Edited Book
Remaking Adult Learning: Essays in honour of Alan Tuckett
Derrick J, Howard U, Field J, Lavender P, Meyer S, Nuissl von Rein E & Schuller T (eds.) (2011) Remaking Adult Learning: Essays in honour of Alan Tuckett. London: Institute of Education Press. http://www.ioe.ac.uk/about/48777.html
Book Chapter
Introduction to Part III: Empowering teachers and teachers’ use of knowledge
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) Introduction to Part III: Empowering teachers and teachers’ use of knowledge. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 201-202. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/languages-linguistics/applied-linguistics-and-second-language-acquisition/applied-linguistics-and-primary-school-teaching?format=HB&isbn=9780521193542#S45VqXi0dtQMMwdr.97; https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511921605.020
Book Chapter
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) Preface. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. xix-xx. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/languages-linguistics/applied-linguistics-and-second-language-acquisition/applied-linguistics-and-primary-school-teaching?format=HB&isbn=9780521193542#S45VqXi0dtQMMwdr.97; https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511921605.001
Book Chapter
Introduction to Part I: Policy and diversity in the twenty-first-century primary school
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) Introduction to Part I: Policy and diversity in the twenty-first-century primary school. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 17-20. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/languages-linguistics/applied-linguistics-and-second-language-acquisition/applied-linguistics-and-primary-school-teaching?format=HB&isbn=9780521193542#S45VqXi0dtQMMwdr.97; https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511921605.004
Edited Book
Applied linguistics and primary school teaching
Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) (2011) Applied linguistics and primary school teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/languages-linguistics/applied-linguistics-and-second-language-acquisition/applied-linguistics-and-primary-school-teaching?format=HB&isbn=9780521193542#S45VqXi0dtQMMwdr.97; https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511921605
Book Chapter
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) Introduction. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-14. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/languages-linguistics/applied-linguistics-and-second-language-acquisition/applied-linguistics-and-primary-school-teaching?format=HB&isbn=9780521193542#S45VqXi0dtQMMwdr.97; https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511921605.003
Book Chapter
Introduction to Part II: The range and focus of applied linguistics research
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) Introduction to Part II: The range and focus of applied linguistics research. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 77-80. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/languages-linguistics/applied-linguistics-and-second-language-acquisition/applied-linguistics-and-primary-school-teaching?format=HB&isbn=9780521193542#S45VqXi0dtQMMwdr.97; https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511921605.010
Educating Scotland's future together? Inter/professional preparation for schools and children's services
Forbes J & McCartney E (2011) Educating Scotland's future together? Inter/professional preparation for schools and children's services. Scottish Educational Review, 43 (2), pp. 39-54. http://www.scotedreview.org.uk/media/microsites/scottish-educational-review/documents/330.pdf
Book Chapter
How to empower teachers working with children with language impairments: why a 'just-in-time' model might work
Ellis S & McCartney E (2011) How to empower teachers working with children with language impairments: why a 'just-in-time' model might work. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics in the Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 252-266. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/languages-linguistics/applied-linguistics-and-second-language-acquisition/applied-linguistics-and-primary-school-teaching?format=HB&isbn=9780521193542#S45VqXi0dtQMMwdr.97; https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511921605.025
Introduction: Reclaiming and Renewing Actor Network Theory for Educational Research
Fenwick T & Edwards R (2011) Introduction: Reclaiming and Renewing Actor Network Theory for Educational Research. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43 (Supplement s1), pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-5812.2010.00667.x
Reading educational reform with actor network theory: Fluid spaces, otherings, and ambivalences
Fenwick T (2011) Reading educational reform with actor network theory: Fluid spaces, otherings, and ambivalences. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43 (s1), pp. 114-134. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-5812.2009.00609.x
Diluting education? An ethnographic study of change in an Australian Ministry of Education
Robinson S (2011) Diluting education? An ethnographic study of change in an Australian Ministry of Education. Discourse, 32 (5), pp. 797-807. https://doi.org/10.1080/01596306.2011.620760
Research Report
Teaching in nature
Mannion G, Fenwick A, Nugent C & I'Anson J (2011) Teaching in nature. Commissioned Report, 476. Inverness: Scottish Natural Heritage. http://www.snh.gov.uk/publications-data-and-research/publications/search-the-catalogue/publication-detail/?id=1839
Authored Book
Emerging Approaches to Educational Research: Tracing the Sociomaterial
Fenwick T, Edwards R & Sawchuk P (2011) Emerging Approaches to Educational Research: Tracing the Sociomaterial. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Literacies in the Learning Careers of Students
Edwards R & Miller K (2011) Literacies in the Learning Careers of Students. In: Catts R, Falk I & Wallace R (eds.) Vocational Learning: Innovative Theory and Practice. Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 14. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, pp. 191-202.
Authored Book
我要吃瓜 Canada: Immigration
Gogia N & Slade BL (2011) 我要吃瓜 Canada: Immigration. First ed. Canada: Fernwood Publishing. http://www.fernwoodpublishing.ca/我要吃瓜-Canada-Immigration/
Book Chapter
Feminism: A Profound Paradigm Shift
Slade BL (2011) Feminism: A Profound Paradigm Shift. In: Gajardo LM & Ryckman J (eds.) Becoming Feminists: an anthology of how we became feminists. Toronto: Resources for Feminist Research (RFR) & Centre for Women‘s Studies in Education (CWSE) OISE, University of Toronto, pp. 66-68. http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/cwse/UserFiles/File/Becoming%20Feminists.pdf
Book Chapter
The Ideological Construction of ‘Canadian Work Experience’: Adult Education and the Reproduction of Labour and Difference
Slade BL (2011) The Ideological Construction of ‘Canadian Work Experience’: Adult Education and the Reproduction of Labour and Difference. In: Carpenter S & Mojab S (eds.) Educating from Marx: Race, Gender and Learning. Marxism and Education. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 137-166. http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=513150
Developing who, for what? Notes of caution in rethinking a global H(R)D: a response to Kuchinke
Fenwick T (2011) Developing who, for what? Notes of caution in rethinking a global H(R)D: a response to Kuchinke. Human Resource Development International, 14 (1), pp. 83-89. https://doi.org/10.1080/13678868.2011.542900
Place-Based Education Is an Intergenerational Practice
Mannion G & Adey C (2011) Place-Based Education Is an Intergenerational Practice. Children, Youth and Environments, 21 (1), pp. 35-58. http://www.colorado.edu/journals/cye/21_1/index.htm
Considering materiality in educational policy: messy objects and multiple reals
Fenwick T & Edwards R (2011) Considering materiality in educational policy: messy objects and multiple reals. Educational Theory, 61 (6), pp. 709-726. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-5446.2011.00429.x
Learning ‘social responsibility’ in the workplace: conjuring, unsettling, and folding boundaries
Fenwick T (2011) Learning ‘social responsibility’ in the workplace: conjuring, unsettling, and folding boundaries. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 19 (1), pp. 41-60. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681366.2011.527120
Book Chapter
Knowledge mobilization: The new research imperative (Introduction)
Fenwick T & Farrell L (2011) Knowledge mobilization: The new research imperative (Introduction). In: Fenwick T & Farrell L (eds.) Knowledge Mobilization and Educational Research: Politics, Languages and Responsibilities. London: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 1-13. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415614658/
Book Chapter
Policies for the knowledge economy: Knowledge discourses at play
Fenwick T (2011) Policies for the knowledge economy: Knowledge discourses at play. In: Malloch M, Cairns L, Evans K & O'Connor B (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Workplace Learning. London: Sage, pp. 319-330. http://www.uk.sagepub.com/books/Book233097/toc#tabview=title
Book Chapter
Ideologies and interactions in multilingual education: What can an ecological approach tell us about bilingual pedagogy?
Creese A & Blackledge A (2011) Ideologies and interactions in multilingual education: What can an ecological approach tell us about bilingual pedagogy?. In: Helot C & O'Laoire M (eds.) Language Policy for the Multilingual Classroom: Pedagogy of the Possible - Bilingual Education & Bilingualism. Bristol: Changing Childbirth Implimentation Team, pp. 3-21.
Book Chapter
Pedagogy and bilingual pupils in primary schools: certainties from applied linguistics
Creese A (2011) Pedagogy and bilingual pupils in primary schools: certainties from applied linguistics. In: Ellis S & McCartney E (eds.) Applied Linguistics and Primary School Teaching. Cambridge: Cambride University Press, pp. 186-198. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511921605.019
Mobilities, moorings and boundary marking in developing semantic technologies in educational practices
Edwards R, Tracy F & Jordan K (2011) Mobilities, moorings and boundary marking in developing semantic technologies in educational practices. Research in Learning Technology, 19 (3), pp. 219-232. https://doi.org/10.1080/21567069.2011.624167
Researching the benefits of learning: the persuasive power of longitudinal studies
Field J (2011) Researching the benefits of learning: the persuasive power of longitudinal studies. London Review of Education, 9 (3), pp. 283-292. https://doi.org/10.1080/14748460.2011.616320
Interviewing objects: Including educational technologies as qualitative research participants
Adams C & Thompson TL (2011) Interviewing objects: Including educational technologies as qualitative research participants. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 24 (6), pp. 733-750. https://doi.org/10.1080/09518398.2010.529849
Book Chapter
Pride, profit and distinction: Negotiations across time and space in community language education
Blackledge A & Creese A (2011) Pride, profit and distinction: Negotiations across time and space in community language education. In: Duchêne A & Heller M (eds.) Language in Late Capitalism: Pride and Profit. New York: Taylor & Francis, pp. 116-141. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203155868
The global dimension in education and education for global citizenship: genealogy and critique
Mannion G, Biesta GJJ, Priestley M & Ross H (2011) The global dimension in education and education for global citizenship: genealogy and critique. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9 (3-4), pp. 443-456. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/14767724.asp; https://doi.org/10.1080/14767724.2011.605327
Research Capacity Building in Education: the role of digital archives
Carmichael P (2011) Research Capacity Building in Education: the role of digital archives. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59 (3), pp. 323-339. https://doi.org/10.1080/00071005.2011.599788
The Theory Question in Research Capacity Building in Education: Towards an Agenda for Research and Practice
Biesta GJJ, Allan J & Edwards R (2011) The Theory Question in Research Capacity Building in Education: Towards an Agenda for Research and Practice. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59 (3), pp. 225-239. https://doi.org/10.1080/00071005.2011.599793
Conference Paper (unpublished)
School-Based Curriculum Development in Scotland: Curriculum Policy and Enactment
Minty S & Priestley M (2011) School-Based Curriculum Development in Scotland: Curriculum Policy and Enactment. European Conference for Educational Research, 15 September 2011, Berlin, Berlin, 15.09.2011. http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer2011/?no_cache=1
Childhood, Complexity Orientation and Children's Rights: enlarging the space of the possible?
I'Anson J (2011) Childhood, Complexity Orientation and Children's Rights: enlarging the space of the possible?. Education Inquiry, 2 (3), pp. 373-384. https://doi.org/10.3402/edui.v2i3.21989
Book Review
Review: Educational Research and Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches . Edited by D. Hartas
Lowing K (2011) Review: Educational Research and Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches . Edited by D. Hartas. Review of: Educational Research and Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Edited by D. Hartas. pp 458. London: Continuum. 2010.. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59 (3: Research capacity building), pp. 350-351. https://doi.org/10.1080/00071005.2011.611285
Parents, pre-schoolers and learning with technology at home: some implications for policy
Plowman L, Stevenson O, McPake J, Stephen C & Adey C (2011) Parents, pre-schoolers and learning with technology at home: some implications for policy. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27 (4), pp. 361-371. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2729.2011.00432.x
L1 to teach L2: Complexities and contradictions
Copland F & Neokleous G (2011) L1 to teach L2: Complexities and contradictions. ELT Journal, 65 (3), pp. 270-280. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccq047
Discurso literário e lingüística de corpus: Uma vis?o empírica
Zyngier S, Viana V & Giordani N (2011) Discurso literário e lingüística de corpus: Uma vis?o empírica [Literary discourse and corpus linguistics: An empirical perspective]. Cadernos de Letras (UFRJ), 28, pp. 99-107. http://www.letras.ufrj.br/anglo_germanicas/cadernos/numeros/072011/textos/cl2831072011zyngier.pdf
Conference Paper (published)
Considering adult literacies education as empowerment or emancipation
Galloway S (2011) Considering adult literacies education as empowerment or emancipation. In: Creating and Sustaining International Connections: exploring the learning opportunities for Studying Creative Understandings about Teaching and Research for Equity and Access. 41st Annual SCUTREA Conference, Lancaster, 05.07.2011-07.07.2011. Lancaster, UK: SCUTREA.
Problems of Teaching and Learning of Geometry in Secondary Schools in Rivers State, Nigeria
Adolphus T (2011) Problems of Teaching and Learning of Geometry in Secondary Schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. International Journal of Emerging Sciences, 1 (2), pp. 143-152.
Vocational education teacher training in Scotland and England: Policy and practice
Avis J, Canning R, Fisher R, Morgan-Klein B & Simmons R (2011) Vocational education teacher training in Scotland and England: Policy and practice. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 63 (2), pp. 115-127. https://doi.org/10.1080/13636820.2011.566348
Research Report
Teachers' and Pupils' Views on the Proposed Redevelopment of Lochwinnoch RSPB Centre & Reserve
Mannion G, Fenwick A & Minty S (2011) Teachers' and Pupils' Views on the Proposed Redevelopment of Lochwinnoch RSPB Centre & Reserve. Mannion G (Editor), Fenwick A (Editor) & Minty S (Editor). The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
'I felt that I do live in the UK now': International students' self-reports of their english language speaking experiences on a pre-sessional programme
Copland F & Garton S (2011) 'I felt that I do live in the UK now': International students' self-reports of their english language speaking experiences on a pre-sessional programme. Language and Education, 25 (3), pp. 241-255. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500782.2011.566617
Teacher learning communities and educational change in Scotland: the Highland experience
Priestley M, Miller K, Barrett L & Wallace C (2011) Teacher learning communities and educational change in Scotland: the Highland experience. British Educational Research Journal, 37 (2), pp. 265-284. https://doi.org/10.1080/01411920903540698
Separate and flexible bilingualism in complementary schools: Multiple language practices in interrelationship
Creese A, Blackledge A, Bara? T, Bhatt A, Hamid S, Wei L, Lytra V, Martin P, Wu C & Ya?cio?lu D (2011) Separate and flexible bilingualism in complementary schools: Multiple language practices in interrelationship. Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (5), pp. 1196-1208. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2010.10.006
Book Chapter
Making local practices globally relevant in researching multilingual education
Creese A (2011) Making local practices globally relevant in researching multilingual education. In: Hult FM & King KA (eds.) Educational Linguistics in Practice: Applying the Local Globally and the Global Locally. Bilingual Education & Bilingualism. Bristol: Channel View Publications, pp. 41-55. http://www.multilingual-matters.com/display.asp?K=9781847693525
Indirect language therapy for children with persistent language impairment in mainstream primary schools: Outcomes from a cohort intervention
McCartney E, Boyle J, Ellis S, Bannatyne S & Turnbull M (2011) Indirect language therapy for children with persistent language impairment in mainstream primary schools: Outcomes from a cohort intervention. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 46 (1), pp. 74-82. https://doi.org/10.3109/13682820903560302
Book Chapter
Supporting students who struggle with language
McCartney E & Ellis S (2010) Supporting students who struggle with language. In: Fletcher J, Parkhill F & Gillon G (eds.) Motivating Literacy Learners in Today's World. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research. https://www.nzcer.org.nz/nzcerpress/motivating-literacy-learners-todays-world
Authored Book
Growing Up With Technology: Young Children Learning in a Digital World
Plowman L, Stephen C & McPake J (2010) Growing Up With Technology: Young Children Learning in a Digital World. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Growing-Up-With-Technology-Young-Children-Learning-in-a-Digital-World/Plowman-Stephen-McPake/p/book/9780415468923
Book Chapter
Digital technologies at home: The experiences of 3- and 4-year-olds in Scotland
Stephen C, McPake J & Plowman L (2010) Digital technologies at home: The experiences of 3- and 4-year-olds in Scotland. In: Clarke M & Tucker S (eds.) Early Childhoods in a Changing World. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham, pp. 145-154. http://trentham-books.co.uk/acatalog/Early_Childhoods_in_a_Changing_World.html
ICT in ITE: Undergraduate perceptions of emerging confidence and competence
Mackie L, Frame B & O'Hara P (2010) ICT in ITE: Undergraduate perceptions of emerging confidence and competence. Scottish Educational Review, 42 (1), pp. 48-59. http://www.scotedreview.org.uk/pdf/295.pdf
Self-employed and online: (Re)negotiating work-learning practices
Thompson TL (2010) Self-employed and online: (Re)negotiating work-learning practices. Journal of Workplace Learning, 22 (6), pp. 360-375. https://doi.org/10.1108/13665621011063478
Book Chapter
Models of provision of lifelong learning: how is it done around the world?
Field J (2010) Models of provision of lifelong learning: how is it done around the world?. In: Cooper C, Field J, Goswami U, Jenkins R & Sahakhian B (eds.) Mental capital and wellbeing. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 383-388. http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-144430772X.html
Book Chapter
Seriously useless learning? Potential and limits of recent research on the benefits of learning
Field J (2010) Seriously useless learning? Potential and limits of recent research on the benefits of learning. In: Derrick J J, Howard U, Field J, Lavender P, Meyer S, Nuissl vRE & Schuller T (eds.) Remaking adult learning: Essays on Adult Education in Honour of Alan Tuckett. London: Institute of Education Press and NIACE, pp. 220-229. http://www.ioe.ac.uk/about/48777.html
Book Chapter
Learning in emotional labour and emotion work
Field J & Malcolm I (2010) Learning in emotional labour and emotion work. In: Cooper L & Walters S (eds.) Learning/Work: Turning work and learning inside out. Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council Press, pp. 169-181. https://www.hsrcpress.ac.za/books/learning-work
Book Chapter
Lifelong learning
Field J (2010) Lifelong learning. In: Peterson P, Baker E & McGaw B (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. 3rd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 89-95. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780080448947000166
Book Chapter
Developing teacher assessment: an Introduction
Gardner J (2010) Developing teacher assessment: an Introduction. In: Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Stobart G & Montgomery M (eds.) Developing Teacher Assessment. Maidenhead, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 1-11.
Book Chapter
Assessment to support learning
Harlen W & Gardner J (2010) Assessment to support learning. In: Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Stobart G & Montgomery M (eds.) Developing Teacher Assessment. Maidenhead, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 15-28.
Book Chapter
What is innovative about teacher assessment?
Gardner J (2010) What is innovative about teacher assessment?. In: Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Stobart G & Montgomery M (eds.) Developing Teacher Assessment. Maidenhead, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 71-84. https://www.mheducation.co.uk/9780335237838-emea-developing-teacher-assessment-group
Book Chapter
Teachers as self-agents of change
Gardner J (2010) Teachers as self-agents of change. In: Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Stobart G & Montgomery M (eds.) Developing Teacher Assessment. Maidenhead, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 130-138. https://www.mheducation.co.uk/9780335237838-emea-developing-teacher-assessment-group
Book Chapter
Appendix 2: A professional development template
Gardner J (2010) Appendix 2: A professional development template. In: Gardner J, Harlen W, Hayward L, Stobart G & Montgomery M (eds.) Developing Teacher Assessment. Maidenhead, England: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 174-178.
Book Chapter
After a rhetorics of neutrality: Complexity reduction and cultural difference
I'Anson J (2010) After a rhetorics of neutrality: Complexity reduction and cultural difference. In: Osberg D & Biesta G (eds.) Complexity Theory and the Politics of Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 121-134. https://www.sensepublishers.com/catalogs/bookseries/other-books/complexity-theory-and-the-politics-of-education/
Book Chapter
Re-imagining Cultural Difference
I'Anson J (2010) Re-imagining Cultural Difference. In: Wisely T, Barr I, Britton A & King B (eds.) Education in a Global Space: Emerging Research and Practice in Initial Teacher Education. Edinburgh: IDEAS/SCOTDEC.
Book Chapter
Beyond individual acquisition: Theorizing practice-based collective learning in HRD
Fenwick T (2010) Beyond individual acquisition: Theorizing practice-based collective learning in HRD. In: van Woerkom M & Poell R (eds.) Workplace Learning: Concepts, measurement and application. Routledge Studies in Human Resource Development. New York: Routledge, pp. 26-40. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415482622/
Book Chapter
Trends in workplace learning research
Fenwick T (2010) Trends in workplace learning research. In: Peterson P, Baker E & McGaw B (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. 3rd ed. Elsevier, pp. 83-88. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780080448947000129
Book Chapter
Authentic English through the computer: Corpora in the ESOL writing classroom
Viana V (2010) Authentic English through the computer: Corpora in the ESOL writing classroom. In: Kasten S (ed.) Effective second language writing. Alexandria: TESOL International Association, pp. 163-168. http://bookstore.tesol.org/ItemDetail?iProductCode=639&Category=CLSSRMPRAC
Performing the Sign: Mathematics, democracy and the arts
Swanson DM (2010) Performing the Sign: Mathematics, democracy and the arts. Educational Insights, 13 (1). http://einsights.ogpr.educ.ubc.ca/v13n01/intro/index.html
Towards a sociolinguistics of superdiversity
Creese A & Blackledge A (2010) Towards a sociolinguistics of superdiversity. Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 13 (4), pp. 549-572. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11618-010-0159-y
Book Chapter
Teaching approaches in two-teacher classrooms
Creese A (2010) Teaching approaches in two-teacher classrooms. In: Leung C & Creese A (eds.) English as an Additional Language: Approaches to Teaching Linguistic Minority Students. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 58-74. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781446251454.n5
Content-focused classrooms and learning English: How teachers collaborate
Creese A (2010) Content-focused classrooms and learning English: How teachers collaborate. Theory into Practice, 49 (2), pp. 99-105. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405841003626494
Re-thinking the “thing”: Sociomaterial approaches to understanding and researching learning in work
Fenwick T (2010) Re-thinking the “thing”: Sociomaterial approaches to understanding and researching learning in work. Journal of Workplace Learning, 22 (40940), pp. 104-116. https://doi.org/10.1108/13665621011012898
Bold, Rude and Risky: Rethinking Educational Professionalism
Fenwick T (2010) Bold, Rude and Risky: Rethinking Educational Professionalism. Scottish Educational Review, 42 (2), pp. 19-32. http://www.scotedreview.org.uk/view_issue.php?id=42[2]
Learning to practice social responsibility in small business: Challenges and conflicts
Fenwick T (2010) Learning to practice social responsibility in small business: Challenges and conflicts. Journal of Global Responsibility, 1 (1), pp. 149-169. https://doi.org/10.1108/20412561011039753
Book Chapter
Transitions in Working Dis/Ability: Able-ing Environments and Disabling Policies
Wallace J & Fenwick T (2010) Transitions in Working Dis/Ability: Able-ing Environments and Disabling Policies. In: Taylor A & Sawchuk P (eds.) Challenging Transitions in Learning and Work. The Knowledge Economy and Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 309-324. https://www.sensepublishers.com/product_info.php?products_id=994&osCsid=
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Researching Retention and Non-Traditional Learners: evidence on pre-entry preparation
Field J & Morgan-Klein N (2010) Researching Retention and Non-Traditional Learners: evidence on pre-entry preparation. Hitting the ground running: reflections on pre-entry student support and new students’ academic preparedness for higher education, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK, 04.06.2010-04.06.2010. http://www.gcu.ac.uk
Book Chapter
Trends in Workplace Learning Research
Fenwick T (2010) Trends in Workplace Learning Research. In: Peterson P, Baker E & McGaw B (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. Third ed. International Encyclopedia of Education, 1. Elsevier, pp. 83-88. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/referenceworks/9780080448947; https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-044894-7.00012-9
Book Chapter
Normalising standards in educational complexity: A network analysis
Fenwick T (2010) Normalising standards in educational complexity: A network analysis. In: Osberg D & Biesta G (eds.) Complexity Theory and the Politics of Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 57-68. https://www.sensepublishers.com/product_info.php?products_id=1064&osCsid=1a7
Research Report
Intergenerational Place-based Education: where schools, communities, & nature meet (Research Briefing - Summary Findings)
Mannion G, Adey C & Lynch J (2010) Intergenerational Place-based Education: where schools, communities, & nature meet (Research Briefing - Summary Findings). School of Education. Research Briefings, 5. School of Education, 我要吃瓜. http://www.scotcip.org.uk/files/documents/IG_Place-based_Education.pdf
Authored Book
Actor-Network Theory in Education
Fenwick T & Edwards R (2010) Actor-Network Theory in Education. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Young People’s Hopes and Fears for their Global and Local Futures
Minty S (2010) Young People’s Hopes and Fears for their Global and Local Futures. In: Krzywosz-Rynkiewicz B, Zalewska A & and RA (eds.) Future Citizens: 21st century challenges for young people. Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza 'Impuls', pp. 63-88. http://www.impulsoficyna.com.pl/index.php?cat=fragment&p=1180&k=3&id=1180
Response to Jeffrey McClellan. Complexity Theory, Leadership, and the Traps of Utopia
Fenwick T (2010) Response to Jeffrey McClellan. Complexity Theory, Leadership, and the Traps of Utopia. Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 7 (2), pp. 90-96. http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/complicity/article/view/8946/7184
Bridging the gap between evidence and practice: A multi-perspective examination of real-world drug education
Stead M, Stradling R, MacNeil M, MacKintosh AM, Minty S, McDermott L & Eadie D (2010) Bridging the gap between evidence and practice: A multi-perspective examination of real-world drug education. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 17 (1), pp. 1-20. http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/09687630802228341; https://doi.org/10.3109/09687630802228341
Research Report
Intergenerational Place-based Education: where schools, communities and nature meet
Mannion G, Adey C & Lynch J (2010) Intergenerational Place-based Education: where schools, communities and nature meet. Scottish Centre for Intergenerational Practice. http://www.scotcip.org.uk/SCIP_publications.html
Connected Understanding: Internationalization of Adult Education in Canada and Beyond
Guo S, Schugurensky D, Hall B, Rocco T & Fenwick T (2010) Connected Understanding: Internationalization of Adult Education in Canada and Beyond. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 23 (1), pp. 73-89. http://journals.msvu.ca/index.php/cjsae/article/view/28
Intervention for mixed receptive-expressive language impairment: A review
Boyle J, McCartney E, O'Hare AE & Law J (2010) Intervention for mixed receptive-expressive language impairment: A review. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52 (11), pp. 994-999. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8749.2010.03750.x
Blogs and e-Portfolios: can they support reflection, evidencing and dialogue in teacher training?
Cotterill S, Lowing K, Cain K, Lofthouse R, Mackay C, McShane J, Stancliffe D & Wright D (2010) Blogs and e-Portfolios: can they support reflection, evidencing and dialogue in teacher training?. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 2, pp. 1-21, Art. No.: 97. https://journal.aldinhe.ac.uk/index.php/jldhe/issue/view/10