
Faculty of Social Sciences

Outputs related to Faculty of Social Sciences

Showing 2301 to 2400 of 4419

Website Content

Mackie L, Coyle D, Crichton H, Easton R, Foley Y, Lynch M, McLellan C, Milligan L & McPake J (2017) National Framework for Languages: Plurilingualism and Pluriliteracies. The National Framework for Languages: Plurilingualism and Pluriliteracies [Website] 02.01.2017. http://www.nffl.education.ed.ac.uk/national-framework-for-languages/

Book Chapter

Rigby P & Ishola P (2016) Child Protection for Child Trafficking Victims. In: Malloch M & Rigby P (eds.) Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 84-102. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-human-trafficking.html

Edited Book

Viana V, Zyngier S & Barnbrook G (eds.) (2016) 语料库语言学群言集 [Perspectives on corpus linguistics]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Book Chapter

Viana V & Zyngier S (2016) Irony in everyday language use. In: Rucynski JJ (ed.) New ways in teaching with humor. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Press, pp. 319-321. http://sites.tesol.org/ItemDetail?WebsiteKey=62ea1393-07ea-402b-b723-0e66240ee86b&iProductCode=14068

Book Chapter

Simmons R & Nikolic M (2016) Credit Co-operatives in Serbia: Retrospect and Prospect. In: Karafolas S (ed.) Credit Cooperative Institutions in European Countries. Contributions to Economics. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 379-404. http://www.springer.com/gb/book/9783319287836; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-28784-3_21

Book Chapter

Zyngier S & Viana V (2016) Literary awareness in a high-school EFL learning environment. In: Burke M, Fialho O & Zyngier S (eds.) Scientific Approaches to Literature in Learning Environments. Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 24. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 271-302. https://benjamins.com/#catalog/books/lal.24/main


Malloch M (2016) Justice for Women: A Penal Utopia?. Justice, Power and Resistance, Foundation Volume, pp. 151-169. http://www.egpress.org/content/foundation-volume-2016-justice-power-and-resistance

Book Chapter

Forbes J & Weiner G (2016) 'Independent' in Scotland: elite by education?. In: Maxwell C & Aggleton P (eds.) Elite Education: International Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 29-41. https://www.routledge.com/Elite-Education-International-perspectives/Maxwell-Aggleton/p/book/9781138799615

Book Chapter

Munro W (2016) Human Trafficking: Capital Exploitation and the Accursed Share. In: Malloch M & Rigby P (eds.) Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-human-trafficking.html

Book Chapter

Malloch M & Rigby P (2016) Contexts and Complexities. In: Malloch M & Rigby P (eds.) Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1-16. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-human-trafficking.html

Book Chapter

Copland F, Mann S & Garton S (2016) Introduction: Positions, experiences and reflections on the native speaker issue. In: Copland F, Garton S & Mann S (eds.) LETs and NESTs: VOices, Views and Vignettes. London: British Council, pp. 5-19. https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/lets-nests-voices-views-vignettes

Book Chapter

Copland F & Creese A (2016) Ethical issues in linguistic ethnography: Balancing the micro and the macro. In: De Costa P (ed.) Ethics in applied linguistics research: Language researcher narratives. Second Language Acquisition Research Series. New York: Routledge, pp. 161-178. https://www.routledge.com/Ethics-in-Applied-Linguistics-Research-Language-Researcher-Narratives/De-Costa/p/book/9780415739061; https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315816937

Book Chapter

Swanson DM (2016) Democracy, Education, and a Politics of Indignation. In: Carr P, Thomas P, Porfilio B & Gorlewski J (eds.) Democracy and Decency: What does Education have to do with it?. Critical Constructions: Studies on Education and Society. Charlotte, NC, USA: Information Age Publishing, pp. 21-37. http://www.infoagepub.com/products/Democracy-and-Decency

Book Chapter

McIvor G (2016) What is the impact of community service?. In: McNeill F, Durnescu I I & Butter R (eds.) Probation: 12 Essential Questions. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 107-128. http://www.palgrave.com/de/book/9781137519801

Book Chapter

McIvor G (2016) Offending and desistance among young women. In: Kruttschnitt C & Bijleveld C (eds.) Lives of Incarcerated Women: An International Perspective. Rutledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice, 28. New York: Routledge, pp. 159-175. https://www.routledge.com/Lives-of-Incarcerated-Women-An-international-perspective/Kruttschnitt-Bijleveld/p/book/9781138803718

Book Chapter

I'Anson J (2016) RE: Pedagogy - after neutrality. In: Arthur J & Barnes L (eds.) Education and Religion. Major Themes in Education. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Education-and-Religion/Arthur-Barnes/p/book/9781138827769

Book Chapter

Wilson S (2016) Ambivalence, Autonomy, and Children and Young People’s Belonging or not in Home Spaces. In: Punch S, Vanderbeck R R & Skelton T (eds.) Families, Intergenerationality, and Peer Group Relations. Geographies of Children and Young People, 5. Singapore: Springer Singapore, pp. 1-19. http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-981-4585-92-7_4-1

Book Chapter

Connelly S, Vanderhoven D, Durose C, Richardson L, Matthews P & Rutherfoord R (2016) Translation across borders: exploring the use, relevance and impact of academic research in the policy process. In: O'Brien D & Matthews P (eds.) After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place. Connected Communities. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 181-198. https://policypress.co.uk/after-urban-regeneration#book-detail-tabs-stison-block-content-1-0-tab2; https://doi.org/10.1332/policypress/9781447324157.003.0012

Conference Paper (published)

Hoekstra R, Merono-Penuela A, Dentler K, Rijpma A, Zijdeman R & Zandhuis I (2016) An ecosystem for linked humanities data. In: Adamou A, Daga E & Isaksen L (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic Web (WHiSe 2016). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1608. 1st Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic Web (WHiSe 2016), Anissaras, Greece, 29.05.2016. Aachen: CEUR, pp. 85-96. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1608/#paper-11

Book Chapter

Gardner J & Galanouli D (2016) Teachers' Perceptions of Assessment. In: Wyse D, Hayward L & Pandya J (eds.) Sage Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. London: SAGE, pp. 710-724. https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/the-sage-handbook-of-curriculum-pedagogy-and-assessment-2v/book242832#contents

Research Report

Westwood J, Pemble C & Patterson F (2016) Leadership in Social Work Qualifying Education. Scottish Social Services Council. 我要吃瓜. http://www.sssc.uk.com/about-the-sssc/multimedia-library/publications?task=document.viewdoc&id=3200

Research Report

Hadland A, Lambert P & Barnett C (2016) The State of News Photography 2016. World Press Photo. http://www.worldpressphoto.org/activities/research/state-news-photography-2016

Book Chapter

Gardner J (2016) The public understanding of error in educational assessment. In: Gardner J (ed.) The Public Understanding of Assessment. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/The-Public-Understanding-of-Assessment/Gardner/p/book/9781138188778

Book Chapter

Gardner J (2016) Introduction. In: Gardner J (ed.) The Public Understanding of Assessment. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/The-Public-Understanding-of-Assessment/Gardner/p/book/9781138188778

Edited Book

Gardner J (ed.) (2016) The Public Understanding of Assessment. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/The-Public-Understanding-of-Assessment/Gardner/p/book/9781138188778

Conference Paper (published)

Galloway S (2016) Adult literacies in Scotland: is social practice being buried alive?. In: James N (ed.) Adult Education in Austere Times: SCUTREA Conference Proceedings 2016. SCUTREA, 45th Annual Conference, July 2016, Leicester, UK. Leicester: Vaughan Centre for Lifelong Learning, University of Leicester, pp. 95-101. http://cradall.org/sites/default/files/Final%20SCUTREA%20Proceedings%20July%202016_0.pdf


Drew V, Priestley M & Michael MK (2016) Curriculum Development Through Critical Collaborative Professional Enquiry. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 1 (1), pp. 92-106. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/pdf/10.1108/JPCC-09-2015-0006; https://doi.org/10.1108/JPCC-09-2015-0006

Book Chapter

Cavanagh B, Hamilton-Smith N & Mackenzie S (2016) Organised crime in Scotland and the Criminal Justice Response. In: Croall H, Mooney G & Munro M (eds.) Crime, Justice and Society in Scotland. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 115-130. https://www.routledge.com/Crime-Justice-and-Society-in-Scotland/Croall-Mooney-Munro/p/book/9780415750301

Book Chapter

Munday I (2016) Creativity, Education and the Future. In: Smeyers P & Depaepe M M (eds.) Educational Research: Discourses of Change and Changes of Discourse. Educational Research, 9. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International, pp. 57-69. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-30456-4_6

Book Chapter

Mannion G & Lynch J (2016) The primacy of place in education in outdoor settings. In: Humberstone B, Prince H & Henderson K (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Outdoor Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 85-94. https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138782884


Sherwood-Johnson F (2016) Independent advocacy in adult support and protection work. Journal of Adult Protection, 18 (2), pp. 109-118. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/JAP-09-2015-0026; https://doi.org/10.1108/JAP-09-2015-0026

Book Chapter

Sugden F & Punch S (2016) Changing Aspirations, Education, and Migration: Young People’s Declining Agroecological Knowledge in Rural Asia. In: Ansell N, Klocker N & Skelton T (eds.) Geographies of Global Issues: Change and Threat. Geographies of Children and Young People, 8. Singapore: Springer, pp. 483-499. http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-981-4585-95-8_1-1

Book Chapter

McIntosh I, Punch S & Emond R (2016) Creating Spaces to Care: Children's Rights and Food Practices in Residential Care. In: Kallio K, Mills S & Skelton T (eds.) Politics, Citizenship and Rights. Geographies of Children and Young People, 7. Singapore: Springer, pp. 39-53. http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-981-4585-57-6_16

Book Chapter

Cooper E (2016) Designing an interview protocol focusing on teachers’ experiences using semiotic theory in the elementary classroom: An instrumental case study. In: Danesi M & Greco S (eds.) Case studies in discourse analysis. LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics, 29. Lincom Europa, pp. 103-121. https://lincom-shop.eu/epages/57709feb-b889-4707-b2ce-c666fc88085d.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/57709feb-b889-4707-b2ce-c666fc88085d/Products/%22ISBN%209783862887149%22

Book Chapter

Wolf J, Anderson I, van den Dries L & Filopovic Hrast M (2016) The Health of Homeless Women. In: Mayock P & Bretherton J (eds.) Women's Homelessness in Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 155-178. http://www.palgrave.com/de/book/9781137545152; https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-54516-9_7

Book Chapter

Creese A, Takhi JK & Blackledge A (2016) Reflexivity in team ethnography: Using researcher vignettes. In: Martin-Jones M & Martin D (eds.) Researching Multilingualism: Critical and ethnographic perspectives. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 203-214. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315405346

Book Chapter

Boyle J & McCartney E (2016) Parameters of service delivery and the Strathclyde Language Intervention Program (SLIP). In: McCauley R, Fey M & Gillam R (eds.) Treatment of Language Disorders in Children. 2nd ed. Communication and Language Intervention Series. Baltimore, MD, USA: Brookes Publishing, pp. 451-486. https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/58362/

Book Review

Connon I (2016) Review of ‘Cultures and Disasters: Understanding Cultural Framings in Disaster Risk Reduction. Review of: Cultures and Disasters: Understanding Cultural Framings in Disaster Risk Reduction. Krüger, Fred, Greg Bankoff, Terry Cannon, Benedikt Orlowski, and E. Lisa F. Schipper, eds. New York: Routledge, 2015. 282 pp. ISBN 978-0415745604. Environment and Society, 7 (1), pp. 139-143. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26204979