

Outputs related to Law

Showing 401 to 500 of 1118

Book Chapter

Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yüksel B (2017) Conclusion. In: Cross-Border Litigation in Europe. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 20. Oxford: Hart, pp. 819-832.

Edited Book

Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yuksel B (eds.) (2017) Cross-Border Litigation in Europe, First ed. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 20. Oxford: Hart Publishing. https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/cross-border-litigation-in-europe-9781782256762/

Book Chapter

Beaumont P & Danov M (2017) Introduction: Research Aims and Methodology. In: Cross-Border Litigation in Europe. 1st ed. Studies in Private International Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 1-15.

Book Chapter

Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yuksel B (2017) Great Britain. In: Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yuksel B (eds.) Cross Border Litigation in Europe. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 20. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 79-124.


Baker K & Wood G (2017) Response to consultation - Talking "Fracking": A Consultation on Unconventional Oil and Gas. Talking "Fracking": A Consultation on Unconventional Oil and Gas Scottish Government, p. Response 288083450. https://consult.gov.scot/energy-and-climate-change-directorate/fracking-unconventional-oil-and-gas/consultation/view_respondent?show_all_questions=0&sort=submitted&order=ascending&_q__text=wood&uuId=288083450

Technical Report

Sutherland EE (2017) Review of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 - BRIA interview. Scottish Government. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Justice/law/17867/review-of-children-scotland-act-1995/1995-Act-review-BRIA-interviews/BRIA-Elaine-Sutherland

Book Chapter

Egan M (2017) Seeing is believing: police practitioners as an epistemic community. In: O’Neill M & Swinton K (eds.) Challenges and Critiques of the EU Internal Security Strategy: Rights, power and security. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 199-224. http://www.cambridgescholars.com/challenges-and-critiques-of-the-eu-internal-security-strategy

Book Review

Muinzer T (2017) The Law and the Dead. Review of: Heather Conway,
Routledge, 2016, Hardback, 298 pp., ?90, ISBN 9780415706940.. Medical Law Review, 25 (3), pp. 505-511. https://doi.org/10.1093/medlaw/fwx003

Book Chapter

Sutherland EE (2017) Scotland: Proactive Child Protection: A Step Too Far?. In: Brinig M & Banda F (eds.) International Survey of Family Law: 2017 Edition. International Survey of Family Law. Bristol: Jordans/Family Law, pp. 287-309. https://www.familylaw.co.uk/news_and_comment/the-international-survey-of-family-law-2017-edition


Sutherland EE (2017) Family law: still scope for reform. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 62 (7). http://www.journalonline.co.uk/Magazine/62-7/1023495.aspx

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Noto La Diega G, Carr S, Davies G, Dunn R, Jackson A & Piasecki E (2017) Brexit and the Law School. Brexit and the Law School, Newcastle upon Tyne, 25.05.2017-25.05.2017. http://www.legalscholars.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Northumbria.docx

Technical Report

Savaresi A, Cismas I & Hartmann J (2017) Amicus Brief - Human Rights and Climate Change. Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions. http://www.asiapacificforum.net/resources/amicus-brief-human-rights-and-climate-change/

Book Chapter

Savaresi A (2017) Forest Biodiversity. In: Morgera E & Razzaque J (eds.) Biodiversity and Nature Protection Law. Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law series, 3. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 203-214. http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/biodiversity-and-nature-protection-law; https://doi.org/10.4337/9781783474257.III.14


Etone D (2017) AFRC Case, Prosecutor v Brima (Alex Tamba) and ors, Appeal judgment, Case no SCSL-2004-16-A, ICL 669 (SCSL 2008), 22nd February 2008 International Criminal Law (ICL) Reports – Oxford University Press: Reports on International Law Reports, ICL Series. AFRC Case, Prosecutor v Brima (Alex Tamba) and ors, Appeal judgment, Case no SCSL-2004-16-A, ICL 669 (SCSL 2008), 22nd February 2008 OUP - Oxford Reports on International Law (ICL Series).

Conference Paper (published)

Savaresi A (2017) The Paris Agreement: Reflections on an International Law Odyssey. In: Binder C, d’Argent P & Pazartzis P (eds.) 12th Annual ESIL Conference - Riga, 8-10 September 2016: 'How International Law Works in Times of Crisis?'. ESIL Conference Paper Series, 13. 2016 ESIL Annual Conference, Riga, Latvia, 08.09.2016-10.09.2016. Florence, Italy: ESIL, p. 14/2016. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2912001

Book Review

Savaresi A (2016) Climate Change, Justice and Human Rights: Where to Next?. Review of: Climate Justice and Disaster Law, by Rosemary Lyster and Climate Change and Human Rights: An International and Comparative Law Perspective, ed by Ottavio Quirico and Mouloud Boumghar. Carbon and Climate Law Review, 10 (4), pp. 226-230. https://doi.org/10.21552/cclr/2016/4/12

Book Chapter

Wood G (2016) A systemic approach to renewable electricity technology deployment: The 'missing link' in optimising policy delivery in the UK?. In: Heffron R & Little G (eds.) Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and the US: A Reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 515-519. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-delivering-energy-law-and-policy-in-the-eu-and-the-us.html


Savaresi A (2016) The Paris Agreement: A New Beginning?. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, 34 (1), pp. 16-26. https://doi.org/10.1080/02646811.2016.1133983

Book Chapter

Yu H (2016) A Bad Compromise Is Better Than a Good Lawsuit: Mutual Influence Between the East and the West on Mediation. In: Lo C, Li N & Lin T (eds.) Legal Thoughts between the East and the West in the Multilevel Legal Order: A Liber Amicorum in Honour of Professor Herbert Han-Pao Ma. Economics, Law, and Institutions in Asia Pacific. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 555-573. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-10-1995-1_32; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-1995-1_32

Book Chapter

Cismas I (2016) The Child’s Best Interests and Religion: A Case Study of the Holy See’s Best Interests Obligations and Clerical Child Sexual Abuse. In: Sutherland E & Barnes ML (eds.) Implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Best Interests, Welfare and Well-being. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 310-325. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/un-and-international-organisations/implementing-article-3-united-nations-convention-rights-child-best-interests-welfare-and-well-being?format=HB

Edited Book

Sutherland EE & Macfarlane LB (eds.) (2016) Implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Best Interests, Welfare and Well-being. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/un-and-international-organisations/implementing-article-3-united-nations-convention-rights-child-best-interests-welfare-and-well-being?format=HB#contentsTabAnchor

Book Chapter

Margoni T (2016) CC-PlusDesign.eu -- Or How to Apply Creative Commons Licences to 3D Printed Products in the Light of the Most Recent Developments of the European Court of Justice Case Law. In: van den BB, van der Hof S & Kosta E (eds.) 3D Printing: Legal, Philosophical and Economic Dimensions. The Hague: TMC Asser Press, pp. 37-63. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-096-1_3; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-096-1_3

Conference Paper (published)

Margoni T, Caso R, Ducato R, Guarda P & Moscon V (2016) Open Access, Open Science, Open Society. In: Loizides F & Schmidt B (eds.) Positioning and Power in Academic Publishing: Players, Agents and Agendas: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Electronic Publishing. ElPub 2016 - 20th International Conference on Electronic Publishing: Positioning and Power in Academic Publishing: Players, Agents and Agendas, Gottingen, Germany, 07.06.2016-09.06.2016. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 75-86. https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-649-1-75

Book Chapter

Sutherland EE (2016) Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: The Challenges of Vagueness and Priorities. In: Sutherland E & Macfarlane L (eds.) Implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Best Interests, Welfare and Well-being. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 21-50. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/un-and-international-organisations/implementing-article-3-united-nations-convention-rights-child-best-interests-welfare-and-well-being?format=HB#contentsTabAnchor

Book Chapter

Sutherland EE & Macfarlane LB (2016) Introduction. In: Sutherland E & Macfarlane L (eds.) Implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Best Interests, Welfare and Well-being. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-18. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/un-and-international-organisations/implementing-article-3-united-nations-convention-rights-child-best-interests-welfare-and-well-being?format=HB&isbn=9781107158252#contentsTabAnchor

Book Chapter

Boyle K & Tierney S (2016) A Tale of Two Referendums: Scotland, the UK and Europe. In: Birkinshaw P & Biondi A (eds.) Britain Alone: The Implications and Consequences of United Kingdom Exit from the EU. European Monographs, 96. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. https://lrus.wolterskluwer.com/store/product/britain-alone-the-implications-and-consequences-of-united-kingdom-exit-from-the-eu/

Book Chapter

La Diega GN (2016) In light of the ends. Copyright hysteresis and private copy exception after the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors (BASCA) and others v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills case. In: Falce V, Gambino AM, Maggio E, Moscati E, Romano R, Ronco M & Valditara G (eds.) Studi Giuridici Europei 2014. Universita Europea de Roma, 2014. Turin: Giappichelli, pp. 39-60. https://www.giappichelli.it/studi-giuridici-europei


Noto La Diega G (2016) Patents on computer-related inventions in India. Intellectual Property Rights: Open Access, 2016 (Special Issue). https://doi.org/10.4172/2375-4516.1000S1-009

Book Chapter

Trimmings K & Beaumont P (2016) Parentage and Surrogacy in a European Perspective. In: Scherpe JM (ed.) European Family Law, Vol. III. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 232-283. https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/european-family-law-9781785362989.html

Book Chapter

Beaumont P & Walker L (2016) Introduction to Part Two and Part Three. In: Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (eds.) The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide. Studies in Private International Law, 15. Oxford: Hart, pp. 17-19. https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/the-recovery-of-maintenance-in-the-eu-and-worldwide-9781509909285/

Book Chapter

Beaumont P & Walker L (2016) Empirical Study on the Early Operation of the EU Maintenance Regulation. In: Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (eds.) The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 15. Oxford: Hart, pp. 337-383. https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/the-recovery-of-maintenance-in-the-eu-and-worldwide-9781509909285/

Book Chapter

Beaumont P & Trimmings K (2016) Recent jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in the area of cross-border surrogacy: is there still a need for global regulation of surrogacy?. In: Ippolito F & Biagioni G (eds.) Migrant Children: Challenges for Public and Private International Law. Naples: Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 109-136. https://www.editorialescientifica.com/shop/catalogo/libri-in-lingua-straniera/migrant-children-challenges-for-public-and-private-international-law-detail.html

Book Chapter

Beaumont P & Harris J (2016) Series Editors' Preface. In: The Choice of Law Contract. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 18. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-vi. https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/the-choice-of-law-contract-9781509901012/

Book Chapter

Dodd L (2016) Kinship, conflict and unity among Roman elites in post-Roman Gaul: The contrasting experiences of Caesarius and Avitus. In: Varga R & Rusu-Bolinde? V (eds.) Official Power and Local Elites in the Roman Provinces. London: Routledge, pp. 188-208. https://www.routledge.com/Official-Power-and-Local-Elites-in-the-Roman-Provinces/Varga-Rusu-Bolindet/p/book/9780367880699

Technical Report

(2016) The implications of Brexit for environmental law in Scotland. Cardesa-Salzmann A (Editor) & Savaresi A (Editor) Scottish Universities Legal Network on Europe (SULNE). Scottish Universities Legal Network on Europe (SULNE). https://sulne.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/environment-paper-sulne-20161214.pdf

Research Report

Tacconi L, Cerutti PO, Leipold S, Rodrigues RJ, Savaresi A, To PX & Weng X (2016) Defining Illegal Forest Activities and Illegal Logging. Kleinschmit D (Editor), Mansourian S (Editor), Wildburger C (Editor) & Purret A (Editor) International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) IUFRO World Series, 35. Austria: International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). http://www.iufro.org/publications/article/2016/12/03/world-series-vol-35-illegal-logging-and-related-timber-trade-dimensions-drivers-impacts-and/


Beaumont P (2016) Respecting Reverse Subsidiarity as an excellent strategy for the European Union at The Hague Conference on Private International Law – reflections in the context of the Judgments Project?. Europejski Przegl?d S?dowy, 2016 (10), pp. 13-17. http://www.czasopisma.wolterskluwer.pl/european-judiciary-review

Book Chapter

Savaresi A & Chiarolla C (2016) Indigenous Challenges under IPBES: Embracing Indigenous Knowledge and Beyond. In: Hrabanski M & Pesche D (eds.) The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service (IPBES): Meeting the challenge of biodiversity conservation and governance. London: Routledge, pp. 190-210. https://www.routledge.com/The-Intergovernmental-Platform-on-Biodiversity-and-Ecosystem-Services-IPBES/Hrabanski-Pesche/p/book/9781138121256


Little GM (2016) Energy and the Scotland Act 2016. Edinburgh Law Review, 20 (3), pp. 394-399. https://doi.org/10.3366/elr.2016.0374


Wood G (2016) House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs, 2nd Report of Session 2016-17. The Price of Power: Reforming the Electricity Market. Ordered to be printed 8 February 2017 and published 24 February 2017. HL Paper 113. Dr Geoffrey Wood – Written evidence (UEM0062): Wider Discussion of the Issues of the EAC Inquiry pp.1022-1026. London: House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs. https://www.parliament.uk/documents/lords-committees/economic-affairs/The-Economics-of-UK-Energy-Policy/The-Economics-of-UK-Energy-Policy-FINAL.pdf


Sutherland EE (2016) Beyond the named person service. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 61 (9). http://www.journalonline.co.uk/Magazine/#.V-3CvmcVCEU


Egan M (Editor), Koulouri A (Editor) & Swinton K (Editor) (2016) European Journal of Policing Studies: Policing in Times of Uncertainty. European Journal of Policing Studies, 4 (1). http://www.maklu-online.eu/en/tijdschrift/ejps/volume-4/issue-1-policing-times-uncertainty-guest-editors-m/


Egan M (2016) Policing intermediaries in the EU anti-money laundering framework. European Journal of Policing Studies, 4 (1), pp. 125-145. http://www.maklu-online.eu/en/tijdschrift/ejps/volume-4/issue-1-policing-times-uncertainty-guest-editors-m/policing-intermediaries-eu-anti-money-laundering-f/

Book Chapter

Okoli P (2016) Subject matter jurisdiction: the recognition and enforcement of English judgments in Nigeria and the need for a universal standpoint. In: Bonomi A & Romano G (eds.) Yearbook of Private International Law Vol. XVII. Yearbook of Private International Law, XVII. K?ln: Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, pp. 507-525. https://doi.org/10.9785/9783504385163-023

Book Chapter

Little G (2016) Energy and Environment Studies: the Role of Legal Scholarship. In: Heffron R & Little G (eds.) Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and the US: A Reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 601-604. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-delivering-energy-law-and-policy-in-the-eu-and-the-us.html

Edited Book

Heffron R & Little G (eds.) (2016) Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and the US: A Reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-delivering-energy-law-and-policy-in-the-eu-and-the-us.html