
Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport

Outputs related to Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport

Showing 5001 to 5100 of 5403

Research Report

Jepson R, Robertson R & Doi L (2010) Audit of Exercise Referral Scheme activityin Scotland March 2010. NHS Health Scotland. Scottish Government / NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh. http://www.healthscotland.com/uploads/documents/12990-REO36auditExerciseReferralSchemesInScotland.pdf

Book Chapter

Paterson B (2010) Training in the prevention of management and aggression in a cold climate: Meeting the challenges. In: Paterson B, van Engelen Y & McKenna K (eds.) Evidence, Efficacy, Economics and Ethics: the Challenges Facing Management of Aggression Training in the 21st Century: proceedings of the 2nd ENTMA08 conference, Amsterdam, 25-26 March 2010. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: ENTMA.

Book Chapter

Paterson B & Stubbs B (2010) Assessing your physical intervention procedures. In: Paterson B, van Engelen Y & McKenna K (eds.) Evidence, Efficacy, Economics and Ethics: the Challenges Facing Management of Aggression Training in the 21st Century: proceedings of the 2nd ENTMA08 conference, Amsterdam, 25-26 March 2010. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: ENTMA.

Research Report

Bauld L, Carroll C, Hay G, McKell J, Novak C, Silver K & Templeton L (2010) Alcohol Misusers' experiences of employment and the benefit system. Department of Work and Pensions, UK. Department for Work and Pensions Research Report, 718. Department for Work and Pensions. http://research.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5/rports2009-2010/rrep718.pdf


Dimeo P (2010) Understanding and Managing Drugs in Sport. The Shield, Research Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science, 5, pp. 29-43. http://www.usindh.edu.pk/shield/

Book Chapter

Tipton K (2010) Optimizing Training Adaptations by Manipulating Protein. In: Jeukendrup A (ed.) Sports Nutrition: From Lab to Kitchen. Maidenhead, UK: Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd, pp. 71-79. http://www.m-m-sports.com/shop/en/sports-nutrition.html

Presentation / Talk

Rioult F, Metivier J, Helleu B, Scelles N & Durand C (2010) Spatial Trace Analysis in Electronic Team Sport: Application to MOBA [Analyse de traces spatiales dans le sport électronique d’équipe : Application aux MOBA]. XXVIIIth INFORSID Congress 2010, Marseille, France, 25.05.2010-28.05.2010.

Book Chapter

Bauld L (2010) The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of NHS stop smoking services. In: All Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health: Inquiry into the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of tobacco control: Submission to the 2010 Spending Review and Public Health White Paper Consultation process. London: Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), pp. 47-50. http://www.ash.org.uk/files/documents/ASH_743.pdf

Authored Book

Jackson S, Eklund R & Martin A (2010) The Manual for the New Flow Scales. Menlo Park, CA, USA: Mind Garden. http://www.mindgarden.com/products/flow.htm#ms

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Coffee P & Rees T (2010) Attributions in sport psychology. 2010 British Psychological Society Division of Sport & Exercise Psychology Conference, London, 09.12.2010-10.12.2010. http://abstracts.bps.org.uk/index.cfm?&ResultsType=Abstracts&ResultSet_ID=6349&FormDisplayMode=view&frmShowSelected=true&localAction=details


Papathomas A & Lavallee D (2010) Athlete experiences of disordered eating in sport. Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, 2 (3), pp. 354-370. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19398441.2010.517042; https://doi.org/10.1080/19398441.2010.517042


West R, McNeill A, Britton J, Bauld L, Raw M, Hajek P, Arnott D, Jarvis M & Stapleton J (2010) Should smokers be offered assistance with stopping?. Addiction, 105 (11), p. 1867–1869. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1360-0443.2010.03111.x

Conference Paper (unpublished)

De Andrade M (2010) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Socially responsible behaviour or 'a way business is conducted'?. ISM-Open Social Marketing Conference 2010: Social Marketing and Socially Responsible Management: ‘Changing Times, New Challenges’, Milton Keynes, UK, 03.11.2010-03.11.2010. http://www.open.ac.uk/oubs/ism/sites/www.open.ac.uk.oubs.ism/files/files/ISM%20Open%202010%20Proceedings.pdf


Stone JC, Carson AJ, Duncan RDD, Roberts RC, Warlow CP, Hibberd C, Coleman RJ, Cull RE, Murray G, Pelosi AJ, Cavanagh JTO, Matthews KB, Goldbeck R, Smyth R, Walker JK & Sharpe MC (2010) Who is referred to neurology clinics? - The diagnoses made in 3781 new patients. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 112 (9), pp. 747-751. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clineuro.2010.05.011


Gray M, Smith F, McKeown D, Donaldson J, Hendry S, Page L & Scholes J (2010) Integrating physician assistants into the practice setting. Nursing Management, 17 (7), pp. 23-27. https://doi.org/10.7748/nm2010.

Research Report

Eadie D, MacAskill S, Brooks O, Heim D, Forsyth A & Punch S (2010) Pre-teens Learning about Alcohol: Drinking and Family Contexts. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/pre-teens-and-alcohol-full.pdf


Jones MV & Lavallee D (2010) A good walk worth watching. Psychologist, 23 (10), pp. 806-809. http://www.thepsychologist.org.uk/archive/archive_home.cfm?volumeID=23&editionID=193&ArticleID=1734

Research Report

Parkes T, MacAskill S, Brooks O, Jepson R, Atherton I, Doi L, McGhee S & Eadie D (2010) Prison health needs assessment for alcohol problems. NHS Health Scotland. http://www.healthscotland.com/documents/4932.aspx


McInnes R, Shepherd A, Cheyne H & Niven C (2010) Infant feeding in the neonatal unit. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 6 (4), pp. 306-317. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1740-8709.2009.00210.x

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Adamson E, Smith FC & Gray M (2010) Learning through simulation: is this applied in practice?. Scottish Clinical Skills Network, Dundee, 30.09.2010-30.09.2010. http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/5940

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Roxburgh M & Bradley P (2010) New approaches to providing practice placements in the pre-registration nursing programmes: The development, implementation and evaluation of a ‘hub and spoke’ model. NET2010: 21st International Networking Education in Healthcare Conference, Cambridge, 07.09.2010-09.09.2010. http://www.jillrogersassociates.co.uk/images/stories/NET_conf_pdfs/PhotosNET2010/NET2010_Abstracts_booklet.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

De Andrade M (2010) 'Pharmafilliation': A case study. British Sociology Association Medical Conference 2010, Durham,UK, 01.09.2010-03.09.2010. https://www.britsoc.co.uk/media/20686/MedSoc2010_Paper_Abstracts_v3.pdf


Balanos GM, Phillips AC, Frenneaux MP, McIntyre D, Lykidis C, Griffin HS & Carroll D (2010) Metabolically exaggerated cardiac reactions to acute psychological stress: The effects of resting blood pressure status and possible underlying mechanisms. Biological Psychology, 85 (1), pp. 104-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsycho.2010.06.001

Presentation / Talk

Hoskins G, Donnan PT, Williams B & Jackson C (2010) When 'Yes' is not enough. Comparison of the simple form of the Royal College of Physicians 3 questions (RCP 3-Q's) for asthma with an expanded scoring system. European Respiratory Society International Conference, Barcelona, 18.09.2010-22.09.2010. http://www.ers-education.org/events/international-congress/barcelona-2010.aspx


Hunt K, Adamson J, Ebrahim S & Mutrie N (2010) Exercise and the onset of disability in later life. Journal of Aging and Health, 22 (6), pp. 734-747. https://doi.org/10.1177/0898264310374753


Aveyard P, Amos A, Bauld L, Britton J, Coleman T, Docherty G, Godfrey C, Hajek P, Hastings G, McNeill A, Lewis S, Munafo M & Robert W (2010) Is the UK's coalition Government serious about public health?. Lancet, 376 (9741), p. 589. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736%2810%2961288-3