
Faculty of Social Sciences

Outputs related to Faculty of Social Sciences

Showing 601 to 700 of 764

Book Chapter

McLernon H, Ferguson J & Gardner J (2005) Phono-Graphix: Rethinking the reading curriculum. In: Kennedy E & Hickey T (eds.) Learning to Read and Reading to Learn. Dublin: Reading Association of Ireland, pp. 38-47.


Campbell S, Seymour D, Primrose W, Lynch J, Dunstan E, Espallargues M, Lamura G, Lawson P, Philp I, Mestheneos E, Politynska B & Raiha I (2005) A multi-centre European study of factors affecting the discharge destination of older people admitted to hospital: analysis of in-hospital data from the ACMEplus project.. Age and ageing, 34, pp. 467-475. https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afi141

Authored Book

McGhee D (2005) Intolerant Britain? Hate, Citizenship and Difference. Maidenhead: Open University Press. https://www.mheducation.co.uk/intolerant-britain-hate-citizenship-and-difference-9780335216741-emea-group


Simoens S, Matheson C, Bond CM, Inkster K & Ludbrook A (2005) Methadone vs buprenorphine (multiple letters) [11] [Author's Response]. British Journal of General Practice, 55 (516), pp. 558-559. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-21344437287&partnerID=40&md5=3a44389ea243c355d19460f4776ad3fb

Research Report

Gardner J, Leitch R & Galanouli D (2005) An Evaluation of the Consumer Skills for All Programme. General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland. The Consumer Council. http://gtcni.openrepository.com/gtcni/bitstream/2428/8314/1/GCCNI%20CSFA%20Executive%20Summary%202005.pdf

Research Report

Black P, Daugherty R, Ecclestone K, Gardner J, Harlen W, James M, Sebba JC & Stobart G (2004) A Systematic Review of the Evidence of the Impact on Students, Teachers and the Curriculum of the Process of Using Assessment by Teachers for Summative Purposes. EPPI-Centre, University of London. http://eppi.ioe.ac.uk/EPPIWebContent/reel/review_groups/assessment/assessment_protocol4.pdf


Campbell S, Seymour DG, Primrose W, Almazan C, Arino S, Dunstan E, Espallargues M, Hafiz AA, Lamura G, Lawson PJ, Lewko J, Lynch JE, Mestheneous E, Philp I & Politynska B (2004) A systematic literature review of factors affecting outcome in older medical patients admitted to hospital. Age and Ageing, 33, pp. 110-115. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-12144288693&doi=10.1093%2fageing%2fafh036&partnerID=40&md5=8a069300f33ea86ce695157c86edb6e2; https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afh036


Varcoe C, Doane G, Pauly B, Rodney P, Storch JL, Mahoney K, McPherson G, Brown H & Starzomski R (2004) Ethical practice in nursing: Working the in-betweens. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45 (3), pp. 316-325. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2648.2003.02892.x


McKee K, Philp I, Lamura G, Prouskas C, Oberg B, Krevers B, Spazzafumo L, Bień B, Parker CJ, Nolan MR & Szczerbinska K (2003) The COPE index - A first stage assessment of negative impact, positive value and quality of support of caregiving in informal carers of older people. Aging and Mental Health, 7, pp. 39-52. https://doi.org/10.1080/1360786021000006956


Davison S & Philp I (2003) Time to deliver with dignity. BMJ, 326, p. 1300. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.326.7402.1300

Research Report

Harlen W, Crick RD, Black P, Broadfoot P, Daugherty R, Gardner J, James M, Stobart G & Wiliam D (2003) A Systematic Review of the Impact on Students and Teachers of the Use of ICT for Assessment of Creative and Critical Thinking Skills. EPPI-Centre, University of London. http://eppi.ioe.ac.uk/cms/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=sVOeV1BF0Vw%3D&tabid=109&mid=916


Rodney P, Varcoe C, Storch JL, McPherson G, Mahoney K, Brown H, Pauly B, Hartrick G & Starzomski R (2002) Navigating Towards a Moral Horizon: A Multisite Qualitative Study of Ethical Practice in Nursing [Vers un horizon déontologique: une étude qualitative multicontextuelle des pratiques déontologiques au sein de la profession infirmière]. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 34 (3), pp. 75-102. http://cjnr.archive.mcgill.ca/article/view/1779

Research Report

Broadfoot P, Daugherty R, Gardner J, Harlen W, James M & Stobart G (2002) Assessment for Learning: 10 Principles. Assessment Reform Group. Nuffield Foundation and University of Cambridge. http://assessmentreformgroup.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/10principles_english.pdf

Research Report

Black P, Broadfoot P, Daugherty R, Gardner J, Harlen W, James M, Stobart G & Wiliam D (2002) Testing, Motivation and Learning. Assessment Reform Group. Nuffield Foundation and University of Cambridge. http://assessmentreformgroup.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/tml.pdf


Philp I, Ebrahim S, Connelly P, Jenkinson D, Ford G, McManus R, Lumley L, Gough M, Jhass L, Deacon K, Tallis RC & Evans JG (2001) New beginning for care for elderly people? [2] (multiple letters). British Medical Journal, 323, pp. 337-339. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0035845302&partnerID=40&md5=ad3ce079a08d6d51e0f4083c507e3141


Philp I, Ebrahim S, Connelly P, Jenkinson D, Ford G, Mcmanus R, Lumley L, Gough M, Jhass L, Deacon K, Tallis R & Evans JG (2001) New beginning for care for elderly people?. BMJ, 323, p. 337. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85007696207&doi=10.1136%2fbmj.323.7308.337%2fa&partnerID=40&md5=0adfcb0fb31931b1934492a8b44f1579; https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.323.7308.337/a

Authored Book

McGhee D (2001) Homosexuality, Law and Resistance. Routledge Research in Gender and Society. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Homosexuality-Law-and-Resistance/McGhee/p/book/9780415758499#

Research Report

Sinclair M, Gardner J, Mackin P, Boreland Z & Hood R (2001) Aspects of Maternity Care in Down Lisburn Trust: Analyses of the Records of Maternity Patients Deemed as Low-Risk on Admission and of Former Patients’ Perceptions of Maternity Care. Downe Lisburn Trust (Northern Ireland). http://www.doctoralmidwiferysociety.org/Recent_Papers.aspx


McGhee D (2001) Falling (in love), falling (in death). Space and Culture, 4 (7-9), pp. 162-172. https://doi.org/10.1177/120633120000300514

Book Chapter

McGhee D (2000) Wolfenden and the fear of 'Homosexual Spread': permeable boundaries and legal defences. In: Sarat A & Ewick P (eds.) Studies in Law, Politics and Society Vol: 21. Studies in Law, Politics and Society, 21. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 65-100. https://books.emeraldinsight.com/page/detail/Studies-in-Law-Politics-and-Society/?k=9780762307463&pl=1&loc=us


Jones J, Matheson C & Bond CM (2000) Patient satisfaction with a community pharmacist-managed system of repeat prescribing. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 8 (4), pp. 291-297. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0034505932&partnerID=40&md5=bfddd06e08d2386f4acb1abfafa798e5; https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2042-7174.2000.tb01018.x

Book Chapter

Gardner J & Walsh P (2000) ICT and Worldmindedness. In: Bailey RP (ed.) Teaching Values and Citizenship across the Curriculum: Educating Children for the World. Kogan Page Teaching Series. London: Kogan Page Limited, pp. 80-91.


Howe A, Bath P, Goudie F, Lothian K, McKee K, Newton P, Philp I, Rowse G, Seymour JE & Sivakumar V (2000) Getting the questions right: An example of loss of validity during transfer of a brief screening approach for depression in the elderly. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 15, pp. 650-655. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0033859184&doi=10.1002%2f1099-1166%28200007%2915%3a7%3c650%3a%3aAID-GPS186%3e3.0.CO%3b2-X&partnerID=40&md5=09b261696bb072349d2f08b838ed10b2; https://doi.org/10.1002/1099-1166%28200007%2915%3A7%3C650%3A%3AAID-GPS186%3E3.0.CO%3B2-X

Research Report

Broadfoot P, Daugherty R, Gardner J, Gipps C, Harlen W, James M & Stobart G (1999) Assessment for Learning: Beyond the Black Box. Nuffield Foundation and University of Cambridge. http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/sites/default/files/files/beyond_blackbox.pdf


Gray C & Gardner J (1999) The Impact of School Inspections. Oxford Review of Education, 25 (4), pp. 455-468. https://doi.org/10.1080/030549899103928


Dohner H, Kofahl C & Philp I (1999) Health outcome measures in primary health care for elderly people: First results of an EC concerted action (SCOPE) [Health outcome-instrumente in der primarversorgung alterer menschen - Erste Ergebnisse einer konzertierten aktion der EU (SCOPE)]. Geriatrie Forschung, 9, pp. 103-109.