

Outputs related to Education

Showing 1 to 100 of 1371

Book Chapter

Smith J (2024) History in the Curriculum. In: Rata E (ed.) Research Handbook on Curriculum and Education. Elgar, pp. 354-367. https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/research-handbook-on-curriculum-and-education-9781802208535.html


Burnett C, Adams G, Gillen J, Thompson TL, ?ernáková A, Shannon D & Shetty P (2024) Engaging with Research: Briefing for Teachers. Thompson T (Work Package Leader) ESRC. Sheffield Hallam University. https://doi.org/10.7190/shu-reports-24003


Tomaz SA, Taylor L, Ryde GC, Bradwell HL, Cooper L, Coffee P, Mannion G, Hennessy C, Haynes R, Whittaker AC & GOALD Project (2024) Generations Active Together: An Example of Using Physical Activity Promotion and Digital Technology to Bring Together Adolescents and Older People in Stirling, Scotland. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships. https://doi.org/10.1080/15350770.2024.2322442


Smith JB, Klumbyt? G, Sidebottom K, Dillard‐Wright J, Willis E, Brown BB & Hopkins‐Walsh J (2024) We all care, ALL the time. Nursing Inquiry, 31 (1), Art. No.: e12572. https://doi.org/10.1111/nin.12572

Book Chapter

Chapman A & Smith J (2023) Narration and Equivocation: Locating State, Nation and Empire in the Pre-university History Examination Syllabi of England and Scotland. In: History Education at the Edge of the Nation: Political Autonomy, Educational Reforms, and Memory-shaping in European Periphery. Global Histories of Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 245-272. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-27246-2_11

Edited Book

Gibbons S, Glackin M, Rushton E, Towers E & Brock R (eds.) (2023) Becoming a Teacher 6th Edition. New York: McGraw Hill. https://www.mheducation.co.uk/becoming-a-teacher-issues-in-secondary-education-6e-9780335251667-emea-group

Book Chapter

Rushton E & Towers E (2023) Teacher identity: developing a positive professional identity in your teaching career.. In: Gibbons S, Glackin M, Rushton E, Towers E & Brock R (eds.) Becoming a Teacher. 6 ed. New York: McGraw Hill. https://www.mheducation.co.uk/becoming-a-teacher-issues-in-secondary-education-6e-9780335251667-emea-group#configurable-product-options-title

Book Chapter

Jones J & Rushton E (2023) The pastoral role of a teacher. In: Gibbons S, Glackin M, Rushton E, Towers E & Brock R (eds.) New York: McGraw Hill. https://www.mheducation.co.uk/becoming-a-teacher-issues-in-secondary-education-6e-9780335251667-emea-group#configurable-product-options-title


Ncube S, Wilson A, Petersen L, Black G, Abrams A, Carden K, Dick L, Dickie J, Gibson L, Hamilton-Smith N, Ireland A, Lamb G, Mpofu-Mketwa T, Piper L & Swanson D (2023) Understanding resilience capitals, agency and habitus in household experiences of water scarcity, floods and fire in marginalized settlements in the Cape Flats, South Africa. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8 (1), Art. No.: 100710. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100710


Dickie J, Wilson A, Dick L, Ncube S, Abrams A, Black G, Blair N, Carden K, Hamilton-Smith N, Lamb G, Mpofu-Mketwa T, Petersen L & Robertson G (2023) Living the life of floods: place-based learning in an Anthropocene harmscape. Geoforum, 147, Art. No.: 103914. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2023.103914


Oosterhoff A, Thompson TL, Oenema-Mostert I & Minnaert A (2023) En/countering the doings of standards in early childhood education: drawing on Actor-Network Theory to trace enactments of and resistances to emerging sociomaterial policy assemblages. Journal of Education Policy, 38 (6), pp. 963-984. https://doi.org/10.1080/02680939.2022.2161639


Thompson TL & Prinsloo P (2023) Returning the data gaze in higher education. Learning, Media and Technology, 48 (1), pp. 153-165. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439884.2022.2092130

Book Chapter

Thompson T (2023) Researching with, on, in and through the postdigital: Accounting for more-than-humanness. In: Jandric P, MacKenzie A & Knox J (eds.) Postdigital research: Genealogies, challenges, and future perspectives. 1 ed. Postdigital Science and Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 231-247. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-31299-1_13

Website Content

Rushton E, Towers E, Rawlings Smith E & Steadman S (2023) Understanding teacher identity in teachers’ professional lives.. BERA Blog [ Blog post] 12.09.2023. https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/understanding-teacher-identity-in-teachers-professional-lives-findings-from-a-systematic-review-of-the-literature

Website Content

Dunlop L & Rushton E (2023) Dicey Dialogue: engaging scientists with public understanding.. National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement [Blog post] 08.09.2023. https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/whats-new/blog/dicey-dialogue-engaging-scientists-with-public-understanding


Smith J, Doherty R & Mercieca D (2023) Editorial. Scottish Educational Review, 54 (2), pp. 147-148. https://doi.org/10.1163/27730840-bja10008

Policy Document

Clark H, De Barra D, Murray A, Norman A, Schoenaker D, Winterbottom J, Sher J, Kumaran K, Woods-Townsend K, Trevillion K, Murray P, Keynejad R, Bhavsar V, Bayou E & Cassinelli EH (2023) A Preconception Care Strategy. Children's Alliance. Eye View. England. https://childrensalliance.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2-Preconception-care-strategy-report-University-of-Southampton.pdf

Policy Document

Clark H, Beswick T, Royal P, Wright P, Raven A, Sutcliffe B, Bradshaw B, Williams C, Graham C, Wilson D, Murray A, Norman A, Heilmann A, Mckay E & Charman H (2023) The Family and Community Report [ Family and Community. The fourth in a sequence of reports charting a new start for children and young people.]. Children's Alliance. England. https://childrensalliance.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Family-and-Community-Report-Childrens-Alliance-Sept-2022.pdf


Rushton EA, Gibbons S, Brock R, Cao Y, Finesilver C, Jones J, Manning A, Marshall B, Richardson C, Steadman S, Suh S & Towers E (2023) Collaborative identity development during a global pandemic: exploring teacher identity through the experiences of pre-service high school teachers in England. European Journal of Teacher Education, pp. 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2023.2175663


Towers E, Rushton EA, Gibbons S, Steadman S, Brock R, Cao Y, Finesilver C, Jones J, Manning A, Marshall B & Richardson C (2023) The "problem" of teacher quality: exploring challenges and opportunities in developing teacher quality during the Covid-19 global pandemic in England. Educational Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2023.2184771

Website Content

Gandolfi H & Rushton E (2023) Decolonial and anti-racist pedagogies and curricular in teacher education: The importance of partnerships between practice and scholarship. BERA Blog [Blog post] 23.03.2023. https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/decolonial-and-anti-racist-pedagogies-and-curricular-in-teacher-education-the-importance-of-partnerships-between-practice-and-scholarship


Wiegand V (2023) Feeding insights from corpora into English and/or EAP classrooms. Contribution to the panel “Research-informed English Language Teaching in Scotland: An International Perspective” by the Scottish Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (SATEFL). St. Andrews EAP Conference 2023, St Andrews, 04.03.2023.

Policy Document

Clark H, Revel E, Royal P, Wright P, Teakle A, McIlwrath B, Bradshaw B, Purvey C, McLeod C, Williams C, Norman A, Murray A, Fitzgerald D, Mackay E & Musgrave J (2023) The Health And Wellbeing Of Children In The Early Years. Children's Alliance. 1. England. https://childrensalliance.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Early-Years-Report-Oct-2021.pdf


Carl J, Bryant AS, Edwards LC, Bartle G, Birch JE, Christodoulides E, Emeljanovas A, Fr?berg A, Gandrieau J, Gilic B, van Hilvoorde I, Holler P, Iconomescu TM, Jaunig J & Laudanska-Krzeminska I (2023) Physical literacy in Europe: The current state of implementation in research, practice, and policy. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 21 (1), pp. 165-176. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesf.2022.12.003


Heydon R, Akiwenzie E, Cooper E, Ghannoum H, Havord-Wier D, Johns B, MacAlpine K, McKee L, Nagle J, Neeganagwedgin E, Pawlick-Potts D, Poczobut S, Ruthes Coelho C, Stooke R, Tran A & Zhang Z (2023) Guidelines for virtual early childhood and family learning: An equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization-informed systematic review of the literature. Journal of Early Childhood Research.

Presentation / Talk

Murray A, Brewer T & Wright P (2023) The Case for a Cabinet Minister for Children and Young People. APPG on a Fit and Healthy Childhood, Houses of Parliament, Westminster, 10.01.2023-10.01.2023. https://fhcappg.org.uk/?p=4038


Rushton EA, Dunlop L, Atkinson L, Price L, Stubbs JE, Turkenburg-van Diepen M & Wood L (2023) The challenges and affordances of online participatory workshops in the context of young people's everyday climate crisis activism: insights from facilitators. Children's Geographies, 21 (1), pp. 137-146. https://doi.org/10.1080/14733285.2021.2007218


Dunlop L, Rushton EAC, Atkinson L, Blake C, Calvert S, Cornelissen E, Dècle CCM, DeSchrijver J, Dhassi KK, Edwards RPR, Malaj G, Mirjani? J, Saunders WE, Sinkovec Y & Stadnyk T (2023) An introduction to the co-creation of policy briefs with youth and academic teams. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 47 (1), pp. 149-159. https://doi.org/10.1080/03098265.2021.2001793

Book Chapter

Edwards RM & I'Anson J (2022) The use of art to analyze learning practices in pharmacy and to inform assessment and intervention practices. In: Desselle S, Cardenas V, Anderson C, Chen T, Chen A & Aslani P (eds.) Contemporary Research Methods in Pharmacy and Health Services. London: Academic Press, pp. 233-260. https://www.elsevier.com/books/contemporary-research-methods-in-pharmacy-and-health-services/desselle/978-0-323-91888-6


Durden-Myers EJ, Bartle G, Whitehead ME & Dhillon KK (2022) Physical Literacy and Intentionality: Embodied Beckoning. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 92 (9), pp. 42-49. https://doi.org/10.1080/07303084.2021.1977744

Book Chapter

Priestley M, Philippou S, Alvunger D & Soini T (2022) Curriculum Making and Teacher Agency. In: Tierney R, Rizvi F & Ercikan K (eds.) Elsevier International Encyclopaedia of Education. 4th ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier. https://www.elsevier.com/books/international-encyclopedia-of-education/tierney/978-0-12-818629-9

Book Chapter

Mahlberg M & Wiegand V (2022) Exploring narrative fiction: corpora and digital humanities projects. In: O'Keeffe A & McCarthy MJ (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. 2nd edition ed. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 532-546. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780367076399-37


Humes W (2022) The 'Iron Cage' of Educational Bureaucracy. British Journal of Educational Studies, 70 (2), pp. 235-253. https://doi.org/10.1080/00071005.2021.1899129

Book Chapter

Rushton E & Walkington H (2022) Mentoring School Student Research as an Approach to Geography Teacher Professional Development.. In: Artvinli E, Gryl I, Lee J & Mitchell JT (eds.) Geography Education and Teacher Professionalization. International Perspectives on Geographical Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 277-290. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04891-3_18

Book Chapter

Murray A & Kaitell E (2022) Educational Gymnastics: Embodiment of a constraints agility approach. In: Griggs G & Randall V (eds.) An Introduction to Primary Physical Education. Second ed. Second edition. London: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 123-142. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003257783

Book Chapter

Murray A & Adams S (2022) Primary physical education and its complex puzzle of diversity. In: Doull K (ed.) Teaching a Diverse Primary Curriculum. First ed. London: Sage, pp. 105-114. https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/teaching-a-diverse-primary-curriculum/book277951

Research Report

Doyle S & Smith J (2022) An empirical evaluation of ‘big questions’ as an organisational framework for interdisciplinary social studies in a Scottish high school. BERA. London. https://www.bera.ac.uk/publication/an-empirical-evaluation-of-big-questions-as-an-organisational-framework-for-interdisciplinary-social-studies-in-a-scottish-high-school