
Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport

Outputs related to Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport

Showing 5301 to 5400 of 5403

Book Chapter

Kendall M, Harris FM, Boyd K, Sheikh A, Murray SA, Brown D, Mallinson I, Kearney N & Worth A (2009) Key challenges and ways forward in researching the "good death". In: Earle S, Komaromy C & Bartholomew C (eds.) Death and dying: a reader. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University / SAGE Publications, pp. 211-220. http://www.sagepub.com/books/Book233016?siteId=sage-us&prodTypes=any&q=9781847875105&pageTitle=productsSearch

Edited Book

Duncan E (ed.) (2009) Skills for Practice in Occupational Therapy. Edinburgh, UK: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone. http://www.elsevier.com/books/skills-for-practice-in-occupational-therapy/duncan/978-0-08-045042-1

Edited Book

Bradley J (ed.) (2009) Celtic Minded 3: Essays on Celtic Football Culture and Identity. Argyll, Scotland: Argyll Publishing. http://www.argyllbookstore.co.uk/index.php/2013-10-05-14-59-55/sport/product/61-celtic-minded-3-joe-bradley.html?search=Celtic%20Minded

Book Chapter

Semple S (2009) Dermal exposure assessment. In: Nieuwenhuijsen M (ed.) Exposure Assessment in Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof%3Aoso/9780198528616.003.0009

Conference Paper (published)

Ross JAS, Semple S, Duffin R, Kelly F, Seldmann J & Raab A (2009) Characterisation of fume from hyperbaric welding operations. In: volume 151. Inhaled Particles X, Manchester. IOP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/151/1/012042


Scelles N (2009) L’incertitude du résultat, facteur clé de succès du spectacle sportif professionnel : L’intensité compétitive des ligues : Entre impacts mesurés et effets per?us [Uncertainty of outcome, key success factor of professional sport spectacle. Competitive intensity of leagues: Between measured impacts and perceived effects]. Doctor of Philosophy. University of Caen.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Scelles N & Durand C (2009) L’amélioration du potentiel médiatique d’une compétition. Le cas du Top 14 fran?ais de rugby [Improving the media potential of a competition. The case of the French Top 14 rugby]. 5th Congress of the Society of Sport Sociology in French Language, Lyon, France, 27.05.2009-29.05.2009. http://spiral.univ-lyon1.fr/files_m/M499/Files/538627_77.pdf

Presentation / Talk

Scelles N & Durand C (2009) Quels sont les formats idéaux pour les grandes compétitions internationales ? Intensité compétitive vs logiques sportive, économique et politique [What are the ideal formats for major international competitions? Competitive Intensity vs Sporting, Economic and Political Logic]. 4th International Conference “Football & Research”, French Football Federation, Clairefontaine, France, 04.06.2009-05.06.2009.

Book Chapter

Donaldson J (2009) Maintaining a safe environment. In: Docherty C & McCallum J (eds.) Foundation Clinical Nursing Skills. Clinical Nursing Skills Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 113-162.


Hackshaw L & Bauld L (2009) Smoking Cessation. Behind the Medical Headlines, September 2009.

Conference Paper (published)

Biddle SJH, Brown H & Lavallee D (2009) Positive youth development in sport: A systematic review. In: Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Toronto: Canadian Society of Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology, p. 27.


Fullerton DG, Semple S, Kalambo F, Suseno A, Malamba R, Henderson G, Ayres JG & Gordon SB (2009) Biomass fuel use and indoor air pollution in homes in Malawi. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 66 (11), pp. 777-783. https://doi.org/10.1136/oem.2008.045013


Gorely T, Biddle SJH, Marshall SJ, Cameron N & Cassey L (2009) The Association Between Distance to School, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors in Adolescents: Project STIL. Pediatric Exercise Science, 21 (4), pp. 450-461. http://journals.humankinetics.com/pes-back-issues/PESVolume21Issue4November/TheAssociationBetweenDistancetoSchoolPhysicalActivityandSedentaryBehaviorsinAdolescentsProjectSTIL


Hegerl U, Wittenburg L, Arensman E, Audenhove Cv, Coyne J, McDaid D, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Gusmao R, Kopp M, Maxwell M, Meise U, Roskar S, Sarchiapone M, Schmidtke A, Varnik A & Bramesfeld A (2009) Optimizing Suicide Prevention Programs and Their Implementation in Europe (OSPI Europe): an evidence-based multi-level approach. BMC Public Health, 9, Art. No.: 428. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-9-428


Williams B & Cameron L (2009) Images in health care: potential and problems. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 14 (4), pp. 251-254. http://jhsrp.rsmjournals.com/content/14/4/251.abstract

Book Review

Dimeo P (2009) Understanding Olympic tourism. Review of: A Wider Social Role for Sport: Who's keeping the score?, F.Coalter, London: Routledge, 2007, 206 pp. ISBN 9780415363501. Tourism Management, 30 (5), pp. 778-781. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2009.03.004


Duncan E & Bannigan K (2009) In a world of uncertainty, we need leaders not gurus. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72 (10), pp. 423-423. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cot/bjot/2009/00000072/00000010/art00001

Book Review

Dimeo P (2009) Review Essay: Understanding Olympic Tourism. Review of: Understanding Olympic tourism, M. Weed, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann (2007). 265 pp. ISBN: 0750681616. Tourism Management, 30 (5), pp. 778-781. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02615177; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2009.03.004


Batty GD, Lewars H, Emslie C, Gale CR & Hunt K (2009) Internationally recognized guidelines for 'sensible' alcohol consumption: Is exceeding them actually detrimental to health and social circumstances? Evidence from a population-based cohort study. Journal of Public Health, 31 (3), pp. 360-365. https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdp063


O'Brien R, Hunt K & Hart G (2009) 'The average Scottish man has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, lying there with a portion of chips': Prospects for change in Scottish men's constructions of masculinity and their health-related beliefs and behaviours. Critical Public Health, 19 (3-4), pp. 363-381. https://doi.org/10.1080/09581590902939774

Conference Paper (published)

Brown H, Biddle SJH & Lavallee D (2009) Driving towards honesty and chipping away at respect: Teacher perceptions of life skill development in youth golf. In: Proceedings of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Annual Conference, Leeds Metropolitan University, September 2009. The 2009 British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Annual Conference, Leeds. Leeds: British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences.

Conference Abstract

Wells M, Anderson AS, Caswell S, Craig K, Connaghan J, MacAskill S & Steele R (2009) Using the Patient Generated Index (PGI) to elicit quality of life priorities in patients following curative treatment for colorectal cancer: experience from two lifestyle intervention development studies. EJC Supplements, 7 (2), pp. 232-232. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1359-6349%2809%2970794-3

Research Report

Watterson A, Turner F, Coull AF, Murray I & Boreham N (2009) Evaluation of the extension of independent nurse prescribing in Scotland. Health and Community Care Research Findings, No 85/2009. Scottish Government. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2009/09/25111818/0


Cosgrove C, Simpson RJ, Galloway SD, Neal CM, Hunter A, McFarlin BK & Guy K (2009) Changes in the frequency of senescent blood T-cells during 6-months training preparation for an Ironman triathlon. 9th International Society of Exercise and Immunology symposium - "Exercise Immunology: Emerging Relevance in Clinical Medicine", Tubingen, Germany, 21.09.2009-23.09.2009. file:///C:/Users/ra45/Downloads/ISEI_2009_abstracts.pdf.


France E, Hunt K, Ziebland SB, Field K & Wyke S (2009) 'My brain couldn’t move from planning a birth to planning a funeral': A qualitative study of parents’ experiences of decisions after ending a pregnancy for fetal abnormality. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 46 (8), pp. 1111-1121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2008.12.004


Jeukendrup AE, Tipton K & Gibala MJ (2009) Protein Plus Carbohydrate Does Not Enhance 60-km Time-Trial Performance. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 19 (4), pp. 335-337. http://journals.humankinetics.com/ijsnem-back-issues/IJSNEMVolume19Issue4August/ProteinPlusCarbohydrateDoesNotEnhance60kmTimeTrialPerformanceIandIResponse

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Dimeo P (2009) Fictional literature and the sports historian. Australian Society for Sports History Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 31.07.2009-03.08.2009.