Building Justice in Post-Transition Europe? Processes of Criminalisation within Central and Eastern European Societies
Goodall K, Malloch M & Munro W (eds.) (2012) Building Justice in Post-Transition Europe? Processes of Criminalisation within Central and Eastern European Societies. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. London: Routledge.
The Dialectics of Competition Law: Sketching the Ordo-Austrian Approach to Antitrust
Andriychuk O (2012) The Dialectics of Competition Law: Sketching the Ordo-Austrian Approach to Antitrust. World Competition, 35 (2), pp. 355-384.
Book Chapter
Thinking Inside the Box: Why Competition as a Process is a Sui Generis Right – a Methodological Observation
Andriychuk O (2012) Thinking Inside the Box: Why Competition as a Process is a Sui Generis Right – a Methodological Observation. In: Zimmer D (ed.) The Goals of Competition Law. ASCOLA Competition Law series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p. 95–117.
Book Review
Structure and Effects in EU Competition Law: Studies on Exclusionary Conduct and State Aid
Andriychuk O (2012) Structure and Effects in EU Competition Law: Studies on Exclusionary Conduct and State Aid. Review of:
Jürgen Basedow, Wolfgang Wurmnest (eds.), Wolters Kluwer International Competition Law Series, Volume 47, Amsterdam: Kluwer Law International, 2011, 343pp. ISBN 9789041131744. Common Market Law Review, 49 (2), p. 839–842.
Research Report
Offshore Wind: A Position Paper
Wood G & Taylor A (2012) Offshore Wind: A Position Paper. Offshore Renewables Institute.
Consultation on the Children and Young People Bill (Scottish Government, 2012) - Response
Sutherland EE (2012) Consultation on the Children and Young People Bill (Scottish Government, 2012) - Response. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.
MMORPGing – The Legalities of Game Play
Barker K (2012) MMORPGing – The Legalities of Game Play. European Journal for Law and Technology, 3 (1).
Book Chapter
The EU external action on forests: FLEGT and the development of international law
Savaresi A (2012) The EU external action on forests: FLEGT and the development of international law. In: Morgera E (ed.) The External Environmental Policy of the European Union: EU and International Law Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, pp. 149-173.;
Edited Book
Building Justice in Post-Transition Europe: Processes of Criminalisation within Central and Eastern European Societies
Goodall K, Malloch M & Munro W (eds.) (2012) Building Justice in Post-Transition Europe: Processes of Criminalisation within Central and Eastern European Societies. London: Routledge.
Authored Book
Contract Law Essential Cases
Little T (2012) Contract Law Essential Cases. First ed. Law Essentials. University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN: Dundee University Press.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2012) Series Editors' Preface. In: The Governing Law of Companies in EU Law. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 9. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. vii-viii.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2012) Series Editors' Preface. In: Basedow J, Francq S & Idot L (eds.) International AntiTrust Litigation Conflict of Laws and Coordination. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 8. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-vi.
International law and sources of law in MERCOSUR: An analysis of a 20-year relationship
Olmos Giupponi MB (2012) International law and sources of law in MERCOSUR: An analysis of a 20-year relationship. Leiden Journal of International Law, 25 (3), pp. 707-737.;
The Elective and Automatic Theories of Termination at Common Law: resolving the conundrum?
Cabrelli D & Zahn R (2012) The Elective and Automatic Theories of Termination at Common Law: resolving the conundrum?. Industrial Law Journal, 41 (3), p. 346–357.
Zmena rovnovahy dosiahnutej Dohovorom o unosoch: protikladne pristupy Europskeho sudu pre ludske prava a Europskeho suneho dvora
Walker L & Beaumont P (2012) Zmena rovnovahy dosiahnutej Dohovorom o unosoch: protikladne pristupy Europskeho sudu pre ludske prava a Europskeho suneho dvora. Hatapka M (Translator) Justiicna Revue, 8-9, pp. 937-951.
Book Chapter
The European Court of Justice Prioritises the Abolition of Exequatur over Fundamental Rights in Zarraga
Beaumont P (2012) The European Court of Justice Prioritises the Abolition of Exequatur over Fundamental Rights in Zarraga. In: Frutos Miranda J, Blázquez Navarro I, Díez-Hochleitner J & Martínez Capdevila C (eds.) Recent Trends in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (2008-2011). First ed. Madrid: La Ley, pp. 621-634.
Habermas contra Foucault: Law, Power, and the forgotten subject
Martire J (2012) Habermas contra Foucault: Law, Power, and the forgotten subject. Law and Critique, 23 (2), pp. 123-139.
The Human Rights Dimension of REDD
Savaresi A (2012) The Human Rights Dimension of REDD. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 21 (2), pp. 102-113.
Authored Book
Davidson F (2012) Arbitration. 2nd ed. SULI series. Edinburgh: W Green.
Romanian nuclear new build: Progress amidst turbulence 1990-2010
Heffron RJ (2012) Romanian nuclear new build: Progress amidst turbulence 1990-2010. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 56, pp. 43-60.
Regulating International Surrogacy Arrangements
Beaumont P & Trimmings K (2012) Regulating International Surrogacy Arrangements. International Family Law, 2012 (Mar), pp. 125-128.
Preprint / Working Paper
Third Party Nuclear Liability: The Case of a Supplier in the United Kingdom
Thomas A & Heffron RJ (2012) Third Party Nuclear Liability: The Case of a Supplier in the United Kingdom. Electricity Policy Research Working Paper Series, EPRG WP 1205.
Preprint / Working Paper
Nuclear New Build in the USA 1990-2010: A Three State Analysis
Heffron RJ (2012) Nuclear New Build in the USA 1990-2010: A Three State Analysis. Electricity Policy Research Working Paper Series, EPRG WP 1204,
How far can party autonomy be stretched in setting the grounds for the refusal of arbitral awards
Yu H (2011) How far can party autonomy be stretched in setting the grounds for the refusal of arbitral awards. International Arbitration Law Review, 14 (5), pp. 156-161.
The Rule of Law: A Foucauldian Interpretation
Martire J (2011) The Rule of Law: A Foucauldian Interpretation. In-Spire Journal of Law, Politics and Societies, 6 (2), pp. 19-33.
Book Chapter
The enforcement of environmental law in Scotland
Little G (2011) The enforcement of environmental law in Scotland. In: McManus F (ed.) Environmental Law in Scotland. Edinburgh: Thomson/ W Green, pp. 13/1-13/24.
Authored Book
Commercial Arbitration: Scottish and International Perspectives
Yu H (2011) Commercial Arbitration: Scottish and International Perspectives. Dundee: Dundee University Press.
Research Report
A Fair Say? Helping people with learning disabilities find access to justice
Goodall K & MacIntyre G (2011) A Fair Say? Helping people with learning disabilities find access to justice. EqualSay.
Book Chapter
Dispute Resolution
Yu H (2011) Dispute Resolution. In: Black G (ed.) Business Law in Scotland. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: W Green.
Book Chapter
Longitudinal profiling, sports arbitration and the woman who had nothing to lose: some thoughts on Pechstein v. International Skating Union
McArdle D (2011) Longitudinal profiling, sports arbitration and the woman who had nothing to lose: some thoughts on Pechstein v. International Skating Union. In: McNamee M & M?ller V (eds.) Doping and Anti-Doping Policy in Sport: Ethical, Legal and Social Perspectives. Ethics and Sport. Abingdon, Oxon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 50-65.
Edited Book
Law Making and the Scottish Parliament: The Early Years
Sutherland EE, Goodall K, Little G & Davidson F (eds.) (2011) Law Making and the Scottish Parliament: The Early Years. Edinburgh Studies in Law. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Book Chapter
I casi Viking e Laval: tra problemi di allargamento e soluzioni poco fortunate
Zahn R (2011) I casi Viking e Laval: tra problemi di allargamento e soluzioni poco fortunate. In: Cartabia M (ed.) Dieci casi sui diritti in Europa. Uno strumento didattico. First ed. Bologna, Italy: Il Mulino, pp. 225-237.
Trade Unions and New Member State Workers in Germany and the United Kingdom
Zahn R (2011) Trade Unions and New Member State Workers in Germany and the United Kingdom. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 27 (2), pp. 139-164.
The Concept of Perfect Competition as the Law of Economics: Addressing the Homonymy Problem
Andriychuk O (2011) The Concept of Perfect Competition as the Law of Economics: Addressing the Homonymy Problem. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 62 (4), p. 523–538.
New Bottles - Same Wine? A Critical Assessment of the Reformed EU Rules on Vertical Restraints
Andriychuk O (2011) New Bottles - Same Wine? A Critical Assessment of the Reformed EU Rules on Vertical Restraints. Concorrenza e Mercato, 18 (1), p. 745–763.
Book Chapter
Do Markets Ever Fail? Reconciling the Consequentialist and the Deontological Approaches to the Market Process
Andriychuk O (2011) Do Markets Ever Fail? Reconciling the Consequentialist and the Deontological Approaches to the Market Process. In: Beldowski J, Metelska-Szaniawska K & Visscher L (eds.) Polish Yearbook of Law and Economics, Vol. 1 (2010). Warsaw: CH Beck Publishing, p. 113–126.
Research Report
An Evaluation of Football Banning Orders in Scotland
Hamilton-Smith N, Bradford B, Hopkins M, Kurland J, Lightowler C, McArdle D & Tilley N (2011) An Evaluation of Football Banning Orders in Scotland. Scottish Government. Scottish Government.