
All Outputs

Showing 9701 to 9800 of 36471


Thrasher JF, Anshari D, Lambert-Jessup V, Islam F, Mead E, Popova L, Salloum RG, Moodie C, Louviere J & Lindblom EN (2018) Assessing Smoking Cessation Messages with a Discrete Choice Experiment. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 4 (2), pp. 73-87. https://doi.org/10.18001/TRS.4.2.7

Conference Abstract

McInnes R, Gillespie N, Moran VH, Crossland N & Hoddinott P (2018) The BABI study: Breastfeeding and breast ‐pumps interventions. Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood Conference, Grange Over Sands, Cumbria, 10/06/2017 - 14/06/2017. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 14 (S2). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/mcn.12587; https://doi.org/10.1111/mcn.12587

Conference Abstract

Gillespie N, McInnes R, Hoddinott P, Elders A & Currie S (2018) Breast-milk expression policies and practices in Scotland: a document analysis. Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood Conference, Grange Over Sands, Cumbria, 10/06/2017 - 14/06/2017. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 14 (S2). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/mcn.12587; https://doi.org/10.1111/mcn.12587


De Wandeler H, Bruelheide H, Dawud SM, Danila G, Domisch T, Finer L, Hermy M, Jaroszewicz B, Joly F, Muller S, Ratcliffe S, Raulund-Rasmussen K, Rota E, Van Meerbeek K, Vesterdal L & Muys B (2018) Tree identity rather than tree diversity drives earthworm communities in European forests. Pedobiologia, 67, pp. 16-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedobi.2018.01.003


Archibald B, Maier P, McCreesh C, Stewart R & Trinder P (2018) Replicable parallel branch and bound search. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 113, pp. 92-114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2017.10.010


Spyrakos E, O'Donnell R, Hunter P, Miller C, Scott EM, Simis S, Neil C, Barbosa C, Binding C, Bradt S, Bresciani M, Dall'Olmo G, Giardino C, Gitelson A, Kutser T, Li L, Matsushita B, Martinez-Vicente V, Matthews M, Ogashawara I, Ruiz-Verdu A, Schalles J, Tebbs E, Zhang Y & Tyler A (2018) Optical types of inland and coastal waters. Limnology and Oceanography, 63 (2), pp. 846-870. https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.10674


Matheson C, Pflanz-Sinclair C, Almarzouqi A, Bond CM, Lee AJ, Batieha A, Al-Ghaferi H & El Kashef A (2018) A controlled trial of screening, brief intervention and referral for treatment (SBIRT) implementation in primary care in the United Arab Emirates. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 19 (2), pp. 165-175. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1463423617000640


Stewart R, Duncan K, Michaelson G, Garcia P, Bhowmik D & Wallace A (2018) RIPL: A Parallel Image Processing Language for FPGAs. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, 11 (1), Art. No.: 7. https://doi.org/10.1145/3180481


Han C, Wang H, Hahn AC, Fisher CI, Kandrik M, Fasolt V, Morrison DK, Lee AJ, Holzleitner IJ, DeBruine LM & Jones BC (2018) Cultural differences in preferences for facial coloration. Evolution and Human Behavior, 39 (2), pp. 154-159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2017.11.005


Haastrup T, Whitman RG, Fioramonti L, Macrae H, Masselot A & Young AR (2018) Editorial Note. Journal of Common Market Studies, 56 (2), pp. 209-211. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.12709


Paris JR, Sherman KD, Bell E, Boulenger C, Delord C, El-Mahdi MBM, Fairfield EA, Griffiths AM, Gutmann-Roberts C, Hedger RD, Holman LH, Hooper LH, Humphries NE, Katsiadaki I, King RA, Lemopoulos A & Payne C (2018) Understanding and managing fish populations: keeping the toolbox fit for purpose. Journal of Fish Biology, 92 (3), pp. 727-751. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.13549


Mesa-Rodriguez A, Hernandez-Cruz CM, Betancor M, Fernández-Palacios H, Izquierdo MS & Roo J (2018) Effect of increasing docosahexaenoic acid content in weaning diets on survival, growth and skeletal anomalies of longfin yellowtail (Seriola rivoliana, Valenciennes 1833). Aquaculture Research, 49 (3), pp. 1200-1209. https://doi.org/10.1111/are.13573


Chen J, Dong Y, Hou W & McMillan D (2018) Does feedback trading drive returns of cross-listed shares?. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 53, pp. 179-199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intfin.2017.09.018

Edited Book

Ferguson C & Radford A (eds.) (2018) The Occult Imagination in Britain, 1875-1947. Among the Victorians and Modernists, 6. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/The-Occult-Imagination-in-Britain-1875-1947/Ferguson-Radford/p/book/9781472486981


Vallejo-Marín M (2018) Searching for the genetic footprint of ancient and recent hybridization. Commentary on: Jordan, C. Y., Lohse, K., Turner, F., Thomson, M., Gharbi, K., & Ennos, R.A. (2018). Maintaining their genetic distance: Little evidence forintrogression between widely hybridising species of Geum with con-trasting mating systems. Molecular Ecology, 27, 1214–1228.. Molecular Ecology, 27 (5), pp. 1095-1097. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.14444


Attree N, Groussin O, Jorda L, Nébouy D, Thomas N, Brouet Y, Kührt E, Preusker F, Scholten F, Knollenberg J, Hartogh P, Sierks H, Barbieri C, Lamy P & Rodrigo R (2018) Tensile strength of 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko nucleus material from overhangs. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 611, Art. No.: A33. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201732155


Morach M, Stephan R, Schmitt S, Ewers C, Zschock M, Reyes-Velez J, Gilli U, Crespo-Ortiz MdP, Crumlish M, Gunturu R, Daubenberger CA, Ip M, Regli W & Johler S (2018) Population structure and virulence gene profiles of Streptococcus agalactiae collected from different hosts worldwide. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 37 (3), pp. 527-536. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10096-017-3146-x

Conference Paper (published)

Destefanis G, Marchesi M, Ortu M, Tonelli R, Bracciali A & Hierons R (2018) Smart contracts vulnerabilities: a call for blockchain software engineering?. In: Tonelli R, Ducasse S S, Fenu G & Bracciali A (eds.) 2018 International Workshop on Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering (IWBOSE). 2018 IEEE 1st International Workshop on Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering (IWBOSE), Campobasso, Italy, 20.03.2018-20.03.2018. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, pp. 19-25. https://doi.org/10.1109/IWBOSE.2018.8327567


Parish N & Wagstaff E (2018) Poetry.

Website Content

Dee M (2018) Getting to Yes: Media training to dispel the fear. 我要吃瓜 Research and Innovation Blog [Blog post] 27.03.2018. https://researchandinnovationblog.stir.ac.uk/2018/03/27/getting-to-yes-media-training-to-dispel-the-fear/


de Pedro Ricoy R, Reynoso González R, Andrade Ciudad L & Howard R (2018) PROYECTO MEJORANDO LA VIDA DE LAS MUJERES A TRAV?S DEL ROL DE LAS TRADUCTORAS SOCIALES EN EL PER? RURAL. LUN Centro de Investigación y Documentación [Video] 24.03.2018. https://lum.cultura.pe/cdi/busqueda/general?search_api_fulltext=PROYECTO+MEJORANDO+LA+VIDA+DE+LAS+MUJERES+A+TRAV%C3%89S+DEL+ROL+DE+LAS+TRADUCTORAS+SOCIALES+EN+EL+PER%C3%9A+RURAL


Kitsaras G, Goodwin M, Allan J, Kelly MP & Pretty IA (2018) Bedtime routines, child wellbeing and development. BMC Public Health, 18, Art. No.: 386. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5290-3

Technical Report

Lennon E, Muffett C, Duyck S, Feit S, Hamilton L, Marjanac S, Doherty K, Gleason J, Perry K, Brown E, Noonan D, Crosland T, Burger M, Wentz J, Savaresi A, Cismas I, Hansen JE, Galpern D & Trenberth KE (2018) Joint Summary of the Amicus Curiae Briefs to the Philippines Commission on Human Rights. Philippines Human Rights Commission. Quezon City, Philippines. https://www.ciel.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Joint-Summary-Amicus-submitted.pdf

Conference Abstract

Peiffer S, McCammon C, Wan M & Schroeder C (2018) Metastable sulphur species at iron mineral surfaces. 255th National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) - Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water, New Orleans LA, 18 Mar 2018-22 Mar 2018. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 255, Art. No.: 223.

Presentation / Talk

France E, Hoskins G, Hagen S, Dhouieb E, Cunningham S, Main E, Rowland C, Treweek S, McGhee J, Glasscoe C, Allen JM, Hoddinott P, Williams B, Semple K, Grindle M & Duncan K (2018) The SCooP Project: development of an intervention to increase physiotherapy adherence among young children with Cystic Fibrosis.. NHS Lothian Nursing, Midwifery, Allied Health Professions, Psychology, Pharmacy and Health Care Science Research Conference, 16.03.2018-16.03.2018.

Newspaper / Magazine

Dimeo P (2018) Three radical steps to derail doping in elite sport. The Conversation. 12.03.2018. https://theconversation.com/three-radical-steps-to-derail-doping-in-elite-sport-93106

Book Chapter

Munday I (2018) Performativity and Education. In: Smeyers P (ed.) International Handbook of Philosophy of Education. Springer International Handbooks. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 867-888.


Harris T, Kerry SM, Limb ES, Furness C, Wahlich C, Victor CR, Iliffe S, Whincup PH, Ussher M, Ekelund U, Fox-Rushby J, Ibison J, DeWilde S, McKay C & Cook DG (2018) Physical activity levels in adults and older adults 3–4 years after pedometer-based walking interventions: Long-term follow-up of participants from two randomised controlled trials in UK primary care. PLOS Medicine, 15 (3), Art. No.: e1002526. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002526

Newspaper / Magazine

Belton B, Little DC & Bush SR (2018) Let them eat carp: Fish farms are helping to fight hunger. The Conversation. 08.03.2018. https://theconversation.com/let-them-eat-carp-fish-farms-are-helping-to-fight-hunger-90421

Newspaper / Magazine

Savaresi A, Cismas I & Hartmann J (2018) The Philippines holds world's biggest corporations to account on climate change. The Independent. 08.03.2018. https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/philippines-climate-change-worlds-biggest-corporations-responsibility-global-warming-carbon-majors-a8241851.html

Book Chapter

Treanor MC (2018) Income poverty, material deprivation and lone parenthood. In: Nieuwenhuis R & Maldonado L (eds.) The Triple Bind of Single-Parent Families: Resources, employment and policies to improve wellbeing. Bristol: Policy Press. https://policypress.co.uk/the-triple-bind-of-single-parent-families