Gender bias in video game dialogue
Rennick S, Clinton M, Ioannidou E, Oh L, Clooney C, T E, Healy E & Roberts SG (2023) Gender bias in video game dialogue. Royal Society Open Science, 10 (5).
Showing 1501 to 1600 of 36471
Gender bias in video game dialogue
Rennick S, Clinton M, Ioannidou E, Oh L, Clooney C, T E, Healy E & Roberts SG (2023) Gender bias in video game dialogue. Royal Society Open Science, 10 (5).
All together now: Geographically coordinated miticide treatment benefits honey bee health
Woodford L, Sharpe G, Highet F & Evans DJ (2023) All together now: Geographically coordinated miticide treatment benefits honey bee health. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60 (5), pp. 790-802.
Two Editorials: An Editorial by the Editors-in-Chief and an Editorial by ChatGPT
Meijer A & Webster W (2023) Two Editorials: An Editorial by the Editors-in-Chief and an Editorial by ChatGPT. Information Polity, 28 (2), pp. 159-162.
Research Report
Making Adaptations Work For Older People In Scotland
McCall V, Wang Y, Pritchard J, Cooper R, Hodges M & Gibson G (2023) Making Adaptations Work For Older People In Scotland. Age Scotland.
Do Financial Markets Predict Macroeconomic Performance? Evidence from Risk-Based Measures
McMillan D (2023) Do Financial Markets Predict Macroeconomic Performance? Evidence from Risk-Based Measures. Manchester School.
Data-driven studies in Face Identity Processing rely on the quality of the tests and data sets.
Bobak AK, Jones AL, Hilker Z, Mestry N, Bate S & Hancock PJB (2023) Data-driven studies in Face Identity Processing rely on the quality of the tests and data sets.. Cortex.
B?rger T, Mmonwa K & Campbell D (2023) Hazardous human-wildlife encounters, risk attitudes, and the value of shark nets for coastal recreation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
James Naismith: The Origins of Basketball and the Scottish Connection
Walker R (2023) James Naismith: The Origins of Basketball and the Scottish Connection. North American Society for Sport History, Washington DC, 27.05.2023-29.05.2023.
Gray LJ & Durand H (2023) Experiences of dysmenorrhea and its treatment among allistic and autistic menstruators: a thematic analysis. BMC Women's Health, 23 (1).
Mapping entrepreneurship support organisations: An examination of the ‘cluttered landscape’ critique
Hruskova M, Mason C & Herzog S (2023) Mapping entrepreneurship support organisations: An examination of the ‘cluttered landscape’ critique. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, p. 23.
Research Report
Reporting of R&D: Disclosure without Recognition?
Dionysiou D, Slack R, Tsalavoutas Y & Tsoligkas F (2023) Reporting of R&D: Disclosure without Recognition?. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and Adam Smith Business School. University of Glasgow.
Newspaper / Magazine
Male video game characters speak twice as much as females, largest study of its kind reveals
Rennick S & Roberts S (2023) Male video game characters speak twice as much as females, largest study of its kind reveals. The Conversation. 24.05.2023.
Program Transformation Landscapes for Automated Program Modification Using Gin
Petke J, Alexander B, Barr ET, Brownlee A, Wagner M & White D (2023) Program Transformation Landscapes for Automated Program Modification Using Gin. Empirical Software Engineering.
Apophasis, agency, and ecstasy: reading mysticism and madness in The Book of Margery Kempe
McCabe ER (2023) Apophasis, agency, and ecstasy: reading mysticism and madness in The Book of Margery Kempe. Philosophical Psychology, pp. 1-22.
Manca F, Zhang L, Fitzgerald N, Mackay D, McAuley A, Sharp C & Lewsey J (2023) The Effect of Minimum Unit Pricing for Alcohol on Prescriptions for Treatment of Alcohol Dependence: A Controlled Interrupted Time Series Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
Corser J, Caes L, Bateman S, Noel M & Jordan A (2023) “A whirlwind of everything”: The Lived Experience of Adolescents with Co- Occurring Chronic Pain and Mental Health Symptoms. European Journal of Pain.
Net cleaning impacts Atlantic salmon gill health through microbiome dysbiosis
Elsheshtawy A, Clokie BGJ, Albalat A, Nylund A, Isaksen TE, Naps?y Indreb? E, Andersen L, Moore LJ & MacKenzie S (2023) Net cleaning impacts Atlantic salmon gill health through microbiome dysbiosis. Frontiers in Aquaculture, 2.
Research Report
The Role of Domestic Actors in China’s International Conflict Management
Adhikari M (2023) The Role of Domestic Actors in China’s International Conflict Management. Mariani B (Researcher), Adhikari M (Researcher) & Zhou Y (Researcher) Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform. Edinburgh.
Critchlow N & Houghton F (2023) The importance of continued and full implementation of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act: A comment on Barry and Lyne (2023). Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine.
PhD experience - from a Southern European perspective
Miranda D (2023) PhD experience - from a Southern European perspective. SCCJR PGR Away Day & Conference, 我要吃瓜, 18.05.2023.
From Transactions to Transformations: Exploring Transformative Food Retailing
Saarij?rvi H, Sparks L, N?rv?nen E, Erkkola M, Fogelholm M & Nevalainen J (2023) From Transactions to Transformations: Exploring Transformative Food Retailing. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research.
Squires C, Driscoll B & The Pretzel Girlz (2023) BIG BOOKS (small snacks). Ullapoolism [Webpage and YouTube video] 16.05.2023.
Burdon J, Budnik LT, Baur X, Hageman G, Howard CV, Roig J, Coxon L, Furlong CE, Gee D, Loraine T, Terry AV, Midavaine J, Petersen H, Bron D, Soskolne CL & Michaelis S (2023) Health consequences of exposure to aircraft contaminated air and fume events: a narrative review and medical protocol for the investigation of exposed aircrew and passengers. Environmental Health, 22 (1), Art. No.: 43.;
Conference Paper (published)
Updating Gin's profiler for current Java
Watkinson M & Brownlee A (2023) Updating Gin's profiler for current Java. Wagner M (Researcher) In: GI '23: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement. The 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement, at the International Conference on Software Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 14.05.2023-20.05.2023. New York: ACM.
Research Report
Street Benzodiazepine Use: The perspectives of those who Use
Matheson C, Schofield J & Bloomfield H (2023) Street Benzodiazepine Use: The perspectives of those who Use. 我要吃瓜.
'Formal Adoption - Informal Subversion': Limits of International Constitutional Assistance
Adhikari M (2023) ‘Formal Adoption – Informal Subversion’: Limits of International Constitutional Assistance. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding.
Rolfe S, McCall V, Gibson G, Pusram A & Robertson J (2023) What works in co-producing assistive technology solutions with older people: A scoping review of the evidence. Ageing and Society.
Do extreme range estimators improve realized volatility forecasts? Evidence from G7 Stock Markets
Korkusuz B, Kambouroudis D & McMillan DG (2023) Do extreme range estimators improve realized volatility forecasts? Evidence from G7 Stock Markets. Finance Research Letters.
Corporate strategy, board composition, and firm value
Al-Shaer H, Kuzey C, Uyar A & Karaman A (2023) Corporate strategy, board composition, and firm value. International Journal of Finance and Economics.
Evidence of biotic resistance to exotic plant invasion in degraded Bornean forests
Waddell EH, Chapman DS, Hill JK, Hughes M, Sailim AB, Tangah J & Banin LF (2023) Evidence of biotic resistance to exotic plant invasion in degraded Bornean forests. Biotropica.
Website Content
Crowns and controversies: the politics of King Charles III's coronation
Cunningham CE & Filet J (2023) Crowns and controversies: the politics of King Charles III's coronation. [Blog Post] 05.05.2023.
Women’s experiences of care and treatment preferences for perinatal depression: a systematic review
Westgate V, Manchanda T & Maxwell M (2023) Women’s experiences of care and treatment preferences for perinatal depression: a systematic review. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 26 (3), pp. 311-319.
Policy Document
The Role of Domestic Actors in China’s International Conflict Management
Adhikari M (2023) The Role of Domestic Actors in China’s International Conflict Management. Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform. Edibburgh.
Evaluation of remote digital postoperative wound monitoring in routine surgical practice
McLean KA, Sgrò A, Brown LR, Buijs LF, Daines L, Potter MA, Bouamrane M & Harrison EM (2023) Evaluation of remote digital postoperative wound monitoring in routine surgical practice. npj Digital Medicine, 6, Art. No.: 85.
Roberts JJ, Gooding L, Ford R & Dickie J (2023) Moving From “Doing to” to “Doing With”: Community Participation in Geoenergy Solutions for Net Zero—The Case of Minewater Geothermal. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 3, Art. No.: 10071.
Woods-Brown C, Hunt K & Sweeting H (2023) Food and the prison environment: a meta-ethnography of global first-hand experiences of food, meals and eating in custody. Health & Justice, 11 (1).
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Gibb L (2023) Teaching with CHAZOP: A Structured, Collaborative Creative Writing Workshop Process Informed by Software Engineering. Menon C (Project Member) EACWP, Madrid, 04.05.2023-06.05.2023.
O'Donnell R, Mohan A, Purves R, Maani N, Angus C, Egan M & Fitzgerald N (2023) Mechanisms of impact of alcohol availability interventions from the perspective of 63 diverse alcohol licensing stakeholders: a qualitative interview study. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy.
Project Report
The economic and social benefits of housing support
McCall V & Gibbs K (2023) The economic and social benefits of housing support. The Housing Evidence Centre (CaCHE).
Consultancy Report
Towards a typology of curriculum policy approaches
Priestley M, Angier C, Schuler B & Smith J (2023) Towards a typology of curriculum policy approaches. UNESCO. Geneva.
The Cabinet of Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe: An Essay in the Biographical Distillation of Affinities
Jackson Williams K (2023) The Cabinet of Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe: An Essay in the Biographical Distillation of Affinities. Rethinking History.
Ahmed W, ?nkal D, Das R, Krishnan S, Olan F, Hardey M & Fenton A (2023) Developing Techniques to Support Technological Solutions to Disinformation by Analysing Four Conspiracy Networks During COVID-19. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Introduction to grassland ecosystems: Life, fire and the carbon cycle
Subke J & Abernethy K (2023) Introduction to grassland ecosystems: Life, fire and the carbon cycle. [Video] 01.05.2023.
Ralston R, Godziewski C & Carters-White L (2023) The many meanings of policy instruments: exploring individual and structural determinants in obesity policy. Policy & Politics, 51 (2), pp. 295-313.
The State of Data: Reflections on Using 'BIG' and Administrative Data Sources in Social Research
Hunter S & Shapira M (2023) The State of Data: Reflections on Using 'BIG' and Administrative Data Sources in Social Research. Journal of Sociology: Bulletin of Yerevan University, 13 (2), Art. No.: 36.
Fisher J, Angel D, Callier M, Cheney D, Filgueira R, Hudson B, McKindsey CW, Milke L, Moore H, O’Beirn F, O’Carroll J, Rabe B, Telfer T & Byron CJ (2023) Ecological carrying capacity in mariculture: Consideration and application in geographic strategies and policy. Marine Policy, 150, Art. No.: 105516.
Conference Paper (published)
Toliyat SMH, Remfry C & Levi I (2023) Investigating the impacts of connected and automated vehicles on road carbon emissions: A semi-systematic literature review. In: , 13.07.2022, pp. 25-31.
Research Report
How common is low pay in Britain and is it declining?
Forth J, Bryson A, Phan V, Ritchie F, Singleton C, Stokes L & Whittard D (2023) How common is low pay in Britain and is it declining?. Administrative Data Research UK. Data Insights. Swindon.
Hogg B, Moreno-Alcázar A, Tóth MD, Serbanescu I, Aust B, Leduc C, Paterson C, Tsantilla F, Abdulla K, Cerga-Pashoja A, Cresswell-Smith J, Fanaj N, Meksi A, Maxwell M & MENTUPP consortium members (2023) Supporting employees with mental illness and reducing mental illness-related stigma in the workplace:?an expert survey. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 273 (3), pp. 739-753.
Serpa R, Rolfe S, Gibson G, Lawrence J & McCall V (2023) Agency and the limits of responsibility: co management of technology enabled care in supported housing.. Social Sciences, 12 (4), Art. No.: 248.
Feudal Law and the Unionist Writings of Thomas Craig
Dodd L (2023) Feudal Law and the Unionist Writings of Thomas Craig. Scottish Historical Review, 102 (1), pp. 34-66.
Afolabi EO, Quilliam RS & Oliver DM (2023) Persistence of E. coli in Streambed Sediment Contaminated with Faeces from Dairy Cows, Geese, and Deer: Legacy Risks to Environment and Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (7), Art. No.: 5375.
Tortosa A, Giffard B, Barbaro L, Froidevaux JSP, Ladet S, Delhommel J & Vialatte A (2023) Diverse agricultural landscapes increase bat activity and diversity: Implications for biological pest control. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 345, Art. No.: 108318.
Forest total and component biomass retrieval via GA-SVR algorithm and quad-polarimetric SAR data
Shi J, Zhang W, Marino A, Zeng P, Ji Y, Zhao H, Huang G & Wang M (2023) Forest total and component biomass retrieval via GA-SVR algorithm and quad-polarimetric SAR data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 118, Art. No.: 103275.
The first year in formal schooling improves working memory and academic abilities
Davidson C, Shing YL, McKay C, Rafetseder E & Wijeakumar S (2023) The first year in formal schooling improves working memory and academic abilities. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 60, p. 101205.
Springer A, Durden LA, Kiene F, Klein A, Rakotondravony R, Ehlers J, Greiman SE, Blanco MB, Zohdy S, Kessler SE, Strube C & Radespiel U (2023) Molecular phylogenetics of the sucking louse genus Lemurpediculus (Insecta: Phthiraptera), ectoparasites of lemurs, with descriptions of three new species. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 20, pp. 138-152.
Van AP, Bron JE & Desbois AP (2023) Antimicrobial action of chromatin extracellular traps released by neutrophils of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 135, Art. No.: 108657.
Test–retest reliability of a 30-min fixed perceived effort cycling exercise
O’Malley CA, Fullerton CL & Mauger AR (2023) Test–retest reliability of a 30-min fixed perceived effort cycling exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 123, pp. 721-735.
The (R) evolution of the social entrepreneurship concept: a critical historical review
Teasdale S, Bellazzecca E, de Bruin A & Roy MJ (2023) The (R) evolution of the social entrepreneurship concept: a critical historical review. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52 (1), pp. 212S-240S.
Mullapudi S, Kulkarni M, Kamath V, Britton J, Moodie C & Kamath A (2023) Perceptions of novel warnings compared with currentwarning on tobacco packs, and warnings on cigarette sticks:A cross-sectional survey of college students in Southern India. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 21 (April).
CEO power and CSR?linked compensation for corporate environmental responsibility: UK evidence
Al-Shaer H, Albitar K & Liu J (2023) CEO power and CSR?linked compensation for corporate environmental responsibility: UK evidence. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 60, pp. 1025-1063.
Nosková E, Modr? D, Balá? V, ?ervená B, Jirk?‐Pomajbíková K, Zechmeisterová K, Leowski C, Petr?elková KJ, P?enková I, Vodi?ka R, Kessler SE, Ngoubangoye B, Setchell JM & Paf?o B (2023) Identification of potentially zoonotic parasites in captive orangutans and semi‐captive mandrills: Phylogeny and morphological comparison. American Journal of Primatology, 85 (4), Art. No.: e23475.
van Nassau F, Huis A, van de Glind I, Andersen E, Bunn C, Gray CM, Hunt K, Jelsma JGM, van Mechelen W, Morgan H, R?ynesdal ?, Pereira HV, van der Ploeg HP, Roberts GC & Silva MN (2023) Factors influencing the implementation of the EuroFIT lifestyle change program in professional football clubs in Europe: a qualitative study in four European countries. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 13 (4), pp. 212-225.
Defining and conceptualising the commercial determinants of health
Gilmore AB, Fabbri A, Baum F, Bertscher A, Bondy K, Chang H, Demaio S, Erzse A, Freudenberg N, Friel S, Hofman KJ, Johns P, Abdool Karim S, Lacy-Nichols J & de Carvalho CMP (2023) Defining and conceptualising the commercial determinants of health. The Lancet, 401 (10383), pp. 1194-1213.
Vera LM, de Alba G, Santos S, Szewczyk TM, Mackenzie SA, Sánchez-Vázquez FJ & Rey-Planellas S (2023) Circadian rhythm of preferred temperature in fish: Behavioural thermoregulation linked to daily photocycles in zebrafish and Nile tilapia. Journal of Thermal Biology, 113, Art. No.: 103544.
Anatomy of the bi-gradational contourite sequence: Case study from the Gulf of Cadiz
Stow D, Smillie Z, Wilkin J, Pan J, Esegbue O, Bahr A & Ducassou E (2023) Anatomy of the bi-gradational contourite sequence: Case study from the Gulf of Cadiz. Marine Geology, 458, Art. No.: 107026.
Mele I, McGill RA, Thompson J, Fennell J & Fitzer S (2023) Ocean acidification, warming and feeding impacts on biomineralization pathways and shell material properties of Magallana gigas and Mytilus spp.. Marine Environmental Research, 186, Art. No.: 105925.
“We're socialists not nationalists”: British labour and the national question(s)
Brown Swan C (2023) “We're socialists not nationalists”: British labour and the national question(s). Nations and Nationalism, 29 (2), pp. 467-481.
The Promise and Perils of Comparing Nonprofit Data Across Borders
Searing EAM, Grasse NJ & Rutherford A (2023) The Promise and Perils of Comparing Nonprofit Data Across Borders. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52 (1 supplement), pp. 130S-159S.
Trees out‐forage understorey shrubs for nitrogen patches in a subarctic mountain birch forest
Friggens NL, Hartley IP, Parker TC, Subke J & Wookey PA (2023) Trees out‐forage understorey shrubs for nitrogen patches in a subarctic mountain birch forest. Oikos, 2023 (4).
Do Artificial Neural Networks Provide Improved Volatility Forecasts: Evidence from Asian Markets
McMillan D, Kambouroudis D & Sahiner M (2023) Do Artificial Neural Networks Provide Improved Volatility Forecasts: Evidence from Asian Markets. Journal of Economics and Finance.
Zhang A, Seuring S & Hartley JL (2023) Guest editorial: Empirically grounded research in logistics and supply chain management for a circular economy. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 34 (3), pp. 517-522.
Exploring interventions to address unhealthy commodity industry influence on policy
Bertscher A, Matthes B, Gilmore A, Bondy K, Bloomfield M, Nobles J, Akker A, Dance S & Zatoński M (2023) Exploring interventions to address unhealthy commodity industry influence on policy. Population Medicine, 5 (Supplement).
Book Chapter
Wazir S, Kashyap GS, Malik K & Brownlee A (2023) Predicting the Infection Level of Covid-19 Virus using Normal Distribution Based Approximation Model and PSO. In: Mathematical Modeling and Intelligent Control for Combating Pandemics. Springer.
Understanding nuance and ambivalence in intergenerational relationships through fiction
French JE, Lovatt M & Wright V (2023) Understanding nuance and ambivalence in intergenerational relationships through fiction. The Gerontologist.
Wang M, Zhang W, Ji Y, Marino A, Xu K, Zhao L, Shi J & Zhao H (2023) Aboveground Biomass Retrieval in Tropical and Boreal Forests Using L-Band Airborne Polarimetric Observations. Forests, 14 (5), p. 887.
Uncertainty drives exploration of negative information across younger and older adults
Yagi A, FitzGibbon L, Murayama K, Shinomori K & Sakaki M (2023) Uncertainty drives exploration of negative information across younger and older adults. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience.
Promoting an inclusive approach to assessing and managing chronic wounds
Smith F & Sharp A (2023) Promoting an inclusive approach to assessing and managing chronic wounds. Primary Health Care.
Co-occurring Chronic Pain And Primary Psychological Disorder - a Scoping Review
Bateman S, Caes L, Eccleston C, Noel M & Jordan A (2023) Co-occurring Chronic Pain And Primary Psychological Disorder - a Scoping Review. Paediatric and Neonatal Pain.
Mackay J, Bowles E, Macgregor LJ, Prokopidis K, Campbell C, Barber E, Galloway SDR & Witard OC (2023) Fish oil supplementation fails to modulate indices of muscle damage and muscle repair during acute recovery from eccentric exercise in trained young males. European Journal of Sport Science, pp. 1-11.
Wilson MT, Hunter AM, Fairweather M, Kerr S, Hamilton DL & Macgregor LJ (2023) Enhanced skeletal muscle contractile function and corticospinal excitability precede strength and architectural adaptations during lower-limb resistance training. European Journal of Applied Physiology, pp. 1-18.
de Pedro Ricoy R & Valero Garcés C (2023) Entrevista con Raquel De Pedro Ricoy, catedrática de Traducción e Interpretación en la Universidad de Stirling [Interview with Raquel de Pedro Ricoy, Full Professor of Translation and Interpreting at the 我要吃瓜]. Villoslada Sánchez A (Translator) FITISPos International Journal, 10 (1), pp. 143-147.
David Hume on history, development and happiness: interconnections
Dow S (2023) David Hume on history, development and happiness: interconnections. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought.
Serpa RC, Rolfe S, Gibson G, Lawrence J & McCall V (2023) Agency and the Limits of Responsibility: Co-Management of Technology-Enabled Care in Supported Housing. Social Sciences, 12 (4).
Postcancer treatment support programme: an evaluation
Murray C, Makinson J, Brown L & Allan J (2023) Postcancer treatment support programme: an evaluation. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.
Murtagh L & Rushton EA (2023) The role of teacher educator virtual communities of practice (VCoPs) in mobilising policy engagement: A case study of the initial teacher training market review from England. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, pp. 1-19.
Cooke M, Allen J & Paradis KF (2023) Understanding the developmental experiences of high-performance coaches in Northern Ireland: A collective case study from an ecological perspective. Sports Coaching Review.
Teaching Resource
ChatGPTeaching or ChatGPCheating? Arguments from a semester with large language models in class
Galanos V (2023) ChatGPTeaching or ChatGPCheating? Arguments from a semester with large language models in class. [Blog] Teaching Matters.
Website Content
Rushton E, Dunlop L & Atkinson L (2023) Weaving a ‘green thread’ of climate change education: Primary and secondary school teachers’ current practice. BERA Blog [Blog post] 17.04.2023.
Presentation / Talk
Webster W & Fussey P (2023) The Future Governance of Surveillance Cameras: A Gap Analysis Reflecting on Provisions in the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill. ICDDF 2023 (Digital Video Experts Group & National Police Chief's Council CCTV Conference), Heathrow, 17.04.2023-19.04.2023.
From the environment into the biomass: microplastic uptake in a protected lamprey species
Rendell-Bhatti F, Bull C, Cross R, Cox R, Adediran GA & Lahive E (2023) From the environment into the biomass: microplastic uptake in a protected lamprey species. Environmental Pollution, 323, Art. No.: 121267.
Group Dynamics and Interplay in UN Disarmament Forums
Dee M (2023) Group Dynamics and Interplay in UN Disarmament Forums. Faculti [Video interview] 14.04.2023.
Newspaper / Magazine
We asked Sikh men in Britain what the turban means to them – here’s what they told us
Moufahim M & Bhogal-Nair A (2023) We asked Sikh men in Britain what the turban means to them – here’s what they told us. The Conversation. 14.04.2023.
Krokida Z (2023) Deciphering Article 17 of the Digital Copyright Directive and its compatibility with freedom of expression and information following case C-401/19. European Law Review.
Website Content
Haynes R (2023) Hugh McIlvanney. Oxford Dictionary for National Biography [Website] 13.04.2023.
Evolutionary Computation and Explainable AI: a year in review
Bacardit J, Brownlee A, Cagnoni S, Iacca G, McCall J & Walker D (2023) Evolutionary Computation and Explainable AI: a year in review. EvoStar, Brno, Czech Republic (hybrid), 12.04.2023-14.04.2023.
Zhang X, Moran C, Wang R, Zhou Y & Brooks N (2023) Salivary Amylase Gene (AMY1) Copy Number Variation Has Only Minor Correlation with Body Composition in Chinese Adults. Genes and Genomics.
Research Report
The Second ICES/NASCO Workshop on Salmon Mortality at Sea (WKSalmon2; outputs from 2022 meeting)
Banas N, Bean C, Bolstad GH, Bull C, Campbell A, Dauphin G, de Eyto E, Diack G, Elliott S, Gregory S, Head E, Johns D, Kavanagh A & McGinnity P (2023) The Second ICES/NASCO Workshop on Salmon Mortality at Sea (WKSalmon2; outputs from 2022 meeting). Bill C (Editor) & Nolan G (Editor) International Council For The Exploration of the Seas (ICES) ICES Scientific Reports, 5:36. Copenhagen.
Dangerous care: developing theory to safeguard older adults in caring relationships in the UK
Sherwood-Johnson F, Rummery K, Lawrence J, Mackay K, Ramsay K & McGregor R (2023) Dangerous care: developing theory to safeguard older adults in caring relationships in the UK. Journal of Adult Protection.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Connon I (2023) Step by Step and all Together? Disability, Disruption and Challenging Narratives of Vulnerability in the Compounding Crisis Context. Association of Social Anthropologists 2023 Conference, London, UK, 11.04.2023-14.04.2023.