

Outputs related to Economics

Showing 1101 to 1200 of 1557

Edited Book

Arena R, Dow S & Klaes M (eds.) (2009) Open Economics: Economics in Relation to Other Disciplines. Routledge Studies in the History of Economics. London: Routledge. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415460125/


Blanchflower D & Shadforth C (2009) Fear, Unemployment and Migration. Economic Journal, 119 (535), pp. F136-F182. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0297.2008.02224.x


Blanchflower D (2009) Where next for the UK economy?. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 56 (1), pp. 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9485.2009.00477.x


Dow S (2009) David Hume and Modern Economics. Capitalism and Society, 4 (1). https://doi.org/10.2202/1932-0213.1049


Jabbour CJC & Santos FCA (2009) Sob os ventos da mudan?a climática: desafios, oportunidades e o papel da fun??o produ??o no contexto do aquecimento global [Straws in the wind of climate change: challenges, opportunities, and the role of production function in the context of global warming]. Gestao and Producao, 16 (1), pp. 111-120. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-530X2009000100011


Hart RA & Ma Y (2008) Wages, Hours and Human Capital Over the Life Cycle. Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 228 (5-6), pp. 446-464. http://www.luciusverlag.com/zeitschriften/jahrbuecher/jahrbuecher_inhalt.htm

Book Chapter

Johns H, Hanley N, Colombo S & Ozdemiroglu E (2008) Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts in the Severely Disadvantaged Areas in England. In: Birol E & Koundouri P (eds.) Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy: A European Perspective. New Horizons in Environmental Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 82-105. http://www.e-elgar.co.uk/bookentry_main.lasso?id=4102


Colombo S & Hanley N (2008) Analisis econometrico de la heterogeneidad de las preferencias de los individuos: Aplicacion a la valoracion economico de la conservacion del paisaje agricola de montana [Econometric Analysis of Individuals' Preference Heterogeneity: An Application to the Economic Evaluation of Uphill Landscape]. Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 8 (1), pp. 103-124.


Blanchflower D (2008) Inflation, expectations and monetary policy. Quarterly Bulletin - Bank of England, 48 (2), pp. 229-237. http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Documents/quarterlybulletin/2008contents.pdf

Book Chapter

Falck O & Heblich S (2008) Regionen zwischen Starrheit und Flexiblilit?t - Der Einfluss von modernen Standortfaktoren auf das regionale Gründungsgeschehen. In: Falck O & Heblich S (eds.) Wirtschaftspolitik in l?ndlichen Regionen. Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, 553. Berlin, Germany: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 149-176. http://www.duncker-humblot.de/index.php/wirtschaftspolitik-in-landlichen-regionen-2.html

Edited Book

Falck O & Heblich S (eds.) (2008) Wirtschaftspolitik in l?ndlichen Regionen, First ed. Berlin, Germany: Duncker & Humblot. http://www.cesifo-group.de/ifoHome/publications/docbase/details.html?docId=14563771

Book Chapter

Campbell D, Hutchinson WG & Scarpa R (2008) Using mixed logit models to derive individual-specific WTP estimates for landscape improvements under agri-environmental schemes: evidence from the Rural Environment Protection Scheme in Ireland. In: Birol E & Koundouri P (eds.) Choice Experiments Informing European Environmental Policy: A European Perspective. First ed. New Horizons in Environmental Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 58-81. http://www.e-elgar.co.uk/bookentry_main.lasso?id=4102&breadcrumlink=&breadcrum=&sub_values=&site_Bus_Man=&site_dev=&site_eco=&site_env_eco=&site_inn_tech=&site_int_pol=&site_law=&site_pub_soc=

Book Chapter

Kunnas J & Myllyntaus T (2008) Forerunners and Policy Tunnels. In: Jesien L (ed.) European Union Policies in the Making. Krakow, Poland: Tischner European University, pp. 249-263. http://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/10616

Book Chapter

Allan G, Gilmartin M, McGregor PG & Swales JK (2008) Lessons from Recent Computable General Equilibrium Analyses of Energy Efficiency Improvements: Rebound and Backfire Effects. In: Bergmann D (ed.) Energy Efficiency Research Advances. First ed. Nova Science Publishers, pp. 1-9. https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=11413&osCsid=82fd2352e94ebdb8958dc58f8d2ccfac

Book Chapter

Allan G, Gilmartin M, McGregor PG, Swales JK & Turner K (2008) Modelling the economy-wide rebound effect. In: Herring H & Sorrell S (eds.) Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Consumption: The Rebound Effect. First ed. Energy, Climate and the Environment. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-98. http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=279576

Authored Book

Hart RA & Moutos T (2008) Human Capital, Employment and Bargaining. Cambridge University Press. http://www.cambridge.org/gb/knowledge/isbn/item1119178/?site_locale=en_GB

Book Chapter

Dow S (2008) Monetary Policy. In: Davis J & Dolfsma W (eds.) The Elgar Companion to Social Economics. Elgar original reference. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 463-477. http://www.e-elgar.co.uk/bookentry_main.lasso?id=3765

Book Chapter

Dow S (2008) A Future for Schools of Thought and Pluralism in Heterodox Economics. In: Harvey J & Garnett JR (eds.) Future Directions for Heterodox Economics. Advances in Heterodox Economics, 2. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 9-26. http://www.press.umich.edu/275667/future_directions_for_heterodox_economics

Book Chapter

Dow A & Dow S (2008) Theories of Economic Development in the Scottish Enlightenment. In: Earl P & Littleboy B (eds.) Regarding the Past: Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia, The University of Queensland 11-13 July 2007. Brisbane: University of Queensland, pp. 9-24. http://shredecon.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/hetsa-2007-conference.pdf

Book Chapter

Dow A & Dow S (2008) History for Economics: Learning from the Past. In: Earl P & Littleboy B (eds.) Regarding the Past: Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia: University of Queensland, 11-13 July, 2007. Brisbane: University of Queensland, pp. 1-8. http://shredecon.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/hetsa-2007-conference.pdf

Research Report

Allan G, De Fence J, Eromenko I, Lim A, Gilmartin M, McGregor PG, Swales JK & Turner K (2008) The impact on the Scottish economy of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Scotland: Illustrative findings from an experimental computable general equilibrium model for Scotland: Final Report October 2008. Scottish Government. The Scottish Government. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/11/13110942/0


Falck O & Heblich S (2008) Modern Location Factors in Dynamic Regions. European Planning Studies, 16 (10), pp. 1385-1403. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654310802420094


Finus M & Maus S (2008) Modesty May Pay!. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 10 (5), pp. 801-826. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9779.2008.00387.x


Hart RA (2008) Piece Work Pay and Hourly Pay over the Cycle. Labour Economics, 15 (5), pp. 1006-1022. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09275371; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.labeco.2007.08.003

Preprint / Working Paper

Blanchflower D (2008) International Evidence on Well-being. NBER Working Paper, 14318. http://www.nber.org/papers/w14318

Preprint / Working Paper

Bell D (2008) Fiscal Federalism in the UK. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2008-15.