
All Outputs

Showing 1301 to 1400 of 36471


Rajendrakumar AL, Hapca SM, Nair ATN, Huang Y, Chourasia MK, Kwan RS, Nangia C, Siddiqui MK, Vijayaraghavan P, Matthew SZ, Leese GP, Mohan V, Pearson ER, Doney ASF & Palmer CNA (2023) Competing risks analysis for neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of diabetic retinopathy incidence in the Scottish population. BMC Medicine, 21, Art. No.: 304. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12916-023-02976-7


Wilfried G, Ella E, Takenoshita Y, Brice L, Koumba M, Lo?que F, Nguelet M, Iwata Y, Ando C, Mavoungou J & Abernethy K (2023) Diet Composition and Feeding Ecology of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) in a Lowland Tropical Forest in Moukalaba-Doudou National Park, Gabon. African Study Monographs, 43. https://doi.org/10.34548/asm.43.42


Zackova Suchanova J, Bilcke G, Romanowska B, Fatlawi A, Pippel M, Skeffington A, Schroeder M, Vyverman W, Vandepoele K, Kr?ger N & Poulsen N (2023) Diatom adhesive trail proteins acquired by horizontal gene transfer from bacteria serve as primers for marine biofilm formation. Skeffington A (Researcher) New Phytologist, 240 (2). https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19145

Book Chapter

Weaver B, Graham H & Maruna S (2023) Turning Over a New Leaf: Desistance Research for a New Generation. In: Liebling A, Maruna S & McAra L (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Criminology. 7th edition ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 144-163. https://global.oup.com/ukhe/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-criminology-9780198860914?q=social%20research%20methods&cc=gb&lang=en&subjectcode1=4943102%7CLAW00000&view=Grid


Bartie P, Varley A, Dickie J, Evensen D, Devine-Wright P, Ryder S, Whitmarsh L & Foad C (2023) Great Britain's spatial twitter activity related to ‘fracking’. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 103, Art. No.: 101978. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2023.101978

Book Chapter

MacNeil K (2023) Fall in Love and Buy a Horse [New Writing Scotland 41]. In: New Writing Scotland 41: nothing but a set of stars for eyes. New Writing Scotland. Glasgow: Association for Scottish Literary Studies. https://asls.org.uk/publications/books/newwriting/nws41/

Conference Paper (published)

Thomson S, Adair J, Brownlee A & van den Berg D (2023) From Fitness Landscapes to Explainable AI and Back. In: GECCO '23 Companion. Gecco '23: The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Lisbon, 15.07.2023-19.07.2023. New York: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3583133.3596395

Book Chapter

Melis G & Wright C (2023) Williamsonian Skepcticism 我要吃瓜 The A Priori. In: Dodd D & Zardini E (eds.) Beyond Sense? New Essays on the Significance, Grounds, and Extent of the A Priori. Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press.

Book Chapter

Miranda D (2023) Frontline perceptions of Body-Worn Cameras: tools for transparency in British policing?. In: Privacy, Technology, and the Criminal Process. (ed) Jason Bosland, Joe Purshouse and Andrew Roberts ed. London: Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/10.4324/9781003111078/privacy-technology-criminal-process-joe-purshouse-andrew-roberts-jason-bosland?refId=7de52d6a-9fa0-41f7-91f6-e6a5f2a786b5&context=ubx


Carver H, Falzon D, Masterton W, Wallace B, Aston EV, Measham F, Hunter C, Sumnall H, Gittins R, Raeburn F, Craik V, Priyadarshi S, Rothney L, Weir K & Parkes T (2023) 'It’s not going to be a one size fits all': a qualitative exploration of the potential utility of three drug checking service models in Scotland. Harm Reduction Journal, 20, Art. No.: 94. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-023-00830-w

Book Chapter

Noto La Diega G (2023) Idea. In: Torremans P, Stamatoudi I, Yu PK & Jutte BJ (eds.) Edward Elgar Encyclopaedia of Intellectual Property Law.


Lonbay SP, Mackay K & Montgomery L (2023) Guest Editorial [Special Issue: Perspectives on safeguarding older people: Voice, choice, and control]. The Journal of Adult Protection, 25 (3), pp. 101-104. https://doi.org/10.1108/jap-06-2023-082

Book Chapter

Papadogiannis N (2023) Die "Sexotisierung“ der griechischen Bev?lkerung und die Verbreitung alternativer Reiseführer in Westdeutschland in den langen 1970er-Jahren. In: Global Europe Underground. Transnationale Netzwerke und globale Perspektiven europ?ischer Alternativmilieus ca. 1965-1985. Schriften des Historischen Kollegs. De Gruyter.

Policy Document

Webb R & Markus K (2023) Reforming governance within banks. Chartered Bankers Institute/Starling Insights. Deeper Dive — UK Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards: A Global 10-Year Look-Back.

Conference Paper (published)

Thomson SL, Ochoa G, Veerapen N & Michalak K (2023) Channel Configuration for Neural Architecture: Insights from the Search Space. In: TBC. The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, 15.07.2023-19.07.2023. New York: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn

Conference Paper (published)

Thomson S, Veerapen N, Ochoa G & van den Berg D (2023) Randomness in Local Optima Network Sampling. In: GECCO ’23 Companion: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. GECCO '23, Lisbon (hybrid), 15.07.2023-19.07.2023. New York: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3583133.3596309


Fotini T, Evelien C, Hans DW, Ella A, Benedikt A, Arlinda C, Paul C, Johanna C, Grace C, Ditta TM, Birgit G, Eve G, Ulrich H, Charlotte P & Maxwell M (2023) Outcome assessment of a complex mental health intervention in the workplace. Results from the MENTUPP pilot study. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00420-023-01996-3

Conference Paper (published)

Vine A (2023) Michael Drayton’s Poly-Olbion: Britain’s First Antiquarian Epic. In: volume 95. The 95th General Meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan, Yokohama, 20.05.2023-21.05.2023. The English Literary Society of Japan. https://www.elsj.org/meeting/Proceedings/95.html

Research Report

Grant M, Fotopoulou M, Hunter S, Malloch M, Rigby P & Taylor K (2023) Survivor-informed support for trafficked children in Scotland. AHRC- Modern Slavery Policy and Evidence Centre. https://modernslaverypec.org/resources/trafficked-children-scotland

Policy Document

Murray A, HELEN CLARK Chair of the Working Group, PHIL ROYAL APPG Secretariat, LISA ROBILLARD WEBB APPG Secretariat, LEA MILLIGAN MQ Mental Health Research, BRYONY DOUGHTY MQ Mental Health Research, DR KRISTY HOWELLS Canterbury Christ Church University, PROFESSOR KAMALDEEP BHUI CBE University of Oxford, VANESSA PINFOLD McPin Foundation, ANNA HODGSON Clear Sky Children’s Charity, CAROLINE PURVEY TRE UK, DR DAVID LOWE Leeds Beckett, PROFESSOR KEITH GODFREY MBE University of Southampton, MARY LUBRANO Association of Play Industries, Psychotherapy Society MMNC&, SHARON SMITH University of Northampton, PETER HAND Royal College of Psychiatrists, DR ALISON MURRAY University of Roehampton, DR PAMELA MURRAY University of Worcester, JOE LOWTHER KICK, British Neuroscience Association DLACE, SYGY COLLINS Rethink Mental Illness, Food and Nutrition Expert CGCO & JACK EDDY Mental health and wellbeing policy specialist (2023) MQ-appg3-COMPLETED (1). APPG in a Fit and Healthy Childhood. https://fhcappg.org.uk/?page_id=2171


Farre A, Morris JH, Irvine L, Dombrowski SU, Breckenridge JP, Ozakinci G, Lebedis T & Jones C (2023) Exploring the views and experiences of people recovering from stroke about a new text message intervention to promote physical activity after rehabilitation – Keeping Active with Texting After Stroke: a qualitative study. Health Expectations. https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.13809

Book Review

MacNeil K (2023) ‘Na Sgeulachdan Gàidhlig’, By Iain Mac A’ Ghobhainn ['The Gaelic Short Stories, by Iain Crichton Smith']. Review of: Na Sgeulachdan Gàidhlig is published by Comann Litreachas Gàidhlig na h-Alba. The Bottle Imp, (32). https://www.thebottleimp.org.uk/2023/07/na-sgeulachdan-gaidhlig-by-iain-mac-a-ghobhainn/

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Pavlopoulou I & Kolyperas D (2023) Of hacking, cheating, ‘BM’ing and other demons: searching for the roots of e-sportsmanship within the gaming community. Academy of Marketing 2023 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium: From Revolution to Revolutions, University of Birmingham, 03.07.2023-06.07.2023. https://academyofmarketing.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Updated-Proceedings-Book.pdf


Przulj D, Pesola F, Myers Smith K, McRobbie H, Coleman T, Lewis S, Griffith C, Walton R, Whitemore R, Clark M, Ussher M, Sinclair L, Seager E, Cooper S & Bauld L (2023) Helping pregnant smokers quit: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial of electronic cigarettes versus nicotine replacement therapy. Health Technology Assessment, 27 (13), pp. 1-53. https://doi.org/10.3310/agth6901

Book Review

Darroch F (2023) The Autism of Gxd: An Atheological Love Story. By Ruth Dunster. Review of: The Autism of Gxd: An Atheological Love Story. By Ruth Dunster. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2022. 440pp. Literature & Theology. https://doi.org/10.1093/litthe/frad019


White S, Bhattacharya R, Bremner S, Faulkner A, Foster R, Gibson S, Goldsmith L, Harnett D, Lucock M, Patel A, Priebe S, Repper J, Rinaldi M, Salla A & Ussher M (2023) Predictors of engagement with peer support: analysis of data from a randomised controlled trial of one-to-one peer support for discharge from inpatient psychiatric care. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 69 (4), pp. 994-1003. https://doi.org/10.1177/00207640221148090


Kidd C, Donaghy E, Huang H, Noble-Jones R, Ogilvie S, McGregor J, Maxwell M, Gillies J, Henderson DA, Wang HH & Mercer SW (2023) Challenges in implementing GP clusters in Scotland: a qualitative study comparing the views of senior primary care stakeholders in 2016 with those in 2021. BJGP Open, 7 (2). https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgpo.2022.0152


Grayson H & Wilson S (2023) A transcultural approach to disease. Francospheres, 12 (1), pp. 1-10, Art. No.: 1. https://doi.org/10.3828/franc.2023.1