

Outputs related to Education

Showing 401 to 500 of 1371


McCartney E (2019) The Functional Communication Classification System for children with cerebral palsy: the potential of a new measure. Commentary on: Caynes K, Rose TA, Theodorus D, Burmester D, Ware RS, Johnson, LM. Functional Communication Classification System (FCCS): extended reliability and concurrent validity for children with cerebral palsy aged 5-28 years. Dev Med Child Neurol, 2019. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 61 (7), pp. 741-741. https://doi.org/10.1111/dmcn.14162

Conference Paper (published)

Angier C (2019) How do beginning mathematics teachers in Scotland understand their role in education for global citizenship?. In: Curtis F (ed.) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. BSRLM Proceedings, 39(2) British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, University of Birmingham, 07.06.2019-08.06.2019. BSRLM. https://bsrlm.org.uk/publications/proceedings-of-day-conference/ip39-2/

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Heydon R, Callaghan K, Khattar R, Pacini-Ketchabaw V & Cooper E (2019) Transforming views of families in early years and child care: An introduction to the Ontario Provincial Centre of Excellence. Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, 01.06.2019-05.06.2019. https://csse-scee.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/CSSE-SCE%CC%81E%CC%81-Program-April-4-Final.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Lowing K & Birnie I (2019) Positioning Scots and Gaelic in ‘superdiverse’ Scottish Education: Implications for minority languages in policy and practice. 17th International Conference on Minority Languages (ICML XVII), Ljouwert, Friesland, 21.05.2019-24.05.2019. https://icml.eu/fileadmin/mercator_conference/icml/schedule/icml_programme_all_days.pdf


Papageorgiou I, Copland F, Viana V, Bowker D & Moran E (2019) Teaching practice in UK ELT Master's programmes. ELT Journal, 73 (2), pp. 154-165. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccy050


Hatfield P, Furnell W, Shenoy A, Fox E, Parker B, Thomas L & Rushton EAC (2019) IRIS opens pupils' eyes to real space research. Astronomy & Geophysics, 60 (1), pp. 1.22-1.24. https://doi.org/10.1093/astrogeo/atz046

Policy Document

Clark H, Royal P, West H, Randall V, Murray A, Coleman N, Griggs G, Whewell E, Forster S, Bayfield AS, Wright C, Thornton-Bousefield K, Denington J, Williams S & Rollins N (2019) The Primary PE and Sport Premium [A Report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood]. APPG on a Fit and Healthy Childhood. London. https://fhcappg.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/the-primary-pe-and-sport-premium-report-180219-2.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Michael M (2019) How to Analyse Relationally - Trace A Photograph. 3rd European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 13.02.2019-15.02.2019.

Conference Paper (published)

Chronaki A & Swanson DM (2019) De/Mathematising the Political in Mathematics Education: A De/Postcolonial Critique. In: Subramanian J (ed.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Mathematics Education and Society Conference. MES Conference Proceedings. Mathematics Education and Society 10th International Conference (MES10), Hyderabad, India, 28.01.2019-02.02.2019. Hyderabad, India. http://mes10.uohyd.ac.in/mes/program/conferenceProceedings.php

Conference Paper (published)

Swanson DM (2019) Critical global citizenship mathematics education and political responsibility in 'glocal' context. In: Subramanian J (ed.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Mathematics Education and Society Conference. MES Conference Proceedings. Mathematics Education and Society 10th International Conference (MES10), 28.01.2019-02.02.2019. Hyderabad, India. http://mes10.uohyd.ac.in/mes/program/conferenceProceedings.php


Norbury CF, McCartney E, Slonims V, Dockrell JE & Ebbels SH (2019) Public health approaches still have room for individualized services: response to commentaries on 'Evidence-based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders'. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 54 (1), pp. 28-29. https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.12436

Book Chapter

Viana V (2019) Job interviews in trios. In: Vorholt J (ed.) New Ways in Teaching Speaking, Second Edition. New Ways. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Press, pp. 153-154. http://sites.tesol.org/Bookstore/ItemDetail?iProductCode=14106&Category=NEWWAYS

Book Chapter

Forbes J & Maxwell C (2018) Bourdieu Plus: Understanding the Creation of Agentic, Aspirational Girl Subjects in Elite Schools. In: Stahl G, Wallace D, Threadgold S & Burke C (eds.) International Perspectives on Theorizing Aspirations: Applying Bourdieu’s Tools. Social Theory and Methodology in Education Research. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 161-174. https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/international-perspectives-on-theorizing-aspirations-9781350040335/

Book Chapter

Stevenson RB, Mannion G & Evans N (2018) Childhoodnature Pedagogies and Place: An Overview and Analysis. In: Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles A, Malone K & Barratt Hacking E (eds.) Research Handbook on Childhoodnature; Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education book series (SIHE). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-51949-4_76-1

Book Chapter

Blackledge A & Trehan K (2018) Language, superdiversity, and self-employment. In: Creese A & Blackledge A (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Superdiversity. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 299-311. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315696010

Conference Paper (published)

McSweeney K & Gardner J (2018) Lesson Study Matters in Ireland. In: Dislere V (ed.) Rural Environment, Education, Personality (REEP): Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, volume 11. Rural Environment Education Personality (REEP) Proceedings, 11. Rural Environment. Education. Personality (REEP 2018), Jelgava, Latvia, 11.05.2018-12.05.2018. Jelgava, Latvia: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, pp. 304-313. https://doi.org/10.22616/reep.2018.037


Fenwick T (2018) Pondering purposes, propelling forwards. Studies in Continuing Education, 40 (3), pp. 367-380. https://doi.org/10.1080/0158037X.2018.1425205

Book Chapter

Copland F (2018) Reflecting on the ethics of researching communication in superdiverse contexts. In: Creese A & Blackledge A (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Superdiversity. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 133-146. https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Handbook-of-Language-and-Superdiversity/Creese-Blackledge/p/book/9781138905092

Preprint / Working Paper

Pelletier C, Kneebone R, Rutter J, Copland F, Mumford C, Murdoch J, Pulvermacher Y, Cito PC & Swinglehurst D (2017) Learning safely from error: Reconsidering the ethics of simulation-based medical education through ethnography. Working Papers in Urban Language and Literacies, 237. The Centre for Language, Discourse & Communication. https://www.kcl.ac.uk/ecs/research/research-centres/ldc/publications/workingpapers/search

Book Chapter

Mahlberg M & Wiegand V (2018) Corpus Stylistics, Norms and Comparisons: Studying Speech in Great Expectations. In: Page R, Busse B & N?rgaard N (eds.) Rethinking Language Text and Context: Interdisciplinary Research in Stylistics in Honour of Michael Toolan. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781351183222-8/corpus-stylistics-norms-comparisons-michaela-mahlberg-viola-wiegand

Authored Book

Viana V, Bocorny A & Sarmento S (2018) Teaching English for Specific Purposes. ELT Development Series. Alexandria, VA: TESOL. http://sites.tesol.org/Bookstore/Store/ProductLayouts/Item_Detail.aspx?WebsiteKey=62ea1393-07ea-402b-b723-0e66240ee86b&iProductCode=14127&Category=ELTD&Product_Details=1&fbclid=IwAR3wS_OjamsxwmjjYGUM1k5P3qLobHRgCf5kYvVWEodpx3JCB9jqwkFf0wE#Product_Details

Book Chapter

Williamson B (2018) Startup schools, fast policies, and full-stack education companies: digitizing education reform in Silicon Valley. In: Saltman K & Means A (eds.) Wiley Handbook of Global Education Reform. Wiley Handbooks in Education. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 283-306. https://www.wiley.com/en-gb/The+Wiley+Handbook+of+Global+Educational+Reform-p-9781119083078


Galloway S (2018) The professional learning of Scotland’s Adult Educators. Scotland's Strategic Forum for Adult Learning (Professional Learning Working Group) Strategic Forum for Adult Learning (Professional Learning Working Group). Learning Link Scotland. http://www.learninglinkscotland.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Final-Report-Professional-Learning-Working-Group.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Hizli Alkan S & Priestley M (2018) Exploring teacher mediation in curriculum making: Scotland and Wales. European Conference for Educational Research, Bolzano, Italy, 04.09.2018-07.09.2018. https://eera-ecer.de/ecer-programmes/conference/23/contribution/43351/

Policy Document

Mannion G & Sowerby M (2018) Learner Participation in Educational Settings (3-18). Scottish Government / Education Scotland. Livingstone. https://education.gov.scot/improvement/Documents/learner-participation.pdf

Book Chapter

I'Anson J (2018) Children's Rights. In: Bryce T, Humes W, Gillies D & Kennedy A (eds.) Scottish Education. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-scottish-education.html

Book Chapter

Forbes J (2018) Multi-agency Working. In: Bryce T, Humes W, Gillies D & Kennedy A (eds.) Scottish Education. The Fifth Edition. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 748-758. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-scottish-education.html

Book Chapter

Husband G (2018) Knowledge, skills and pathways in further education. In: Bryce T, Humes W, Gillies D & Kennedy A (eds.) Scottish Education. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 641 - 650. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-scottish-education.html

Book Chapter

Smith J (2018) History. In: Bryce T, Humes W, Gillies D & Kennedy A (eds.) Scottish Education. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 440-445.

Conference Paper (published)

Galloway S, Roberts G, Slade B & Swinney A (2018) Mapping adult education in Scotland - hills and glens, challenging roads and hidden pathways. In: SCUTREA 2018 - Conference Proceedings. Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults, Sheffield, 17.07.2018-19.07.2018. Sheffield, pp. 109-118. https://drive.google.com/file/d/136b0PiP8jQholEcifq9JBCpDRk13iZmO/view

Research Report

Priestley M, Shapira M & Bu F (2018) Teacher Workforce Survey in Scotland (2017): Final Report. NASUWT. Birmingham/Scotland: 我要吃瓜. https://www.nasuwt.org.uk/uploads/assets/uploaded/c5738dce-f321-424c-911e45b25112aaf0.pdf

Conference Paper (published)

Wilson A & De Paoli S (2018) Reconsidering online reputation systems. In: Proceedings of 16th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - Exploratory Papers. Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies. 16th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Nancy, France, 04.06.2018-08.06.2018. Siegen, Germany: EUSSET. https://doi.org/10.18420/ecscw2018_12

Book Chapter

Forbes J & Lingard B (2018) 'Assured Optimism in a Scottish Girls’ School: Habitus and the (Re)Production of Global Privilege', British Journal of Sociology of Education, 36, 1, 2015, 116-136. In: Van Zanten A (ed.) Elites in Education, Volume 3: The Fabrication of elite identities in families and schools. Major Themes in Education. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Elites-in-Education/Zanten/p/book/9781138827219

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Swanson DM, Guion Akda? E & Gamal M (2018) Nation State, The Rise of Popul(ar)ism, and Curricula of Global Citizenship. American Educational Research Association: The dreams, possibilities, and necessity of Public Education Conference, New York, 13.04.2018-17.04.2018. https://www.aera.net/

Book Chapter

Munday I (2018) Performativity and Education. In: Smeyers P (ed.) International Handbook of Philosophy of Education. Springer International Handbooks. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 867-888.

Website Content

Priestley M (2018) 'There be dragons': redrawing the curriculum map in Wales. [A Curriculum for Wales Blog: A curriculum for life] 09.02.2018. https://curriculumforwales.gov.wales/2018/02/09/there-be-dragons-redrawing-the-curriculum-map-in-wales/


Forrest C, Goodall J, Hill R & James C (2018) The role of the clerk to the corporation in promoting the legitimate governance of further education and sixth form colleges in England: A role in the governance of all educational institutions?. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 46 (1), pp. 158-174. https://doi.org/10.1177/1741143216670647